98-99 University Bulletin Entry for:

The College of Arts and Sciences

(file last updated: [8/10/1998 - 15:25:13])

Admission to the Collegeof Arts and Sciences

The University selects newstudents each year on the basis of merit, admitting those individualswhom it believes to be best prepared academically and personallyfor the University's educational program and most likely to contributeto and profit from the life of the Brandeis community. Althoughit chooses a class varied in its interests, talents, and experience,it uses no quotas of any kind--geographic, racial, religious,or economic.

In its evaluation of candidates,the admissions office weighs evidence of accomplishment and development;school and teacher statements based on previous study and experience;relevance to the application of test results; and impressionsgained through the application.

Admission Requirementsfor Freshman Candidates

To be considered for freshmanadmission a candidate should be enrolled in a college preparatorycourse of study. Students planning to enter college before thecompletion of their secondary school programs, veterans, or otherpersons with equivalency diplomas or special school backgroundsshould write directly to the dean of admissions regarding theirinterest and experience.

An adequate course in preparationfor Brandeis should include four years of English; three yearsof a foreign language, including study during the senior yearwhenever possible (two years each of two languages is acceptablebut less desirable); three years of college preparatory mathematics(prospective science concentrators should present a year of advancedmathematics); at least one year of science (chemistry, physics,or biology); and one year of history. The remaining courses shouldgenerally be in traditional college preparatory studies. It isrecognized, however, that courses in the creative arts are ofvalue to students intending to concentrate in these fields incollege.

The Scholastic Aptitude Test("SAT I" and "SAT II: Subject Tests") of theCollege Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) are regarded by theCommittee on Admissions as one of several factors in one's candidacyand as a method of evaluating the qualifications of candidatesfrom different schools and areas. All candidates must take theSAT I and three SAT II: Subject Tests, one of which must be SATII: Writing Test. The other two are of the student's own choosing.We recommend that all candidates take the SATs in their senioryear in order to present the best possible testing results. Alltests should be completed by the end of January of the senioryear. Students may submit results from the American College TestingProgram (ACT) in lieu of College Entrance Examination Board testing.

Full information concerningtesting may be obtained from secondary school guidance counselorsor directly from the agencies administering the exams. For informationon the SAT I and SAT II: Subject Tests, contact the College EntranceExamination Board, Box 592, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, or Box1025, Berkeley, California 94707. For information on the ACT,write the American College Testing Program, Box 168, Iowa City,Iowa 52243. The candidate should direct the CEEB or ACT officesto report scores to the dean of admissions.

Early Decision

Freshman candidates who, aftercareful consideration of various college options, have decidedfirmly that Brandeis is their first choice, are encouraged toapply for admission under the Early Decision Plan. Early Decisioncandidates and their college counselors must sign a statementon the application indicating that they understand the implicationsof the Early Decision Plan and that the student will enroll ifadmitted. Although Early Decision candidates may file regularapplications to other colleges, it is with the understanding thatthose applications will be withdrawn when candidates are offeredadmission to Brandeis under the Early Decision Plan. All applicationsand supporting credentials for Early Decision must be receivedno later than January 1. Supporting credentials should includethe SAT I and as many SAT II: Subject Tests as have been completed,or the ACT. Early Decision applicants will be notified of a decisionwithin four weeks of the receipt of a completed application. Candidatesnot accepted under Early Decision will automatically be consideredin the regular review period for the April notification date.Further detailed information about the Early Decision Plan iscontained in the admissions application packet.

Admission Requirementsfor Transfer Candidates

The Committee on Admissionswelcomes applications from individuals whose promise and priorattainment is in keeping with the opportunity for a continuationof concentrated scholarly study at Brandeis. Whenever desired,applicants will be granted a conference with a faculty memberin the area of academic interest. Some financial aid is reservedannually for transfer candidates.

Transfer admission is grantedsolely in keeping with the University's degree requirement ofa minimum of two years of full-time study. To be consideredfor admission, a candidate should present, in applying, evidenceof good standing (academically and personally) in his or her precedingcollege and sound reasons for wishing to transfer.

In its selection of transfercandidates, the Committee on Admissions gives major considerationto the quality of college-level work completed and some considerationto further evidence of promise for achievement at Brandeis basedon the secondary school record, personal evaluations by the appropriatedean and an instructor, and testing and information conveyed bythe candidate. Candidates should submit either Scholastic AptitudeTest or ACT scores from testing completed either during secondaryschool or by April of the year of application.

Admission of InternationalStudents

International applicants shouldrequest application materials from the Office of Admissions. Tobe considered for admission as an international student, a candidateshould have successfully completed a pre-university program (theduration of which was at least 12 years) with strong results onnationally administered examinations where applicable. Undergraduateapplicants whose native tongue is English are required to takethe SAT I and SAT II: Subject Tests administered by the EducationalTesting Service at centers throughout the world. The TOEFL (Testof English as a Foreign Language) is required of applicants whoare not native speakers of English.

The deadline for receipt ofinternational applications is February 1 for enrollment the followingSeptember. The deadline for spring semester admission is November1. Candidates for September admission are encouraged to applyfor financial aid through the Wien International Scholarship Program,which is described below. No financial aid is available for internationalcandidates for spring semester admission.

The Wien International ScholarshipProgram, createdin 1958 by Lawrence A. and Mae Wien, is designed to further globalunderstanding, provide international students with opportunitiesfor study in the United States, and enrich the intellectual andcultural life of the Brandeis campus.

The program permits the Universityto offer undergraduate awards each year to outstanding incomingstudents. The scholarships are based on academic excellence andwill cover the cost of tuition, fees, and a stipend for books.Loan funds and an on-campus job will cover additional costs forroom, board, and personal maintenance, to meet the full need ofeach individual scholar. In no case will a scholarship awardedto an international student include funds for travel expenses.Awards are made for a single year to degree candidates and maybe renewed annually upon application to the Wien InternationalScholarship Program Committee.

International applicants areconsidered for other University funded merit-based scholarshipsas well as limited need-based awards. Need-based awards are intendedto assist as many students as resources permit through award packagesof grant, on-campus employment, and loan funds covering part ofthe total cost; an International Student Financial Aid Applicationmust be completed.

International VisitingScholar (IVIS) Program

Undergraduate applicants mayalso be accepted as special students who apply for this "yearabroad" in order to enhance and complement work taken intheir home countries. The IVIS Program was inaugurated in 1986to allow a small number of exceptional international studentsto broaden their acquaintance with American culture and society.These students will be admitted for a year of full-time studyin any discipline. They will be expected to live in campus housingand participate actively in campus activities.

IVIS Scholars must currentlybe university students (or eligible to enter university) and havea fluent command of English and a solid record of academic achievement.They must show evidence of leadership in the activities of theirschool, university, or community.

Brandeis University will providea full tuition waiver for IVIS Scholars, but they will be responsiblefor all other expenses, including on-campus room and board, fees,books, personal costs, and travel. Awards will be made for a singleyear only and are not renewable under any circumstances. Applicationsmust be received by January 31 prior to the September term ofenrollment. Selections of awardees will be announced in April.

Brandeis Adult StudentOption

The Committee on Admissionswelcomes applications from adult students who are interested inpursuing their B.A. degree at Brandeis. For a candidate who hasbeen out of high school or college for a number of years, theCommittee on Admissions looks for evidence--recent course work(noncredit or credit), work, or volunteer experience--that theapplicant has remained intellectually curious and highly motivated.Transcripts from recent course work are particularly helpful inproviding documentation. Letters of recommendation from teachers,supervisors, or colleagues; a personal statement; and a personalinterview give further evidence of promise for achievement atBrandeis. No standardized testing is required but a candidatemay submit official testing if he or she desires.

Brandeis adult students maypay on a course-by-course basis taking as few as one or as manyas five-and-a-half courses per semester (see tuition section forthe rate per course). In order to receive the baccalaureate, theymust meet all degree requirements, except rate-of-work requirements,that apply to full-time students. Credit will be given for coursework done elsewhere if it meets University transfer credit criteria.

Candidates interested in theBrandeis Adult Student Option should apply by April 1 for thefall semester and December 1 for the spring semester.

Special Student Status

The University accepts as SpecialStudents for the fall and spring semesters a small number of personswho are not candidates for a degree at Brandeis and who wish toelect one or more courses for which they are qualified and candemonstrate special need. This would include students who aredegree candidates at another college or university wishing toattend Brandeis as visiting students. Special Student status issubject to approval on an individual and semester basis. Studentswhose academic performance does not meet Brandeis standards maybe denied permission to register for a second semester. Neitherresidence nor financial aid is available to Special Students,and no special student may take precedence over a degree candidatein any limited enrollment course. Please note that internationalstudents in Special Student status must enroll for a full courseof study.

Persons interested in specialstudent status should apply by July 15 for the fall semester andby December 1 for the spring semester.

Credit for College-LevelWork Done in High School

Students may earn credit towardthe Brandeis degree for college-level work taken during Americanhigh school study (grades 9-12) or before entering Brandeis asfreshmen. Such courses must be offered by accredited post-secondaryinstitutions; designed for and accessible to regular college studentsand taught by instructors whose institutional responsibilitiesare primarily at the post-secondary level; acceptable for degreecredit at the host institution; and comparable to Brandeis coursesin content, scope, and level of instruction, as judged by Brandeisfaculty. To receive credit for courses taken at institutions otherthan Brandeis, the student must achieve grades of B- or higher,as certified by an official college transcript received by Brandeis,must not have applied the credit toward high school graduationrequirements, and must petition through the Office of the UniversityRegistrar. Courses that are considered credit worthy by sponsoringand cooperating colleges and universities may not meet Brandeisrequirements.

