2000-01 Bulletin Entry for:

Requirement Codes

In the course listings that follow, some courses have been coded to indicate that they fulfill (or partially fulfill) particular University requirements. The legend below provides a key to the codes used. Note that not every requirement has been coded. Neither the University Seminars in Humanistic Inquiries nor the University Writing Seminars have been coded. The course abbreviations of USEM and UWS readily identify the University Seminars in Humanistic Inquiries and the University Writing Seminars.

General University Requirements

ca School of Creative Arts

cl## Clusters (see the list of clusters below)

fl Foreign Language

hum School of Humanities

nw Non-Western and Comparative Studies

qr Quantitative Reasoning

sn School of Science

ss School of Social Science

wi Writing Intensive

Clusters (optional--no longer required for graduation)

cl1 Cluster 1 The Aging Process

cl2 Cluster 2 The Baroque (discontinued)

cl3 Cluster 3 Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism in the Third World

cl4 Cluster 4 Conceptions of Personhood and Self

cl5 Cluster 5 Creativity in Art and Science

cl6 Cluster 6 Crime and Punishment

cl7 Cluster 7 Cultural Representations of Gender

cl8 Cluster 8 Discovering Our Origins

cl9 Cluster 9 The Enlightenment

cl10 Cluster 10 Ethnicity, Race, and Culture

cl11 Cluster 11 Families, Households, and the Life Cycle

cl12 Cluster 12 Feminist Perspectives on Society

cl13 Cluster 13 Film and Society

cl14 Cluster 14 Food

cl15 Cluster 15 Gender and Work

cl16 Cluster 16 The Global Commons: Environmental Issues in International Relations

cl17 Cluster 17 Greece and Rome, Seen and Seen Again

cl18 Cluster 18 Human Population Dynamics

cl19 Cluster 19 Intelligent Behavior: Natural and Artificial

cl20 Cluster 20 Justice

cl21 Cluster 21 Knowledge, Subjectivism, and Relativism

cl22 Cluster 22 Medicine, Health, and Social Policy

cl23 Cluster 23 Modern French Culture

cl24 Cluster 24 Modern Latin America

cl25 Cluster 25 Modern Russia

cl26 Cluster 26 Modernism: The Twentieth Century

cl27 Cluster 27 Nationalism in World Politics

cl28 Cluster 28 Nature-Nurture

cl29 Cluster 29 Power and Politics: Theory, Literature, and Practice

cl30 Cluster 30 The Renaissance

cl31 Cluster 31 The Scientific Model of the Universe

cl32 Cluster 32 Sustainable Development

cl33 Cluster 33 The City

cl34 Cluster 34 Values, Technology, and Society

cl35 Cluster 35 Visual Literacy

cl36 Cluster 36 Women and Society in the United States

cl37 Cluster 37 Women: Other Times, Other Places

cl38 Cluster 38 World Cultures

cl39 Cluster 39 The Birth of Europe

cl40 Cluster 40 Conflict and Cooperation

cl41 Cluster 41 Introduction to East Asia: China and Japan

cl42 Cluster 42 Theater and Life: What Shapes Performance?

cl43 Cluster 43 Romanticism

cl44 Cluster 44 Law, Politics, and Public Values

cl45 Cluster 45 Religion: People of the Book

cl46 Cluster 46 Sexualities and Society

cl47 Cluster 47 Disease and Society

cl48 Cluster 48 Myth, Ritual, and Religion