98-99 University Bulletin Entry for:

Legal Studies Program

(file last updated: [8/10/1998 - 15:26:16])


The law, one of the most significantinstitutions in the life of any society, is an important subjectof study for all students--especially so in the United States,where our lives are so critically affected by the legal system,and where citizen knowledge and participation are vitally needed.

The law also represents a bodyof ideas, values, and functions of serious concern to scholarsin the various fields of the social sciences and humanities. TheLegal Studies Program is an interdisciplinary one, designed tooffer students the opportunity of studying law not as a subjectof professional practice, but as one worthy of liberal inquiry.It examines law from many perspectives: historical, anthropological,sociological, philosophical, political, economic, psychological,and literary.

Through classroom courses andinternships in public-service law and health care organizations,the program combines "real world" experiential educationwith academic methods and insights. Students considering careersin law or health policy may find the program a useful way to testtheir interest in working with legal materials, but the programis not intended as a preprofessional course of study.

The Legal Studies Program consistsof two tracks: (1) Law and Society and (2) Law, Medicine, andHealth Policy. Each track has been designed to function as anintegrated whole, but individual courses are open to all Brandeisstudents who meet the prerequisites.

The Law and Society Track examinesthe role of law in broad aspects of social life: the public policyprocess, economic development, and cultural expression. Topicalseminars give students an opportunity to explore, in depth, suchfields as international and comparative law, sex discrimination,civil liberties, and environmental safety.

The Law, Medicine, and HealthPolicy Track examines law and its relationship to medicine andhealth care policy. Health care issues, such as equitable accessto health care and appropriate use of new medical technology,now rank among the major concerns of our society. The Law, Medicine,and Health Policy Track examines the interaction between law andethical, political, social, and economic factors that affect Americanhealth care. This track introduces premedical, prelaw, and otherundergraduates to the wide diversity of professionals, institutions,and populations that affect and are served by the American healthcare system. Its goal is to help all students understand how lawand health care are related, comprehend how the political processinfluences legal decisions and health outcomes, and consider ifand how law furthers equity and justice in the delivery of healthcare.

How to Become a ProgramMember

The Legal Studies Program isopen to all Brandeis undergraduates. To enroll in the Program,students fill out declaration forms from the Office of AcademicAffairs and from the Office of the Legal Studies Program(Brown 325).

Students who complete the programrequirements for either track will receive legal studies certificatesand notations on their permanent records and transcripts.


Richard Gaskins, Chair

(American Studies)

Jeffrey Abramson


Gila Hayim


Morton Keller


Reuven Kimelman

(Near Eastern and Judaic Studies)

Martin Levin


Susan Staves


Lyman Stookey

(Legal Studies)

Peter Woll


David Wong



Richard Gaskins, Director

American legal culture. Legalrhetoric. Environmental policy.

Lyman Stookey

Health law. Family law. Humanservices administration.

Requirements for the Program

Requirements for the Lawand Society Track

A.Core Course: LGLS 10a (Introduction to Law), preferably no laterthan the student's junior year.

B.One topical seminar in Law and Society or in Law, Medicine, andHealth Policy; or a seminar listed under Departmental Electivesin Law and Society. Students normally take the seminar duringtheir junior or senior year. Students may substitute LGLS 114a(formerly LGLS 14a) for a seminar. LGLS 125b (International Law,Organizations, and Conflict Resolution) may fulfill the Law andSociety seminar requirement only for students who take the coursetheir junior or senior year and write a paper. They must tellthe professor at the beginning of the semester that they are takingthe course as a LGLS seminar. LGLS 125b may serve as a Law andSociety elective for those who do not take it as a LGLS seminar.Under the University's cross-registration program, students maytake seminars at certain Boston-area colleges and universitiesto satisfy this requirement, if they have prior approval of theprogram director.

C.At least three additional departmental electives in Law and Society,no more than two of which may be taken in the same department.Students who take several topical seminars may substitute allbut one for electives. Students who take LGLS 10a for the corecourse may substitute LGLS 114a (formerly LGLS 14a) for an elective.

D.Either of the following:

1. A Senior Thesis in the student'sdepartment of concentration, with an emphasis on some aspect oflaw. In addition to the departmental thesis advisor, an advisoror mentor for legal studies may be assigned.

2. An internship arranged throughthe program office and the correlative seminar, LGLS 92a (formerlyLGLS 77a) or LGLS 92b (formerly LGLS 77b).