Advanced Placement

Brandeis University participatesin the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance ExaminationBoard. Qualifying scores necessary to receive credit are recommendedby the academic departments to their school councils and administeredby the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.

Generally, especially in thesciences, advanced placement credit may not be applied towardsatisfaction of a field of concentration. However, it may permitstudents to begin work in a field at a higher level. Advancedplacement credit may be applied toward satisfaction of Universitydegree requirements in the chart on pages 19 and 20.

Unlike some other languages,there is no advanced placement exam in Hebrew. Therefore, theHebrew Program at Brandeis offers students who are nonnative,have studied Hebrew in high school, have had no college-levelcourses, and have demonstrated advanced knowledge in the BrandeisHebrew placement exam, an opportunity to take an additional examfor credit. Upon successful completion of that exam, a studentwill receive one course credit. This opportunity is availableto students only at the time they first enter Brandeis University.

Students who receive qualifyingscores and wish to apply eventually for Brandeis course creditmust contact the College Entrance Examination Board and requestthat their scores be reported to the Coordinator of Advanced Placement,Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Brandeis University,Mailstop 001, P.O. Box 9110, Waltham, Massachusetts 02454-9110.Brandeis University's school code number is 3092. Requests foradditional information on the Advanced Placement Program shouldbe addressed similarly.

Students who apply AdvancedPlacement credits to the Brandeis degree may not enroll in courseshere or elsewhere that are regarded as equivalent without experiencingthe revocation of the Advanced Placement credit. Course equivalentsare determined by the academic departments and posted by the Officeof Undergraduate Academic Affairs. Any questions about the useof Advanced Placement credit should be directed to the coordinatorin the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.

International Baccalaureate

Brandeis recognizes the InternationalBaccalaureate (taken abroad or in the United States) and willaward eight course credits (one full year) for a total of 30 pointson the baccalaureate examination. This must include three examinationsat Higher Level with grades of five or better. If a student hasa total of less than 30 points or has fewer than three acceptableHigher Level examinations, Brandeis will award two course creditsfor each Higher Level examination with a grade of five or better.Students are obliged to supply an official copy of their credentialto the Office of the University Registrar for evaluation.

Credit for Foreign School-LeavingExamination

International students areobliged to supply the results of their advanced secondary schoolexaminations to the Office of the University Registrar for evaluation.Brandeis accepts credit toward the B.A. degree for a number ofsuch examinations, including the British Advanced Level examinations,the German Abitur, the French baccalauréatand others; credit is contingent upon level of performance anddetails may be obtained from the Office of the University Registrar.Credit from such sources will not be applied to the Brandeis recorduntil the student has completed two semesters at the University.Students may not enroll in courses deemed equivalent to the foreignwork without loss of the foreign credit.

Transfer Credit Policies

Transfer students are obligedto supply official transcripts documenting all previous college-levelwork. All such work is evaluated and each incoming transfer studentis furnished by the registrar with an evaluation based upon existingfaculty policies. The evaluation will indicate the number of coursecredits granted and the number of degree requirements that havebeen met. No more than 16 course credits may be granted becauseresidence requirements specify that a minimum of 16 courses infour semesters must be successfully completed at Brandeis.

Courses must have been takenat accredited, degree-granting institutions from which an officialtranscript has been received. The courses must be generally equivalentto courses offered at Brandeis, and the grade received must beequivalent to at least a C-, though credit is usually awardedfor a "pass" grade in a system allowing non-letter grades.Occasionally, credit may be awarded conditionally, pending successfulcompletion of a year at Brandeis. Only selected overseas studyprograms are acceptable for Brandeis credit; for further detailson the transfer of credit from overseas study sources, consultthe Office of the University Registrar. Students may not be concurrentlyenrolled at Brandeis during a term in which transfer credit issought, except as allowed under the provisions of cross-registration.

Credit is granted on an equivalentsemester basis with four course credits being awarded for completionof a normal semester's work at the other institution. Normally,one quarter-course receives no credit, two quarter-courses aregranted one course credit, and three quarter-courses are awardedtwo course credits.

Students who do not initiallyreceive credit for a particular course taken at another institutionmay petition the registrar for reconsideration. Such a petitionrequires the signature of the appropriate Brandeis faculty memberand must indicate the Brandeis course to which it is consideredequivalent. In an unusual situation, the petition may be referredto the Committee on Academic Standing for final resolution.

In determining progress towardthe requirements of a field of concentration, departments mayconsider only non-Brandeis courses that have been accepted fordegree credit. Departments may limit the number of such coursesthat they will apply toward the concentration. Rules governingthe application of transfer credit to concentrations may differfrom department to department.

Application and AdmissionsProcedures

For the most current informationregarding admissions procedures and deadline dates, prospectivecandidates should consult the instructions accompanying the application.

The address for the forwardingof all inquiries, materials, and test results is:

Brandeis University

Office of Admissions

Mailstop 003

P.O. Box 9110

Waltham, Massachusetts 02454-9110

Telephone: 781-736-3500 or800-622-0622

Financial Aid

Brandeis maintains a substantialaid program consisting of grants, loans, and jobs. Over 50 percentof the students enrolled at Brandeis receive University assistance.The staff of the Office of Financial Aid is available to assistparents and students in planning to finance four years of undergraduateeducation.

Financial aid is awarded aftera careful analysis of the family's ability to support the student'scosts of education. The analysis is based on the information submittedby the family on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid(FAFSA) and the CSS Financial Aid PROFILE. The student's eligibilityfor assistance is determined using a federally mandated system.Standard adjustments approved by the Committee on Admissions andFinancial Aid are made to the federal system for the awardingof institutional funds. Included in the analysis is the abilityof the parent(s) and the student to contribute from current incomeand assets. The difference between a family's ability to supportthe student and the actual costs of education is determined tobe the student's financial need. Within funding limitations, theOffice of Financial Aid will usually meet the established needthrough a financial aid "package" consisting of grant,loan, and job assistance.

Financial Aid Policy

1.Students receiving grant aid will usually be expected to assumeloan and work obligations as part of a self-help package determinedannually by the Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid. Thework allocation takes into consideration the student's year incollege. Students may request increased loan and decreased workif loan funds are available.

2.Financial aid applicants are required to apply for the federalPell Grant and state scholarship programs where available. Brandeisis unable to replace with University funds non-University aidthat students are eligible to receive, but for which they failto apply.

3.Brandeis's policy on awards from sources other than the Universityrequires that awards received from federal and state programsresult in a dollar for dollar reduction in the Brandeis Grant.All initial awards received from nongovernmental sources, evenif based on criteria exclusive of need, result in reductions asfollows: no student receiving need-based or merit-based aid fromBrandeis will be permitted to keep outside awards in excess ofthe academic year's student budget. The first $1,000 of outsideaward(s) can be used to reduce self-help in the financial aidpackage. Upon receipt of notification of the outside award(s),the Office of Financial Aid will replace up to $1,000 of the workallotment in the package. If students prefer reduction of thepackaged loan, they may so advise a financial aid counselor. Anyamount of (an) outside award(s) in excess of $1,000 will be split50/50 between the grant and self-help portions of the financialaid package.

The above policy will be appliedto outside awards received by any Brandeis student regardlessof class year. All awards should be reported in writing to theOffice of Financial Aid.

4.All students must reapply for financial aid each year. Applications,including a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) anda CSS Financial Aid PROFILE for the next academic year, are distributedby the Office of Financial Aid during intersession. The deadlinefor applying for renewal of financial aid is April 1. While itis expected that financial assistance will be continued each yearof the recipient's undergraduate enrollment, the FORM and/or AMOUNTmay change in subsequent years to reflect changes in financialneed, federal and University funding, and other circumstances.

Failure to utilize the previousyear's self-help allocation (loan and/or work) may be consideredan indication of reduced student need. Increase in work and loanshould be anticipated. Grant will usually increase when calculatedneed increases.

5.New students who accept the University's offer of financial aidmust provide verification of the previous year's income beforetheir award can be credited. Verification includes copies of studentand parent tax returns or Non-Filer's Statements.

Students requesting renewalof financial aid must submit verification of incomes with otherapplication materials before an award can be made.

6.Federal regulations require that a student receiving federal assistancemake satisfactory academic progress in accordance with standardsset by the University. Brandeis delegates the responsibility tomonitor academic progress to the Committee on Academic Standingand charges it to make such determinations on the basis of individualmerit, and not in relationship to some arbitrary numerical standard.The committee thoroughly reviews the records of students whoseperformance was unsatisfactory, i.e., more than one D and/or oneor more E or F, at the conclusion of each semester. Students whoseprogress has been judged unsatisfactory and whose withdrawal hasbeen required by the Committee on Academic Standing shall be accordeda reconsideration by that body in the presence of new information,judged to be relevant by the dean of the college or his/her designee.Should a required withdrawal action be rescinded on appeal, financialaid eligibility shall be reinstated. Any student permitted bythe committee to register for the following semester is consideredto be making academic progress and is eligible for financial aidfrom federal and University sources. However, since an abilityto complete the degree within eight semesters is a measure commonlyapplied by the committee in making these determinations, studentsare advised to consult the sections of the current UniversityBulletin pertaining to class standing (under Academic Regulations).


