Fades to blue with Brandeis logo in white on top, and white text reads: “Brandeis University”
Title: “Department of Economics - Celebrating the Class of 2021” (“Pomp and Circumstance” is played in the background).
Transitions to another blue screen with Brandeis logo in white on the right hand side, and white text reads:
“Brandeis University | Class of 2021 Department of Economics”
Title: “Program of Events”
“Opening Remarks - Elizabeth Brainerd
Keynote Speaker - Nader Habibi
Presentation of Department Prizes & Awards - George Hall
Presentation of Honors Thesis Awards - Gary Jefferson
- Presentation of Graduates -
Faculty Greeting - Economics Department Faculty
Closing Remarks - Elizabeth Brainerd”
This is followed by Elizabeth Brainerd in front of a Zoom background of The International Business School.
Brainerd speaks:
“Hello, everyone. Welcome. I'm Betsy Brainerd, the chair of the Department of Economics, and on behalf of our faculty, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to the 2021 Brandeis University Department of Economics celebration in honor of our graduating seniors.
We are here to celebrate the individual achievements of the 171 seniors graduating this May as majors in economics. To our graduate's family and friends, we know that many of you are tuning in from around the globe to be here in support of our graduates. We are delighted that you are here to share in this celebration. To the parents of the graduates, we thank you for the honor of being entrusted with teaching your daughters and sons. It is indeed a great privilege to get to know the next generation of our countries and indeed our world's leadership.
Finally, to the graduates, to the class of 2021, congratulations, we are very proud of each and every one of you. I'll begin by giving you an overview of our proceedings. We'll start with our distinguished faculty speaker giving remarks to our graduates. That will be followed by the presentation of Economics Department prizes and awards for 2021 by Professor George Hall. Next step, Professor Gary Jefferson will present the senior honors thesis for this year and then we'll get to the highlight of our show, the reading of the names of each of our graduates.
We'll wrap up with readings to our students from individual faculty members and after the ceremony, we invite students and families to stop by the virtual chat rooms of individual faculty members to say hello.
Let me just say a few words about the economics major at Brandeis. As many of you know, economics continues to be the largest major at Brandeis. Now, there's a common perception that economics is such a popular major since our graduates typically do well on the job market and there's good reason for that perception. The typical economics major earns about 1/3 more over her lifetime than her average peer.
You'll be pleased to hear that this gap grows even larger during recessions. Employers value the quantitative and analytical skills you have worked so hard to acquire during your time at Brandeis. But I believe the popularity of the economics major is due to something more than just financial considerations. It is also a reflection on the discipline itself. Economics provides an intellectual perspective and know-how to analyze a broad range of social issues in a rigorous way.
Thus, economics is empowering for anyone who wants to engage in public service or simply understand more deeply than most, the origins and consequences of economic events. This has never been more apparent than now as the tools you've learned over the past four years are critical for understanding the economic consequences of the COVID crisis, its uneven distributional effects, and how to design policies to best mitigate these effects.
At a more personal level learning economics literally changes your life. After taking your first introductory economics class, you can't help but look at life differently. Economics helps to frame the choices that we as individuals make every day. Economics aids in making decisions about spending and saving, but also more broadly about marriage, children, education, divorce, career, retirements, and many other issues we face in our daily lives.
At Brandeis, the study of economics offers four years of challenging intellectual engagement. However, the wish of our faculty is that this is the foundation for you, our students in your continued quest to deepen and broaden your understanding of the economic principles and events that will shape your individual lives and those of the society for which we share responsibility.
So make the most of what you've learned and use it to navigate through these difficult times and beyond. As your understanding of the world grows, please come back and share it with the next generation of economic students. You are an economics student for four years, but a member of the Brandeis Economics Department for life.
Now it's my pleasure to introduce today's faculty speaker, Professor Nader Habibi. Professor Habibi is the Henry J. Leir Professor of the Economics of the Middle East in the Crown Center for Middle East Studies and Associate Professor in the Department of Economics.
Many of you know Professor Habibi from his courses in microeconomic theory, the economics of the Middle East, or from his new course on governance, bureaucracy, and economic development. He is a popular professor who students universally praise for his dedication to teaching and to the students' learning and well-being. He's also an expert on the economics of the Middle East and has made many contributions to better understanding this important and complex region.
As you will see, he has a valuable perspective on the role of economics and understanding and mitigating the challenges we have around us in our world today. Please join me in welcoming Professor Nader Habibi.”
Transitions to Professor Habibi who is in front of a blue wall with two paintings.
Habibi speaks:
“The graduating class of the Department of Economics, on behalf of all of my colleagues in the department, I would like to congratulate you for this important achievement. We are all so proud of you for your dedication and perseverance that has finally paid off. In spite of the isolation and Zoom fatigue of the last 14 months, you managed to complete all the requirements for your degree.