Requirements for Law,Medicine, and Health Policy Track

A.Core courses: LGLS 114a (American Health Law and Policy) and SOC191a (Health, Community, and Society).

B.Topical seminar in Law, Medicine, and Health Policy or LGLS 121b,LGLS 122a, LGLS 129b, or LGLS 132b.

C.Two electives in Law, Medicine, and Health Policy from two differentdepartments. Students in this track may take LGLS 10a as an elective.Students who take several Law, Medicine, and Health Policy topicalseminars may substitute all but one for electives if they alsohave an elective in another department.

D.Either of the following:

1. An approved internship ina Boston area health care organization and correlative seminarLGLS 92b (formerly LGLS 77b).

2. A health care law-relatedsenior thesis in the student's department of concentration. Inaddition to the departmental thesis advisor, an advisor or mentorfor legal studies may be assigned.

Courses of Instruction

(1-99) Primarily for UndergraduateStudents

LGLS 10a Introduction toLaw

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Enrollment limited to 200.

Surveys the nature, process,and institutions of law: the reasoning of lawyers and judges,the interplay of cases and policies, the impact of history andculture, and the ideals of justice and responsibility. Usuallyoffered every year.

Mr. Gaskins

LGLS 92a Law and SocietyInternship and Seminar

(Formerly LGLS 77a)

Prerequisites: LGLS 10aand one topical seminar or departmental elective, or permissionof the instructor. Signature of the program administrator required.This course may not be repeated for credit.

Biweekly seminar and a supervisedlaw-related internship in a public agency or nonprofit organization.Examples of internship activities include investigating discriminationcases, negotiating between consumers and small business, and researchingvictim assistance policies. Internships must be arranged throughthe program administrator. Usually offered every semester.

Mr. Stookey

LGLS 92b Law, Medicine,and Health Policy Internship and Seminar

(Formerly LGLS 77b)

Prerequisites: LGLS 114a(formerly LGLS 14a) and one Law, Medicine, and Health Policy topicalseminar or elective, or permission of the instructor. Signatureof the program administrator required. This course may not berepeated for credit.

Biweekly seminar and a supervisedinternship in health care or policy organization, for example,helping Medicaid with new quality control programs, researchinghealth-related laws and services for Latino immigrants in Massachusetts,helping develop models of integrated healthcare networks for theMassachusetts Hospital Association. Internships must be arrangedthrough the instructor. Usually offered every semester.

Mr. Stookey

LGLS 98a Independent Research

Signature of the instructorrequired.

Usually offered every year.


LGLS 98b Independent Research

Signature of the instructorrequired.

Usually offered every year.


(100-199) For Both Undergraduateand Graduate Students

Topical Seminars in Lawand Society

All seminars are limited inenrollment and usually restricted to juniors and seniors, withpreference to legal studies students.

LGLS 114a American HealthCare: Law and Policy

(Formerly LGLS 14a)

[ cl22 cl44ss ]

Highlights issues of access,quality, and cost. Introduces laws and regulations that affectevery aspect of American health care from planning and financeto patient treatment. Traces development of Medicare and Medicaid.Discusses malpractice, "birth of the Blues," expansionof HMOs, and influence of employer-purchased insurance on costand delivery of health care. Portrays the important role courts,Congress, and administrative agencies play in organization anddelivery of health services. Usually offered every year.

Mr. Stookey and guest lecturers

LGLS 120a Sex Discriminationand the Law

[ cl15 cl46ss ]

Signature of the programadministrator required.

Traces the evolution of women'srights in the family, in employment, and in the reproductive process,as well as constitutional doctrines. Examines gender inequalitiesand assesses if and how the law should address them. Legal casesstudied emphasize how law reflects society. Usually offered ineven years.


LGLS 121b Law and SocialWelfare: Citizen Rights and Government Responsibilities

[ cl44 ss]

Signature of the programadministrator required.

Examines the range of supportsfor social protection (the entire social safety net) and socialdevelopment (education, training) for individuals and familiesin American society. Legal rights and responsibilities are exploredin light of recent broad shifts in federal and state welfare policies.Usually offered in odd years.


LGLS 122a Business and Society:Corporate Responsibility for Worker and Consumer Safety

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Signature of the programadministrator required.