1.Perkins Loans (formerly National Direct Student Loan)--Interestis not charged and repayment is not expected while the recipientis enrolled. During repayment, interest is at the rate of fivepercent per year, and repayment may be made over a 10-year period(with a $90 minimum quarterly payment). Cancellation of a portionof the aggregate loan is available for service as a teacher ofthe handicapped, or in a low-income school district. The numberof Perkins Loans is limited and reserved for the most needy students.

2.Direct Stafford Loan Program (formerly Guaranteed Student LoanProgram [GSL])--This program enables eligible undergraduate studentsto borrow up to $2,625 during the first year, $3,500 during thesecond year, and $5,500 per year during the third and fourth years.All students, regardless of family income, must submit a FreeApplication for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and a VerificationForm (if required) in order to be eligible for a Direct StaffordLoan. Students are notified of their eligibility on their Notificationof Financial Aid.

Interest and repayment aredeferred while the borrower attends college at least half-time.Six months after leaving school, the borrower begins a 10-yearrepayment period during which time interest is charged to thestudent. Consult the financial aid office for the current interestrate.

The terms of the above loanprograms are subject to federal legislation and may be changed.Additional current information is available from the Office ofFinancial Aid upon request.

Title IV Cancellation

If you have been awarded astudent loan (Federal Stafford or Perkins) or parent loan (Plus),you have a right to cancel all or a portion of your loan or loandisbursement. To do so, please submit a written request to: Officeof Financial Aid, Brandeis University, Mailstop 027, P.O. Box9110,Waltham, MA 02454-9110.

A request for loan cancellationor adjustment must be made before the end of the academic yearor prior to leaving school--whichever comes first--and must statewhich loan(s) and what amount(s) you wish to cancel. Cancellationof your awarded student loan(s) will most likely create a balancedue on your account. This balance would be due and payable uponreceipt of the statement.

Student Employment

The student employment sectionof the Office of Financial Aid seeks to provide work opportunitiesto students seeking work on campus and in the Waltham area. Thisservice is available to students, regardless of whether or notthey are receiving financial aid. Students who receive job allotmentsas part of their financial aid package will have priority forjobs but many non-aided students find campus employment. Potentialjob earnings are not deducted from billed charges fromthe University at the beginning of each term. Students receivepaychecks based on hours worked.

Financial Aid to TransferStudents

Financial aid is availablefor students entering Brandeis as transfer students from otherinstitutions of higher education. Applicants who could not affordto attend Brandeis without financial assistance should submitthe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and a CSSFinancial Aid PROFILE. The application for financial aid is dueat the same time as the application for admission.

Fees and Expenses

Financial Regulations

Any student with outstandingfinancial obligations will be denied the privileges of attendingclasses and using University facilities. Every student must satisfyhis or her financial obligations in full to the University inorder to receive certification of graduation. Official transcriptsand certifications will be withheld until financial obligationsto the University have been discharged. Failure to discharge financialobligations includes, but is not limited to, delinquency of aborrower in repaying a loan administered by the student loan officeand the inability of that office to collect such a loan becausethe borrower has discharged the indebtedness through bankruptcyproceedings.

Application, Matriculation,and Orientation Fees

Each application for firstyear or transfer admission must be accompanied by a fee of $50.All application fees are nonrefundable and cannot be creditedtoward other fees.

A matriculation deposit of$300 must be filed by each candidate upon notification of acceptance.This deposit reserves a place in the class and is credited towardthe first semester tuition bill. If the student fails to enrollor withdraws his or her application, the matriculation depositis forfeited.

All new students are chargeda mandatory $75 orientation fee, which is refundable only if thestudent cancels matriculation prior to the date of registration.All new students who commence study at midyear will be chargeda $25 orientation fee.


The tuition fee for 1998-99is $23,360 and the fee for each semester course required for degreecredit is $2,920.

Library privileges and useof athletic facilities for the academic year are included in thefull tuition fee.

Students who return to theUniversity after withdrawing will pay the prevailing tuition andother fees. In view of the constantly increasing costs of education,students may expect tuition increases during their academic careers.

Financial Implicationsof Course Load Variation

Extra tuition charges are notincurred when course loads are within maximum rate of work limits,nor are charges reduced or refunds applied for course loads belowthe normal rate of work. Students who are granted special permissionby the Committee on Academic Standing to undertake course schedulesin excess of maximum rate of work limits will incur extra tuitioncharges calculated at the per course tuition rate for the yearin which the course is taken.

Questions regarding the financialimplications of course load variation should be directed to theOffice of the University Registrar. Questions regarding the billingschedule should be directed to the student accounts office.

Room and Board Fee

The total charges for a dormitoryroom and a 14-meal per week board contract for the 1998-99 academicyear are $6,970. Other meal contract options are available.

For upperclass students, otherliving accommodations are available at annual rates ranging to$1,040 more than the dormitory room rate of $3,890. In one ofthe apartment complexes, occupants are, additionally, directlyresponsible for pro rata portions of the monthly utility bills.

Each entering first-year studentmust mail a deposit of $200 to the University with his or hercompleted residence license and meal contract. Returning upperclassstudents must make their advance deposits of $200 during the springroom drawing.

Students residing in dormitoryrooms must sign room licenses and board contracts binding forthe full academic year. Students residing in either of the apartmentcomplexes must sign room licenses binding for the full academicyear; board contracts are available to, but not required of, thesestudents.

Nonresident students may eatin the University dining halls on a cash basis.

Transcript Fee

Students are entitled to oneformal transcript of their academic work without charge. A chargeof $2 will be made for each subsequent transcript. The studentwill pay the transcript fee in advance at the Office of the UniversityRegistrar (Kutz Hall). Official transcripts will be issued onlyto those students whose financial records with the Universityare in order.

Other Fees

The following are other mandatoryannual fees for 1998-99:

1.Student Activities fee, $161.

2.Student Health Service fee, $339.

3.Technology fee, $160.

4.Health Insurance premium (single coverage), $700. Mandatory unlessproof of other coverage is provided.

There are other Universityfees that a student may incur for specific services or failureto meet commitments. These fees include but are not limited tothe following for 1998-99:

1.Laboratory fees, $15-$50.

2.Studio fees, $10-$60.

3.Medical school application processing fee, $50.

4.Nine-payment plan fee, $100.

5.Parking fees, $35-$150.

6.Study abroad fee, $300 (semester) or $500 (academic year).

7.Senior fee, $23.

8.A service fee will be charged to a student's account ifa payment or a check negotiated through Brandeis is returned bythe bank for any reason.

A complete list of all Universityfees is available upon request from the Office of the Dean ofArts and Sciences.

Payment Plans

Semester Plan

The first semester bill willbe issued during July and payment will be due on or before August3, 1998; the second semester bill will be issued during Novemberand payment will be due on or before January 4, 1999.

Nine-Payment Plan

Knight College Resource Grouphandles our Nine Month Payment Plan. The application and a nonrefundablehandling fee of $100 must be returned to Knight by June 5, 1998.The payment plan electronic withdrawals will begin on July 1,1998.


A student who leaves the Universitywithout the approval of the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairsis not entitled to a refund.

For approved or required leaves,withdrawals, suspensions, or dismissals, the date will be consideredto be that which is approved by the Office of Undergraduate AcademicAffairs.

All requests for refunds mustbe in writing and are subject to review and final approvalby the Office of Student Accounts.

Approved refunds follow thisschedule:

1.Tuition Withdrawal

Before the opening day of instruction:100% of semester tuition.

On or before the second Fridayfollowing the opening day of instruction: 75% of semester tuition.

On or before the fifth Fridayfollowing the opening day of instruction: 50% of semester tuition.

After the fifth Friday followingthe opening day of instruction: no refund.

2.Other Fees

There is no refund of any otherfee after the first day of instruction of either semester.

3.Room and Board Charges

Refund of room and board contractcharges are determined in accordance with the terms outlined inthe contract.

4.Financial Aid

When a student with federalfinancial aid withdraws during the period in which he or she iseligible for a University refund, federal regulations requirethat the following formula be applied to their refund to determinehow much should be refunded to federal aid programs:

Federal Aidfor semester

Refund x (excluding College Work-Study)

Total Aidfor semester

(excluding CollegeWork-Study)

If the student received aidfrom other (private, state) sources, refunds to them will be madein accordance with the policy of the donor(s). In compliance withfederal law, special refund arrangements apply to first-time studentsreceiving aid under Title IV.

The refund remaining afterany funds are returned to the federal and outside aid programswill be divided between the student and financial aid programsin the same ratio as these sources were credited to the student'saccount, e.g., if a student paid one-half the bill, one-half ofthe remainder, after repaying federal and other aid programs,will be refunded to the student and one-half to University aidprograms from which the student received assistance.

In cases in which financialaid awards exceed the University's billed charges (e.g., for studentswho live off campus), upon withdrawal from the University, fundsthat were dispersed to support educationally related expenses(such as room and board and books) must be repaid on a proratedbasis determined by the University.

Further information on refundpolicy for aided students and the calculation for any specificcase is available from the Office of Financial Aid.

Requirements for the UndergraduateDegrees

(file last updated: [8/10/1998 - 15:25:13])

All candidates for a bachelor'sdegree, regardless of date of entrance to Brandeis, must satisfactorilycomplete a field of concentration (major), a writing requirement,a foreign language requirement, a group of courses designed toprovide a strong foundation in general education, and the physicaleducation requirement. Students entering Brandeis in September1994 and thereafter will follow a new curriculum that featuresmodified requirements in foreign language and writing, and a newprogram of general foundation courses; the section at the backof this Bulletin with the patterned edge contains the coursesthat will satisfy these requirements. Students who entered priorto September 1994 will satisfy general University requirementsas described in detail in the Bulletin in force in theirfirst year as degree candidates at Brandeis. Clarification regardingUniversity degree requirements may always be obtained from theOffice of the University Registrar.

Residence Requirement

Brandeis offers the bachelorof arts and the bachelor of science degrees. Students are requiredto complete 32 semester courses. They must be in residence (i.e.,be full-time students at Brandeis) for at least two academic yearsand complete successfully a minimum of 16 semester courses here,exclusive of Brandeis Summer School. While students may repeat,for the purpose of demonstrating a higher level of mastery, coursesin which a passing grade already has been earned, such repeatedcourses do not yield additional credit toward the degree and arenot applied toward the residency requirement. The 16 courses beyondthose that must be taken at Brandeis may be earned through college-levelwork completed prior to registration at Brandeis, satisfactoryscores on AP tests, study abroad, or summer school with no morethan three semester courses completed in any summer.

The Schools of the University

Within the College of Artsand Sciences, courses are offered by academic departments to supporteducational programs and objectives that are departmental, interdisciplinary,and University-wide in scope. Academic departments reside in schools:the School of Creative Arts, the School of Humanities, the Schoolof Science, and the School of Social Science. Because the organizationof undergraduate degree requirements makes reference to this schoolstructure, it is important that students familiarize themselveswith it. The section below devoted to fields of concentrationoutlines the school membership of various academic departments.Most typically, the courses offered by a department will havemembership in one school, that in which the department resides.Some courses, however, may have membership in more than one school.Also, some interdisciplinary areas do not fit neatly into a singleschool; individual courses within such areas may reside in differentschools. The school membership of courses has been incorporatedinto the "requirement codes" appearing in the courselistings. A legend for the codes may be found in the "RequirementCodes" section of this Bulletin. The course offeringbooklets published each fall and spring also indicate to whichschools particular courses belong. If in doubt about the schoolmembership of a particular course, consult the Office of the UniversityRegistrar.

Double Counting

In the new curriculum, it isintended that courses will serve multiple purposes in a student'sprogram. Specifically, students are encouraged to satisfy somegeneral University requirements (e.g., writing, quantitative reasoning,non-Western and comparative studies, clusters, and school distribution)in the context of completing a concentration, a minor, or a program.

However, some fields of concentrationlimit the degree of "double counting" between and amongmajors, minors, and programs. Students pursuing double concentrations,or other combinations of majors, minors, and programs are advisedto consult with all appropriate undergraduate advisors to cometo a mutually acceptable degree of overlap. Between and amonggeneral University requirements, the only limitations on doublecounting are as follows: University Seminars in Humanistic Inquiriesare interdisciplinary in character; they do not have membershipin any specific school of the University, nor do they participatein the cluster program. The three course foreign language sequencemay not be applied toward the school distribution in the humanities.No single course in a student's program may satisfy both the quantitativereasoning requirement and the science component of the schooldistribution requirement. No course numbered in the 90s may applytoward the school distribution component. Finally, a single coursemay be used toward school distribution in only one school.

Students who entered Brandeisprior to the fall of 1994 may not double count courses towardgeneral University requirements, and are limited as describedabove in terms of courses offered in satisfaction of multiplemajors, minors, and programs.

New General UniversityRequirements

(These requirements are forclasses entering in the fall of 1994 and thereafter; earlier classesshould see the section at the back of this Bulletin withthe solid gray edge.)

In September 1994 the Universityintroduced new requirements for the bachelor's degree. A strong,general education foundation will be built through work in a varietyof interconnected elements. The fundamental goals of the programare to improve students' abilities to integrate knowledge fromdifferent fields; to provide more extensive opportunities forthe acquisition and development of writing, linguistic, and quantitativeskills; to introduce greater flexibility in the scheduling ofdegree requirements throughout the undergraduate career; and toexpand students' opportunities to interact with faculty in smallclass settings in the first year of instruction.

The basic outline of thenew structure is as follows:

A. The Cluster Program

All students will completethree interrelated semester courses from an approved "cluster,"including selections from at least two different schools of theUniversity: Creative Arts, Humanities, Science, and Social Science.The cluster program introduces students to the multidisciplinarystudy of a particular topic, theme, problem, region, or period.Courses offered as University Seminars in Humanistic Inquiriesdo not participate in the cluster program.

B. University Seminarin Humanistic Inquiries

All students in their firstyear will complete one semester course from this program. Thesecourses enable participants to engage fundamental questions abouthuman existence and meaning through the critical study of significanttexts or artistic creations.

C. University Writing

All students will completetwo components of the writing requirement: the University WritingSeminar and a writing intensive course.

All first-year students arerequired to take a University Writing Seminar, which is offeredin conjunction with the University Seminars in Humanistic Inquiries.When students select their seminars, they will simultaneouslyenroll for the associated writing seminar. Writing seminars aredesigned to introduce students to the conventions of formal writingand rhetoric and to develop further writing skills at all levelsof ability.

Over the summer, some studentsmay be notified that they must take a placement test to determinetheir level of writing proficiency. Upon evaluation of the test,some students may be placed in Composition, a course taken inthe fall semester. These students will then take their UniversitySeminar in Humanistic Inquiries and its accompanying writing seminarin the spring semester.

Some students whose nativelanguage is not English may be required to take the DiagnosticEnglish Language Examination. On the basis of this evaluationthey may be assigned to a noncredit individual or group tutorialin English as a Second Language to supplement other writing courses.Transfer students may have their credits evaluated to see if theyhave successfully completed the necessary course to satisfy thefirst-year writing requirement. If they have not, they shouldsee the Director of University Writing, in the English department,for alternative ways to complete this requirement.

Normally, in their second orthird years, students will take a course that is designated writingintensive. These courses, which are offered in departments throughoutthe University, are based in academic disciplines and includewriting as an integral part of the course work. They involve frequentwriting assignments, opportunities for rewriting, and consultationswith the instructor. Writing intensive courses may serve multiplepurposes, advancing students toward majors, minors, clusters,programs, non-Western and comparative studies, or distributionrequirements. Courses numbered in the 90s shall not be eligiblefor a writing intensive designation.

D. Quantitative Reasoning

All students will take onecourse that is designated as meeting the quantitative reasoningrequirement. These courses from various disciplines share a commitmentto enabling students to understand, interpret, analyze, and evaluatenumerical data and other quantitative information.

E. Foreign Language

The foreign language requirementis met by successful completion of a third semester course (normallynumbered in the 30s) in the introductory language sequence. Nomore than one course (and never the final one) in the sequencemay be taken on the pass-fail grading option.

The foreign language requirementat Brandeis reflects a belief in the importance of understandinglanguage--our own and the language of others--as central to societyand culture. The goal of the foreign language requirement, therefore,is to prepare students to understand better and to participatein a foreign culture by developing basic skills (speaking, listening,reading, and writing) in another language.

Alternatively, the requirementmay be satisfied by achieving a score of 4 or 5 on an appropriateAdvanced Placement Test, by a score of 62 on the appropriate CEEBSAT II test, or by a satisfactory score on a foreign languageplacement test administered on campus in the fall. Local placementexams may be taken only at the time of matriculation at Brandeis.Students for whom English is a second language may be exemptedfrom this requirement. Students who satisfy the requirement bymeans of an advanced placement score shall be accorded, upon request,appropriate credit toward the Brandeis degree. Students may alsofulfill this requirement by demonstrating proficiency in AmericanSign Language through testing at a site approved by Brandeis.

Individual placement decisionsvary depending on the quality of high school training, the levelof performance, and how recently the language was studied. Foreignlanguage placements are valid for one year only; subsequent placementsare based on the mandatory placement examinations and consultationwith the appropriate language coordinator. Students are urgedto begin fulfilling the foreign language requirement as soon asthey matriculate and to complete the required sequence withoutinterruption.

F. Non-Western and ComparativeStudies

Students will complete onesemester course that examines some particular culture, society,or region of the non-Western world, or that systematically makescomparisons across cultural barriers. This requirement aims toenlarge students' understanding of human achievements and potentialitiesbeyond the Western tradition.

G. School Distribution

Students will complete onesemester course in each of the four Schools of the University:Creative Arts, Humanities, Science, and Social Science. Because"double counting" generally is encouraged, most studentswill satisfy the school distribution requirement in the contextof others, e.g., in satisfying the requirements of a cluster,a concentration, a minor, or a program. Between and among generalUniversity requirements, the only limitations on double countingare as follows: University Seminars in Humanistic Inquiries areinterdisciplinary in character, and have membership in no specificschool of the University. The three course foreign language sequencemay not be applied toward the humanities component of this requirement.No single course in a student's program may satisfy both the quantitativerequirement and the science component of this requirement. Nocourses numbered in the 90s may apply toward this component. Finally,a single course may be used toward school distribution in onlyone school.