Examines why and how the lawholds business responsible for harm suffered by workers and consumersduring the manufacture and use of its products. Students willconsider the purpose and effectiveness of various aspects of legalliability systems, e.g., torts, administrative agency programsfor injury prevention, and liability insurance. Usually offeredin odd years.


LGLS 124b Law and Development:International Perspectives

[ nw ss ]

Signature of the programadministrator required.

Examines law as a creativeforce shaping social and economic changes within the internationalarena. Explores how legal systems encourage global pressures formodernization, promote the reach of private international law,and sharpen internal conflict within developing countries. Usuallyoffered in even years.


LGLS 125b InternationalLaw, Organizations, and Conflict Resolution

[ cl40 ss]

Signature of the programadministrator required.

Introduction to internationallaw, its nature, sources, and application, e.g., its role in themanagement of international conflicts. Topics may include internationalagreements, international organizations including the United Nationsand the International Court of Justice, states and recognition,nationality and alien rights, territorial and maritime jurisdiction,international claims, the laws of war and human rights. Usuallyoffered in odd years.

Ms. Epps

LGLS 126b Marriage, Divorce,and Parenthood

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Signature of the programadministrator required.

Examines recent developmentsin family law concerning cohabitation, abortion, open adoption,no-fault divorce, joint custody, and child abuse. Explores socialand political developments that elicit changes in law and impactof new law. Usually offered in odd years.


LGLS 127b Law and Lettersin American Culture

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Signature of the instructorrequired.

Explores interactions betweenthe vocations of law and letters, between the legal imaginationand literature. Examines ways in which ideas and ideals of thelaw have marked the American character, and how literature reflectsthis process. Various themes and periods may be chosen for specialemphasis. Usually offered every third year. Last offered in thespring of 1998.

Ms. Davis

LGLS 129b Law, Technology,and Innovation

[ cl34 ss]

Signature of the programadministrator required.

How law encourages and restrainsthe processes of social innovation and technology change, includingsuch issues as biotechnology engineering, workplace and consumerhealth and safety, impact of new information technologies, intellectualproperty rights. Shows how law balances personal, social, andeconomic interests. Usually offered in odd years.


LGLS 130a Conflict Analysisand Intervention

[ cl40 ss]

Signature of the programadministrator required.

Focuses on the theories ofconflict and on dispute resolution management approaches otherthan litigation. Students will have an opportunity to assess theirown attitudes about and skills in conflict resolution throughsimulations and interactive exercises. Usually offered in evenyears. Last offered in the spring of 1998.


LGLS 132b EnvironmentalLaw and Policy

[ cl16 cl32ss ]

Signature of the programadministrator required.

Examines public health andenvironmental problems, including regulation of harmful substancesin our environment, wilderness preservation, and protection ofwetlands and endangered species. Explores use of risk assessmentand cost-benefit analysis; also considers the impact of politicalideologies on legislation and adjudication. Evaluates law's effortsand limitations in protecting public health and the environment.Usually offered in odd years.

Mr. Gaskins

LGLS 137a Libel and Defamation,Privacy and Publicity

[ cl4 ss]

Signature of the instructorrequired.

Consideration of the historical,cultural, and constitutional roots--and judicial application--oflaws defining libel and defamation. Part of the course will bedevoted to "privacy rights" as they apply to issuesof artistic freedom and integrity. Usually offered in even years.

Ms. Davis

Cross-Listed Topical Seminarsin Law and Society

AMST 187a

The Legal Boundaries of Publicand Private Life

AMST 188b

Justice Brandeis and ProgressiveJurisprudence

PHIL 74b

Foundations of American Pragmatism

Topical Seminars in Law,Medicine, and Health Policy

In addition to the topicalseminars below, the following courses also will satisfy the seminarrequirement for the Law, Medicine, and Health Policy Track: LGLS121b, LGLS 122a, LGLS 129b, and LGLS 132b.

All seminars are limited inenrollment and usually restricted to juniors and seniors, withpreference given to premedical, predental, and legal studies concentrators.

LGLS 131b Autonomy and Self-determinationin Critical Health Care Decisions

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Signature of the programadministrator required.

Examines how decisions aremade to treat critically ill patients. Ethical and philosophicalaspects of the physician-patient relationship, the doctrine ofinformed consent, "medical futility," "physician-assistedsuicide," and "right-to-die" cases will be explored.Usually offered in even years.