Field of Concentration

General Requirements

To obtain a bachelor's degreein the College of Arts and Sciences, students must complete therequirements of a field of concentration. Students are encouragedto choose an intended field of concentration after consultationwith a faculty advisor in that department by the end of the firstyear, and required to do so by the middle of the sophomore year.

Certain departments permitqualified students to offer a limited number of related coursesin other fields toward their concentration requirements. Thisoption is open to students able to present a purposeful and coherentcourse of study as judged by the department; such requests aresubject to rigorous examination. Students should consult individualdepartmental listing.

Completion of a Fieldof Concentration

To enroll in courses fulfillingconcentration requirements, students must have received a C- orbetter in prerequisite courses.

A 2.00 (C) average is normallyrequired in courses offered for completion of requirements forconcentration.

School of Creative Arts

Courses in the School of CreativeArts teach the history of the visual and performing arts, engagestudents in the creative process itself, and develop artisticskills and aesthetic sensibilities. Requirements for concentrationin each department are listed on the pages indicated.

Fine Arts


Theater Arts

Candidates for honors musthave the approval of the appropriate department.

School of Humanities

The School of Humanities offersthe undergraduate a systematic introduction to our literary andphilosophical heritage. Requirements for concentration and honorsare listed on the pages indicated.

Classical Studies

Comparative Literature

English and American Literature

European Cultural Studies

French Language and Literature

German Language and Literature

Islamic and Middle EasternStudies

Near Eastern and JudaicStudies


Russian Language and Literature

Spanish Language and Literature

At Brandeis, the followingancient languages are offered: Akkadian (the Semitic languageand literature of Assyria and Babylonia preserved in cuneiform),Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Latin, and Sanskrit.

School of Science

The School of Science providesthe basic scientific training to qualify students for entry intograduate school or for work at the intermediate level in theirscientific fields. Students are encouraged to take such coursesoutside the School of Science as will best broaden and furthertheir intellectual growth. Requirements for concentration arelisted on the pages indicated.




Computer Science

General Science




School of Social Science

In addition to the basic coverageof the social sciences provided by the departmental disciplinesnoted below, the School of Social Science supports cross-disciplinaryprograms such as East Asian studies; education; environmentalstudies; film studies; health, law, and society; history of ideas;Islamic and Middle Eastern studies; journalism; legal studies;medieval studies; peace and conflict studies; Russian and EastEuropean studies; and women's studies. The concentration in neuroscienceis supported by various members of the psychology department.Requirements for concentration are listed on the pages indicated.

African and Afro-AmericanStudies

American Studies




Latin American Studies

Linguistics and CognitiveScience




A student in the School ofSocial Science who is a candidate for a degree with honors will,in addition to the designated requirements for the several fields,also enroll in Senior Research (99). Candidates for honors musthave the approval of the appropriate department. One reader ofa senior thesis must come from outside the department of concentration.

Physical Education

Physical Education is an undergraduatedegree requirement at Brandeis. This requirement is satisfiedby successful completion of two, semester-long, noncredit,activity courses and demonstration of an ability to swim. The swimming component may be met (1) by passing the swim test,(2) with a Red Cross Card, or (3) by taking a swimming course,satisfactory completion of which counts as one of the two requiredactivity courses. Students should complete the physical educationrequirement by the end of their sophomore year.

New students may earn exemptionfrom all or part of the physical education requirement by scoringwell on a battery of physical fitness tests that are administeredat the University each year. Participation in these exemptiontests is voluntary, and the opportunity is available only duringa student's first year at the University. For additional details,see the introductory remarks in the physical education courseofferings section. Transfer students may offer physical educationcourses that appear on the transcripts of their previous institutions.

Academic Regulations

(file last updated: [8/10/1998 - 15:25:13])

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is centralto the mission of Brandeis University. As stated in the StudentHandbook, "Every member of the University community isexpected to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty.A student shall not receive credit for work that is not the productof the student's own effort." Examples of penalties for astudent found responsible for an infringement of academic honestyare no credit for the work in question, failure in the course,and the traditional range of conduct sanctions from disciplinarywarning through permanent dismissal from the University.

It is one of the chief obligationsof each member of Brandeis's academic community to understandthe University's policies regarding academic honesty and to upholdthose standards.

Allegations of academic dishonestyby undergraduate or graduate students are reported to the Officeof Campus Life for adjudication within the Student Judicial System.

Rate of Work

The normal rate of work isdefined as four courses per semester, each bearing four credithours and each counting toward the 32 courses required as thegraduation standard. Some courses, notably physical educationcourses, do not contribute toward the calculation of a legal courseload or progress toward the graduation standard. Students enrollingin them do so as a supplement to an otherwise legal program ofstudy.

Note that tuition bills arepredicated upon the normal rate of work of four courses per term;consult the section on fees and expenses for explanation of thefinancial implication of course load variations.

The minimum rate of workis three semester courses per term and seven per academic year.A student electing to work at the three-course rate may not enrollin any of them on a pass/fail basis; similarly, a student maynot drop to the three-course rate unless all are being taken forregular letter grades.

The maximum rate of workis 5.5 semester courses per term and 11 per academic year.

Rate of Work Limits

Minimum per semester 3

Maximum per semester 5.5

Minimum per year 7

Maximum per year 11

Exceptions to Rate of WorkProvisions

The minimum course load forstudents in the Brandeis Adult Student Option is one course persemester. Students in this program pay tuition at the per-courserate.

With the permission of theUniversity Registrar, a student may repeat a course previouslycompleted with a passing grade; however, the repeated effort willnot count toward the graduation standard of 32 courses nor contributetoward the grade point average.

Seniors who have completedall degree requirementsand 32 semester courses by the conclusion of the fall term ofthe senior year may petition through the Office of the UniversityRegistrar to carry one or more semester courses during the springterm and to pay at the per-course rate. Such petitions must beapproved before the first day of instruction in the spring termaccording to the deadlines promulgated by the Office of the UniversityRegistrar. Detailed information may be obtained from the Officeof the University Registrar.

Otherwise, permission to carryfewer courses than outlined above may be granted only by the Committeeon Academic Standing and only on grounds of illness or personalhardship. Permission to work and pay at the six-course per semesterrate may be granted by the Committee in exceptional circumstances.

Changes in Courses

Registration and course enrollmentoccur at the beginning of each semester. During the first twoweeks of each term, students finalize their course selectionsin consultation with their faculty advisors. Final course enrollmentmaterials are filed at the end of that period.

Requests for program changesafter the second week must be submitted to the Committee on AcademicStanding. Petitions to add courses after the second week mustbe initiated in the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs;such requests are granted only in exceptional circumstances.

Students who wish to drop acourse may do so on or before the deadline announced in the Universitycalendar, normally the Friday closest to the 40th day of instruction,without academic penalty, providing they adhere to the constraintsof rate of work. In such cases a program change form must be submittedto the Office of the University Registrar. Petitions to drop acourse after the deadline must be initiated in the Office of UndergraduateAcademic Affairs; such requests are granted only in exceptionalcircumstances. If granted, the Committee on Academic Standingwill normally instruct the University Registrar to record a gradeof "WL" (withdrawn late) on the student's permanentrecord.

Elective Courses

Any course not used in thefulfillment of a specific degree requirement or fulfillment offield of concentration requirements is considered an elective.Students are strongly encouraged to take elective courses to complementa strong liberal arts foundation.

Independent study courses andsenior research courses may also be considered electives if notused to complete a field of concentration. Enrollment in suchcourses requires the signature of the instructor and departmentchair.


There is no formal audit statusfor undergraduate students. Students wishing to audit a courseinformally must secure the permission of the instructor.

Class Standing

The minimum number of semestercourses required for advancement to each class is as follows:sophomore: 6; junior: 14; senior: 22. The minimum number of coursesrequired for graduation is 32.


All students are expected toattend classes regularly. Students on probation are compelledby University policy to attend every class meeting; students onwarning are allowed maximally three excused absences. In addition,an individual faculty member may establish attendance requirementsfor all students in the course, and may insist on the completionof all assignments even if a student was not in attendance forthe period.

Classes begin at 10 minutesafter the hour and end on the hour. Tardy students may be markedabsent at the discretion of the instructor.

Reading Period

An instructor, with the approvalof the department chair or interdepartmental committee chair,and the dean of arts and sciences, may institute a reading periodin advanced courses. A reading period is a two-week period immediatelypreceding final examinations during which no classes are held.A student works on assigned course material not covered in classsessions. The reading period material will be dealt with in themidyear and final examinations.


Grades are reported to theOffice of the University Registrar four times a year. In arrivingat these grades, faculty members are obliged to utilize the samecriteria for all students in a course, and are at liberty to considerany and all components of the student's work in a course: writtenwork, recitations, laboratory technique and reports, special reportsor research, and all examinations. Grading in full-year coursesis cumulative so that spring grades take into account the fallsemester work and replace the midyear grades. The following gradeswill be used with plus or minus where appropriate:

A High Distinction

B Distinction

C Satisfactory

D Passing, but Unsatisfactory

E Failure

The letters "S" (Satisfactory)or "U" (Unsatisfactory) may be used as the midsemestergrades for undergraduates. At midyear there must be a regularletter grade, even in full-year courses. The only exception isthat "S" or "U" may be used in a full-yearreading course (usually numbered 98 or 99).

The numerical equivalents ofthe grades as determined by the faculty are:

A+ or A 4.00

A- 3.67

B+ 3.33

B 3.00

B- 2.67

C+ 2.33

C 2.00

C- 1.67

D+ 1.33

D 1.00

D- 0.67

E 0.00

The University Registrar reportsmidyear and year-end grades to students in writing. Instructorsnotify students of midsemester grades.

Credit/No Credit Grading

Certain courses, specificallyENG 19a, ENG 109a and b, ENG 119a and b, MUS 10a,b-15a,b, MUS111a and b, MUS 112a and b, and MUS 116a and b do not utilizeletter grades. For pedagogical reasons, the grades assigned inthese courses are either Credit ("CR") or No Credit("NC"), accompanied by written evaluations that arenot included in the student's transcript. These grades are theequivalent of "pass" and "fail" for purposesof computing grade point averages. A student may take an unlimitednumber of semester courses graded CR/NC. However, a course utilizingthis grading pattern may not be undertaken in a semester in whichthe student has fewer than two courses (eight semester hours credit)enrolled on a regular letter graded basis.

Degrees with Honor

Students whose grade pointaverage at the end of the junior year is 3.00 or above in theirfield of concentration may petition the department concerned forpermission to work for honors in their field of concentration.Department distinction is awarded by each department or interdepartmentalcommittee. The levels of distinction are "honors," "highhonors," or "highest honors."

The awards of cum laudeand magna cum laude require a cumulative grade point averageof 3.250 and 3.600, respectively. Students graduating in May 2000and thereafter will require grade point averages of 3.500 and3.700 respectively.

The award of summa cum lauderequires a cumulative grade point average of 3.700 and the awardof distinction in the field of concentration. Students graduatingin May 2000 and thereafter will require a grade point averageof 3.800 and departmental honors.

The University has a policyof depositing honors theses with the Library and making them availableto future students and scholars for research purposes.

Pass/Fail Option

A student may take up to foursemester courses pass/fail while enrolled at Brandeis. No morethan one course may be taken pass/fail during a single term. Nocourse being offered to satisfy a University writing requirementmay be taken on the pass/fail grading option. No more than onecourse (and never the final one) in the foreign language sequencemay be taken pass/fail if the language is being offered in satisfactionof the foreign language requirement. No courses used to fulfillany general University requirement may be taken on the pass/failgrading option. Grades of "pass" or "fail"("P" for performance at the D- level or above, or "F")will not be used in computing grade point averages. Normally,courses taken pass/fail will not satisfy concentration requirements.(Some departments may allow courses in excess of those requiredfor concentration to be taken pass/fail; consult the undergraduateadvising head for concentration-specific practices.) The pass/failoption may not be used in a semester unless the course programincludes at least three courses (12 semester hours credit) enrolledon a regular letter grade basis. Hence, students working at areduced rate of work may not also utilize the pass/fail option.In full-year courses the grading option (pass/fail or letter grade)elected applies to both semesters and may not be changed at midyear.(Such a course taken pass/fail would expend two of the allowablefour pass/fail semesters.) The decision to take a course pass/failmust be made on or before the deadline announced in the Universitycalendar, normally the Friday closest to the 20th day of instruction.Courses elected on the pass/fail basis may be converted to a gradedbasis at any time before the announced deadline in the followingsemester, normally the Friday closest to the 20th day of instruction,except in an undergraduate's final semester when conversions mustbe completed by the deadline announced in the university calendar,approximately two weeks prior to the last day of classes. Petitionswill not be entertained for exception to these deadlines.Informal understandings between students and instructors do notconstitute official pass/fail enrollment. Instructors are notinformed of the grading option that a student has chosen. Studentstaking courses pass/fail must complete all assignments and musttake midyear and final examinations. Finally, students who enteredBrandeis prior to the fall of 1989 are governed by an earlierversion of pass/fail regulations; these appear in previous editionsof the Bulletin, and clarification with respect to themmay be obtained from the Office of the University Registrar.

Incompletes and ExcusedAbsences from Final Exams

Students who are unable totake their final examinations for legitimate reasons and wishto request a make-up exam must obtain advance authorization fromthe Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.

If a student is absent withoutexcuse from a term-end examination and does not obtain authorizationfor a make-up examination, the student will be given a grade ofzero on the exam. The instructor will be asked to supply a gradefor the course. If the instructor fails to do so on or beforethe institutional deadline, the registrar will enter a failinggrade on the student's record.

A student is expected to completethe work in each course before the beginning of the examinationperiod. Students unable to complete the work in a course by thistime for legitimate reasons may request an Incomplete.Application forms are obtained from and returned to the Officeof Undergraduate Academic Affairs by the last day of instruction.Approval of the faculty advisor as well as that of the instructoris required; for students on warning or probation, the approvalof the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs is also required.The work must be completed by a date stipulated by the instructorand in no case later than two weeks after the beginning of thenext semester. The grade for the course must be filed by the instructorno later than the third week of the next semester.

The record of a student willdisplay an incomplete or absence until a permanent grade has beenprovided or until these designations expire. Upon expiration,if a permanent final grade has not been submitted to replace thetemporary grade, the registrar is instructed to record an "E"for the course. Such a grade may be altered only by special petitionto the Committee on Academic Standing.

When other required academicexercises, such as laboratory assignments, minor papers, or quizzesare not completed, and when such noncompliance is excused, instructorsmay, at their discretion, require the work to be made up or notcount the assignment in determining a grade. When there is nosatisfactory excuse for the incomplete work, instructors may recorda failing grade.

Academic Status

At the end of each semester,the Committee on Academic Standing announces the Dean's List ofhonor students. Students are placed on the Dean's List when theyhave earned a grade point average in the preceding semester of3.50 or higher and have not received a D, E, U, F, or NC (labsand physical education included) or more than one C; and has receiveda regular letter grade in at least three regular, four-creditcourses. Seniors doing honors work in the fall may receive an"S" in that course (99) and still be eligible. Dean'sList students receive formal acknowledgment of this achievementfrom the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.

Degree eligibility normallyrequires a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.000.

A satisfactory semester recordcontains no grades of D, E, F, or NC and requires a semester gradepoint average of at least 2.000. At the conclusion of each semesterthe Committee on Academic Standing shall review the records ofstudents whose performance is unsatisfactory. Such students willbe placed on advising alert, warning, probation, or required withdrawalstatus, according to the guidelines specified below:

Semester RecordSemester GPA < 2.000Semester GPA 2.000 or >
C-'s or betterAdvising AlertSatisfactory
1 DProbationAdvising Alert / Warning*
1 E,F, or NCProbationWarning/Probation
More than one unsatisfactory gradeProbation/WithdrawalWarning/Probation

*If a student had an unsatisfactoryrecord in a previous semester.

To be restored to good standing,a student on warning or probation must earn in the following semestera satisfactory record with no incomplete grades. Repeated semestersof unsatisfactory work may lead to required withdrawal for a periodof one year. The University may sever relations at any timewith a student whose academic performance is so profoundly deficientas to suggest an inability to meet academic requirements. Studentsare informed in writing of any change in academic status.

Involuntary withdrawal fromthe University occasioned by academic deficiency requires thestudent to interrupt formal study for a minimum of one year. Afterthat time the Committee on Academic Standing will consider applicationfor readmission. Primary considerations in making readmissiondecisions are evidence of sustained and productive activity duringthe period of absence from the campus, evidence of serious academicpurpose, and pertinent letters of recommendation attesting tothe candidate's readiness to resume formal study. Courses takenfor academic credit while on involuntary withdrawal from the Universityare not eligible for transfer toward the Brandeis degree.

Leaves of Absence andVoluntary Withdrawal from the University

Any regular undergraduate studentwho has been in residence for two semesters, and who has a completeand satisfactory record from the preceding semester, is eligiblefor a leave of absence. A leave of absence is granted for oneor two semesters and may be extended once only. Normally, leavesare arranged in advance through the Office of Undergraduate AcademicAffairs. On an exceptional basis, personal leave may be grantedfor a semester in progress, in which case permission must be securedfrom the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs no later thanthe 20th day of instruction. Students are required to inform theOffice of Undergraduate Academic Affairs in writing of their intentionsat a specified date prior to the beginning of the term in whichthey are scheduled to register. Credit will not be granted foracademic work taken at other institutions during a leave of absence,except as stipulated in the section titled "Leave of Absencewith Credit."

A student wishing to withdrawfrom the University may do so at any time. From students who withdrawin good standing, the Committee on Academic Standing will considerapplications for readmission after one full semester of absencefrom the campus. Other students may apply for readmission afterone calendar year has elapsed.

In order to obtain a leaveof absence or to withdraw from the University, a student mustconsult the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs and obtainclearance from all appropriate administrative offices.

Special Academic Opportunities

(file last updated: [8/10/1998 - 15:25:14])

Dual Bachelor's/Master'sDegree Programs

The four-year Bachelor's/Master'sProgram is designed to enable exceptional or gifted undergraduatesto earn two degrees simultaneously during their period of studyat Brandeis University.

Any program offering graduatestudy is eligible to offer a four-year dual degree program. Atpresent, participating programs are: anthropology, biochemistry,biology, chemistry, history, mathematics, neuroscience, and physics.