Mr. Stookey and guest speakers

LGLS 139b Medical Malpracticeon Trial

[ cl22 ss]

Prerequisite: LGLS 114a.Signature of the program administrator required.

Addresses three fundamentalissues of responsibility and caring in American health care: How,through law, compensation should be arranged for persons who suffermedical injury; substandard care should be deterred; and, highquality care should be promoted. Usually offered in odd years.

Mr. Stookey

Cross-Listed Topical Seminarsin Law, Medicine, and Health Policy

AMST 187a

The Legal Boundaries of Publicand Private Life

AMST 188b

Justice Brandeis and ProgressiveJurisprudence

Departmental Electives

The following law-related coursesgiven by the various departments are approved for the Legal StudiesProgram. They are not all given in any one year, and thereforethe Course Schedule for each semester should be consulted.Legal studies students are required to take three electives, nomore than two in any one department. Departmental electives taughtas seminars may fulfill either the topical seminar requirementor the elective requirement, but not both.

Law and Society Electives

An asterisk (*) indicatesthat the course may serve as a Law and Society topical seminaror elective.

AMST 160a*

U.S. Immigration History, Policy,and Law

AMST 170a

The Idea of Conspiracy in AmericanCulture

AMST 191b*

Environmental Research Workshop

ANTH 156a

Power and Violence: The Anthropologyof Political Systems

ANTH 164a*

Topics in Economic Anthropology


Forensic Science: Colonel Mustard,Candlestick, Billiard Room

ECON 57a

Environmental Economics

ECON 74b

Law and Economics

ECON 177b

Economic Regulation and Deregulation

ENG 44a

Rights: Theory and Rhetoric

HIST 161b

American Political History

HIST 167b*

American Legal History

NEJS 53b

Introduction to Talmud

NEJS 113b*

Near Eastern Law: Source, Sense,and Society

NEJS 120b

Intermediate Talmud

NEJS 133b*

Seminar: Religion and Law

NEJS 183b

Research in Jewish Law

PHIL 19a

Human Rights

PHIL 20a

Social and Political Philosophy:Democracy and Disobedience

PHIL 22b

Philosophy of Law

PHIL 74b*

Foundations of American Pragmatism

PHIL 114b*

Topics in Ethical Theory

PHIL 116a*

Seminar in Political Philosophy:Justice


Technology and the Managementof Public Risk

POL 108b*

Seminar: Liberty and Equalityin American Politics

POL 110a

Media Politics and Society

POL 112a*

National Government of theUnited States

POL 114a*

The Courts and Public Policy

POL 115a

Constitutional Law

POL 115b*

Seminar: Constitutional Lawand Theory

POL 116b

Civil Liberties in America

POL 117a

Administrative Law

POL 123b

The Politics of Urban CriminalJustice

POL 165a*

Seminar: International Relationsand the Global Environment

POL 192b*

Seminar: Topics in Law andPolitical Theory

SOC 106a*

Issues in Law and Society

Law, Medicine, and HealthPolicy Electives

AMST 187a

The Legal Boundaries of Publicand Private Life

ANTH 142a

AIDS in the Third World

ECON 74b

Law and Economics

ECON 177b

Economic Regulation and Deregulation

HIST 136a

Doctors and Patients Since1789

HS 104b

American Health Care: A Systemin Crisis

HS 400a

Introduction to Statistics

LGLS 10a

Introduction to Law

PHIL 23b

Biomedical Ethics

PHIL 114b

Topics in Ethical Theory


Technology and the Managementof Public Risk

POL 115a

Constitutional Law

POL 115b

Seminar: Constitutional Lawand Theory

POL 116b

Civil Liberties in America

POL 117a

Administrative Law

PSYC 130b

Life Span Development: Adulthoodand Old Age

PSYC 131b

Seminar in Health Psychology

PSYC 145b

Aging in a Changing World

PSYC 163b

Women and Madness

SOC 103a

The Sociology of Mental Illnessand Health

SOC 123b

Crisis of the Welfare State

SOC 165a

Sociology of Birth and Death

SOC 177b

Aging in Society

SOC 189a

Sociology of Body and Health

SOC 190b

On the Caring of the MedicalCare System

SOC 192b

Sociology of Disability

WMNS 106b

Women in the Health Care System

The Lemberg Program inInternational Economics and Finance

(file last updated: [8/10/1998 - 15:26:17])

See Graduate School of InternationalEconomics and Finance.