Requirements for the bachelor'sdegree, defined by the College of Arts and Sciences, remain unaffectedby participation in the program. Students will be eligible forthe simultaneous award of the bachelor's and master's degreeif, while completing undergraduate requirements, they can:

A.fulfill a minimum of three years' residence on campus, one ofwhich must be study at the graduate level;

B.submit a master's thesis in departments requiring one (Whethersuch thesis may also be considered for undergraduate departmentalhonors may differ among programs, and will be addressed specificallyin the program requirements.);

C.complete a total of 38 courses, of which at least four must beat the graduate level and not counted toward undergraduate concentrationrequirements;

D.complete all other departmental and University requirements thatapply to earning a master's degree in the chosen department. Specifically,undergraduates should be aware that "B-" is the minimalgrade that yields progress toward a graduate degree.

A student must make formalwritten application for admission to this program on forms availableat the Office of the Graduate School. This must be done by May1 of the student's junior year (usually the sixth semester atBrandeis). Transfer students should apply by the fourth semesterin residence. All applications must include a proposed courseof study, specifying how all degree requirements will be met.

Computer science, internationaleconomics and finance, and Near Eastern and Judaic Studies offerprograms in which the bachelor's degree is conferred at the endof the fourth year, and the requirements for a master's degreeare satisfied with one additional year of study. Consult the departmentsfor details.

Independent Concentration

An independent concentrationoffers students with interdisciplinary academic interests theopportunity to pursue a self-designed course of study with thesupport of appropriate faculty members and the approval of theCommittee on Academic Standing. Independent concentration proposalsinclude courses in at least two departments at the Universityand form an integrated program focusing on some issue, theme,or subject area not available within the context of existing departmentalconcentrations. An independent concentration must be declaredbefore the end of the student's junior year.

Additional information andguidance in designing an independent concentration may be obtainedin the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.

Interdepartmental Programs

Brandeis University offersinterdepartmental programs at the undergraduate level in the followingareas: East Asian studies; education; environmental studies; filmstudies; health, law, and society; history of ideas; humanities;international studies; Islamic and Middle Eastern studies; Italianstudies; journalism; Latin American studies; legal studies; medievalstudies; peace and conflict studies; Russian and East Europeanstudies; and women's studies.

Interdepartmental programsprovide a structured, intellectually coherent opportunity to exploreareas of study that are interdisciplinary in scope. An interdepartmentalprogram augments, complements, or supplements (but does notreplace) a field of concentration. Completion of the requirementsof an interdepartmental program is so noted on the student's transcript.


In addition to a field of concentration,students have the opportunity to select a "minor." Aminor consists of a coherent group of courses defined by a departmentthat is either a limited version of a field of concentration ora more specialized subset of a field. Minors are optional; theydo not replace a field of concentration. Satisfactory completionof them is noted on students' transcripts.

Minors are available in Africanand Afro-American studies, anthropology, art history, businessand managerial economics, chemistry, classical studies, computerscience, English, German and Slavic languages, international business, linguistics, mathematics, music, Near Eastern and Judaic Studies,philosophy, physics, romance languages, and theater arts. Thespecific requirements of each minor can be found with the departmentallistings in this publication.

Undergraduate ResearchOpportunities

Brandeis offers special opportunitiesfor undergraduates to engage in scholarly research under the guidanceof the faculty. Funds are available on a competitive basis tosupport student research enterprises during the academic yearand during the summer months. Each year the Office of UndergraduateAcademic Affairs recognizes the achievements of student researchersby publishing their work in a research journal. Further detailsabout research opportunities for undergraduates may be obtainedfrom the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, the Officeof Student Enrichment Services, and the Office of the Dean ofArts and Sciences.

Internship for Credit

Internships, undertaken duringthe academic year or the summer, allow students to apply the liberalarts skills of research, writing, and analysis in work world situations,thereby enhancing the development of these skills. The Universityencourages internship experiences and has established guidelinesto ensure that internships yielding academic credit have significantacademic components and make meaningful contributions to students'programs of study.

Credit-bearing internshipsare offered by departments with the course number "92"and the course title "Internship and Analysis." Internshipcourses are subject to the normal enrollment deadlines, but requiremanual enrollment, which must be done at the Office of the UniversityRegistrar. Participation is normally limited to juniors and seniors.A student may not receive credit for more than two such courses.

Students seeking credit foran internship will apply to the appropriate department for sponsorshipprior to undertaking the internship. Normally, students will enrollin a credit-bearing internship in their concentration or minorfield. However, departments and programs have discretionary authorityin this regard. Students complete an application form availablein the Hiatt Career Development Center explaining the internshipresponsibilities and how they relate to the program of study.

Undergraduate Peer Assistantshipsfor Credit

Peer teaching yields many benefitsto undergraduate teachers and learners. The University has establisheduniform standards for the utilization of undergraduate peer assistantsand for the awarding of academic credit for such activities. Opportunitiesto serve as peer assistants are by invitation and generally limitedto juniors and seniors who have demonstrated exceptional academicachievement. Undergraduates serving in this capacity may be compensatedfor their services or receive one, and only one, semester coursecredit for their assistance during their Brandeis career. Credit-bearingpeer assistantships are enrolled under the course number "94"and the course title "Peer Assistantship" and are subjectto the normal enrollment procedures and deadlines.

Humanities and MedicineProgram

In association with the MountSinai School of Medicine, Brandeis University offers a Humanitiesand Medicine Program. This program was specifically designed tointerest nonscience concentrators in medical careers. Each yearas many as five (5) qualified sophomores may be selected by theSchool of Medicine to participate in this program. Acceptanceto the program guarantees acceptance to the Mount Sinai Schoolof Medicine upon graduation from Brandeis as long as specificminimum requirements are met. The program offers more flexibilityin a student's choice of undergraduate curriculum and specialsummer enrichment opportunities at Mount Sinai for which a stipendof $1,500 and housing are provided.

Those who wish to obtain anapplication and more information about the program should contactProfessor Peter Conrad in the sociology department or AssistantDean Joy Playter in the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.Pre-applications are due by November 1 and accepted applicantswill be notified by December 15. Successful candidates must havesatisfactorily completed four years of high school education andhave achieved SAT scores of 1200. Other criteria for admissioninclude high school performance, assessment by faculty and administrationat Brandeis, and personal letters of recommendation.

Tufts University Schoolof Medicine Early Acceptance Program

The Tufts University Schoolof Medicine Early Acceptance Program is designed for academicallystrong undergraduate students who are pursuing a premedical curriculum.Successful completion of this program assures candidates of acceptanceto Tufts University School of Medicine after graduation.

Interested candidates applyto the program in the spring of their sophomore year and are expectedto have completed at Brandeis two semesters of general chemistryand biology with laboratories and one semester of organic chemistrywith a grade point average of 3.5 or better, and a cumulativegrade point average of at least 3.5 at the time of application.Students must apply by March 1 and will be notified of their acceptancein July. Accepted students are expected to complete one year ofphysics, mathematics, English and American literature, and requirementsfor graduation with a B+ average before entering Tufts UniversityMedical School.

Once accepted to the program,students will have access to a faculty mentoring program at TuftsMedical School, and the opportunity to participate in specialseminars. Accepted students will have until August 1 followingtheir sophomore year to accept the offer via the AMCAS early decisionprocess. If a student does not accept the offer, he or she hasnot jeopardized the chance to apply to any other medical school.For statistical purposes only, the MCAT is required for acceptedstudents and must be taken prior to matriculation at the medicalschool.

Columbia University LawSchool's Accelerated Program in Interdisciplinary Legal Education

Brandeis is affiliated withColumbia University Law School in a special program that allowstwo outstanding students to gain admission to the Law School afterthree years at Brandeis. Students must have completed 28 courses,have taken the Law School Admission Test, and have been nominatedby Brandeis after a rigorous screening process. Students acceptedby the Columbia University Law School will complete their fourcourses required for the completion of the Brandeis degree duringtheir second and third years at the Law School. They will be awardedthe Brandeis B.A. and the Columbia J.D. simultaneously.

Students interested in thisprogram are advised to seek additional information at the outsetof their fourth semester in the Office of Undergraduate AcademicAffairs.

Boston College Law SchoolEarly Acceptance Program

The Brandeis University andBoston College Law School Early Acceptance Program (EAP) createsan opportunity for outstanding Brandeis University juniors togain admission to Boston College Law School in the summer beforetheir senior year of study. In addition to relieving the pressureof the law school application process, it frees seniors to focusmore time and energy on internships, senior theses, and broadeningtheir undergraduate studies; the program also ensures that studentswho are certain of their law school plans can gain admission toan outstanding law school.

Students with an overall cumulativegrade point average of at least 3.6 at the end of their junioryear are eligible to apply. Applicants are required to sit forthe June LSAT examination following their junior year of study.No particular concentration is required, but preference will begiven to students who have exhibited a passion for learning ina variety of disciplines, and who have outstanding academic achievements.Students must maintain an exemplary level of academic performanceduring their senior year. Applications will be screened throughthe Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs. Additional informationon this program is available through the prelaw advisor in theHiatt Career Center.

Up to five qualified studentseach academic year may be offered admission to Boston CollegeLaw School upon their graduation from Brandeis University afterfour years. Applications must be received by Boston College LawSchool no later than July 1 following the student's junioryear. Accepted students will be informed by August 15 and willhave until September 15 to accept the offer of admission.

Brandeis Summer School

The Brandeis Summer Schooloffers students a diverse selection of undergraduate courses intwo, five-week sessions. Special summer programs on campus andabroad provide students with further opportunities for in-depthstudy.

The student has the opportunityto enroll in courses to meet University degree requirements, accelerateindividual programs of study, work toward a double concentration,or take enrichment courses. These courses may not be used to meetthe minimum residence requirement. The average summer programcourse has a small student enrollment, generating a rigorous butinformal atmosphere for teacher-student interaction.

Of particular interest to studentsare the strong summer program offerings in the area of premedicaleducation, intensive language study, computer science courses,the wide variety of liberal arts selections, and special programsin which academic work complements practical work experience.

A student may earn credit towardthe Brandeis degree for no more than three semester courses inone summer.

For full information, see theSummer School Bulletin or contact the Rabb School of Summer,Special, and Continuing Studies, 781-736-3424, in Ford/Sydeman6.

Preparation for ProfessionalTraining

The College of Arts and Sciencesdoes not design courses of study with specific vocational goalsin mind. In pursuing a broad education in the liberal arts andsciences, students develop a firm foundation for subsequent professionaleducation.


Architectural schools are lookingfor solid experience in any field of concentration. It is notnecessary to concentrate in fine arts. There are several kindsof courses, however, that should be taken: basic calculus andbasic physics; basic design, life drawing, and as many other finearts studio courses as practicable; courses in architectural history;and principles of urban studies and other urban studies courses,if feasible.

In addition, past experienceindicates that students should prepare an art portfolio consistingof studies prepared in conjunction with basic design or anotherstudio course. Finally, summer employment in architectural offices,gained on the student's own initiative, remains useful.


Most law schools advise undergraduatesto concentrate in what interests them since the later specificlegal training will build on the advantages of a sound liberalarts education.

Although there is no prescribedprogram of study for prospective law school applicants, many concentratein such social sciences as politics, economics, history, and Americanstudies. Since law schools tend to look for evidence of a rigorousschedule of courses and high verbal competence, a background inlogic, the natural sciences, and English is desirable. Althoughcourses from the Legal Studies Program might familiarize the prospectivelaw student with law school material, it is not necessary thatsuch courses be taken as preparation for professional training.

Prospective applicants to lawschool should consult the Hiatt Career Development Center forlaw school catalogs and Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) registrationmaterials. Also available in that office is the Brandeis PrelawHandbook, which includes a survey of the experiences of recentBrandeis alumni in seeking admission to law school, as well asa more detailed description of law school application procedures.Several members of the faculty serve informally as advisors toprospective law school applicants. Students requesting a dean'scertification should contact the Office of Undergraduate AcademicAffairs.

Medicine and Dentistry

The course of study for pre-healthprofessionals at Brandeis is more than simply a collection ofrequired courses. An assistant dean in the Office of UndergraduateAcademic Affairs is available for advice and guidance throughouta student's undergraduate career. In the junior year, each studentis assigned a faculty member on the Board of Premedical Advisors.These advisors provide ongoing guidance, aid in the applicationprocedure, and participate in the preparation of letters of recommendation.

The basic requirements forpre-health professionals are satisfied by the following courses:two introductory courses (plus laboratory) in general chemistry,organic chemistry, physics, and biology.

A Guide for Premedical Studentsat Brandeis University,a comprehensive handbook that addresses all aspects of the premedicalcurriculum and the process of applying to medical schools, isavailable to all premedical students through the Office of UndergraduateAcademic Affairs.

Students planning to pursuea career in medicine, dentistry, or veterinary science shouldnotify the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.


While the University does nothave a field of concentration in education, it offers a programthat fulfills Massachusetts's requirements for teacher certificationand at least partially fulfills those of other states as well.Students interested in preparing for a career as a teacher inpreschool, primary, or secondary schools should inform themselvesof certification requirements in the state where they plan towork and should consult the Director of the Education Program.

Off-Campus Study

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Study Abroad

Brandeis University permitsstudents to enroll in specified programs abroad that provide asound course of study to enrich and enhance the American collegiateexperience. Students may receive credit toward their Brandeisdegrees through participation in educational programs abroad thathave been approved by the Committee on Academic Standing on therecommendation of the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.This committee may permit eligible students to enroll in overseasprograms of American universities, or in special cases, to pursueindividual programs of study at foreign universities. Over 120programs in 45 countries have been approved for Brandeis students'participation. The Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs maintainsa resource library of materials on approved programs and offerscounseling to undergraduates interested in enriching their Brandeisexperience with a period of international study. Eligibility criteriainclude appropriate class standing (usually junior), good academicstanding, the approval of the department of concentration, anda plan for completing all Brandeis degree and concentration requirementswithin eight semesters.

Credit for work completed abroadwill be accepted from those programs previously approved for foreignstudy by Brandeis University, or from programs that receive specialapproval from the registrar according to University guidelines.Such transfer of course credits will not necessarily imply thatthe work will be accepted for concentration credit by individualdepartments. In order to receive credit for work done abroad studentsmust return to Brandeis for at least one semester at the fullcourse rate.

Outstanding students may applyfor a limited number of special scholarship grants to aid themin completing their program of study abroad. The Abram L. SacharInternational Fellowship Program awards stipends for internationalstudy to exceptional students who plan to study abroad in thejunior year, or who are graduate students undertaking pre-dissertationor dissertation research abroad. The program is competitive; awardsare made on the basis of academic excellence and financial need.The Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs provides informationand assistance in applying for the Sachar scholarships, as wellas for foreign study grants available through the Fulbright, Rhodes,Marshall, and DAAD competitions.

University College (London)--BrandeisUniversity Cooperation

University College (London)offers up to five places annually to Brandeis University juniorswho have been selected by the Office of Undergraduate AcademicAffairs as academically well-qualified for a full year of studyin London. Final admissions decisions are made by University College.Those Brandeis students who are admitted through the officialcooperation process will receive a reduction in the cost of tuitionand may use Brandeis financial aid awards as appropriate.

University College (London)is the oldest and largest constituent college of the Universityof London consortium. It is located in the heart of the city,not far from the British Museum. Brandeis students are fully integratedinto the academic and social life of the college.

Leave of Absence withCredit

Students in good standing maypetition for a personal leave without credit, a leave to studyabroad with credit, or a domestic leave of absence with credit.Other sections of the Bulletin are devoted to leave ofabsence without credit and study abroad. This section deals exclusivelywith domestic credit-bearing leaves of absence. To qualify forfull credit transfer upon return, a student on credit-bearingleave status must work at a full rate of work as defined by thehost institution and earn grades of at least a C-. Applicantsmust be in good standing; must have a complete and satisfactoryrecord in the most recent semester of Brandeis study; must havecompleted at least two and not more than five semesters at Brandeis;and must have compelling academic reasons. Only in exceptionalcases may the senior year be spent on leave of absence with credit.No more than one course in a full course load may be taken ina subject area that will not transfer to the Brandeis degree.

Proposals for domestic leaveof absence with credit must be submitted prior to the periodof leave, contain a detailed course of study for one or two semestersof full-time work of demonstrable academic merit; bear the approvalof the applicant's faculty advisor; and develop a feasible planfor satisfying all degree requirements by the expected graduationdate.

Complete information on theregulations governing this program and assistance in preparingproposals may be obtained from the Office of Undergraduate AcademicAffairs.


Full-time Brandeis studentsenjoy cross-registration privileges with Babson, Bentley, andWellesley Colleges, and with the undergraduate schools of artsand sciences at Boston College, Boston University, and Tufts University.Under this program students may earn credit toward the Brandeisdegree without payment of additional tuition through satisfactorycompletion of courses taken on these neighboring campuses. Cross-registrationcourses and grades appear on Brandeis transcripts. Grades earnedin cross-registered courses are not used in the calculation ofthe grade point average. Additional information may be obtainedfrom the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.

Summer School Credit

A student may attend daytimesummer schools conducted by accredited colleges and universitiesfor credit toward the bachelor's degree. In order to be assuredthat credit will be granted upon satisfactory completion, approvalshould be obtained in advance from the Office of the UniversityRegistrar. Normally, courses must be taken at summer programsof at least six weeks in duration; however, the Committee on AcademicStanding may approve for credit selected programs with a minimumof 37 contact hours and five weeks in duration. For summer worktaken at institutions other than Brandeis, only grades of B- orhigher will receive credit. A student may earn credit for no morethan three semester courses in one summer.

Field Study

During their junior or senioryear, undergraduates may undertake a substantial research projectin certain fields of concentration in lieu of four semester courses.Research may be conducted either on campus or in the field--executionof the project may involve prolonged absence from the Brandeiscampus--at another institution, government agency, etc. The fieldstudy project must have the approval of the student's departmentof concentration. The project will be supervised by a facultyadvisor assigned by the department, and a second member of thefaculty will participate in evaluation of the student's work andthe assignment of a grade. Work in the project may occupy a fullsemester or it may be of two semesters' duration. In the lattercase, the two semesters must be consecutive. Students may receiveno more than four semester-course credits for field study, andmay offer no more than two semester-course credits from the fieldstudy course toward the department's concentration requirements.Interested students should explore the possibility of field studyin their concentrations with a faculty member in their departmentof concentration. Through affiliation with the School for FieldStudies, up to four semester course credits may be earned forwork at one of five environmentally oriented Study Centers abroad.