I would also like to congratulate your parents, grandparents, siblings, and any special person in your life who supported you financially and emotionally during your years in Brandeis. Class of 2021, if any of these loved ones are which you know, please take a few seconds to show them your appreciation with the universal sign for love.
There is also another congratulations in order. Class of 2021, congratulations and thank you for choosing to major in economics. Modern economics uses a variety of mathematical and statistical models to help us understand the complex behavior of consumers, firms, and policymakers as they interact with one another. As such, it helps us make informed decisions on allocation of scarce resources.
Ever since early 20th century, economic science has offered effective solutions to the most pressing economic challenges of every generation. When the Western economies suffered from record high poverty and unemployment rates during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the proposals of John Maynard Keynes for strengthening economic demand through increased government spending proved effective. By adopting Keynesian economic policies, the United States and Western Europe were able to overcome the depression by the 1940s and enjoyed a strong economic recovery by the 1950s and 1960s.
This success, however, was followed by a new economic challenge. In the 1970s, inflation emerged as the most pressing economic issue of industrial economies. Economic science responded by developing new ideas for improving fiscal and monetary discipline. The implementation of these policies helped many countries reduce their inflation rates to acceptable levels and restore price stability. Now, in the early decades of the 21st century, the developed and developing economies alike are facing a new challenge. This new challenge is extreme economic inequality.
Since 1980, the distribution of income and wealth in the United States and many other countries has become more unequal. While deregulation, globalization, and technological progress have led to economic growth and societies have become wealthier, the rich and the super-rich have benefited more from this success than the middle-class and low-income individuals. China's economic miracle since 1980 has lifted more than half a billion people out of poverty. But at the same time, the distribution of wealth and income has become more unequal.
In the past 10 years, in response to the rising inequality, economists and other social scientists have conducted many studies on consequences of rising economic inequality. Their findings point to several negative consequences. Extreme inequality not only harms the poor but the middle-class families as well. And some negative consequences affect the entire society.
Among advanced nations, the ones that are more unequal suffer from more crimes against property and even higher rates of homicide. Consequently, they also have more prisoners in proportion to their population. We also have empirical evidence that the citizens of more equal countries, such as Denmark, score higher on indicators of physical and mental health in comparison to more unequal countries, such as the United Kingdom and the United States.
High levels of inequality also reduce the sense of trust and solidarity among citizens. What about social mobility? They can measure social mobility by looking at how an individual's socioeconomic status at a specific age, for example, thirty, is different from his father at the same age. Based on this type of comparison, economists have concluded that higher income and wealth inequality is associated with lower rates of social mobility.
Finally, one of the worst consequences of excessive inequality of wealth and income is that it provides the rich with more financial resources to buy political influence by offering campaign contributions and even bribes to politicians. In return, the compromised politicians will approve economic policies that favor the wealthy over the middle-class. Fortunately, the experience of many countries shows that appropriate government policies can reduce inequality to more acceptable levels.
The United States experienced high rates of economic inequality in the 1910s and 1920s. But a combination of progressive taxes and income support programs in the 1930s reversed this trend. Inequality declined to much lower levels in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. On the other hand, the rising inequality after 1980 began with the reversal of progressive income taxes, the gradual reduction of workers' bargaining power, and the transfer of industrial activities to low-wage countries. This historical record proves that government policy can play an important role in both decline and rise of inequality.
By the way, the policies that the United States government adopted to support the economy during the current pandemic have made the rich even wealthier. As noted by President Biden in his April 28 address to the United States Congress, and I quote, ‘During the pandemic, roughly 650 billionaires in America saw their net worth increase by more than one trillion dollars, and they are now worth more than four trillion dollars.’
The worst kind of inequality is the inequality of opportunity that arises from discrimination based on an individual's race, ethnicity, gender, values, or lifestyle. Confronting all types of unfair discrimination and providing equal opportunity to everyone is an absolute necessity for any just society, but it's not enough. We should also oppose extreme income and wealth inequality, even if it arises from the normal operations of a meritocratic market economy that is committed to the principle of a growth opportunity.
As bad as the situation has become, there are also some positive developments. Attention to inequality has been on the rise among ordinary citizens in recent years. There are also some indications that President Biden and many new members of the Congress are supportive of more progressive tax and expenditure policies that can reduce inequality.
Each one of us can do our share to help promote good policies. Ten years ago, the Occupy Wall Street protests raised awareness about the worsening inequality in America. As many groups and individuals continue to campaign against inequality, we can use our vote, our voice in social media, and direct participation to help this campaign. Each one of us can also make a difference by being fair in our professional and personal lives.
Class of 2021, I'm not going to offer you any advice on how to become successful in life. Because if you think about the decision-making skills that you have learned in your economic classes, you will realize that many of them are also valuable life lessons. You learned how to identify the relevant costs and benefits of any investment project. You learned that opportunity costs are important, but such costs must be ignored.
You have learned how to determine if a threat is credible or it is just an empty bluff when you are dealing with a competitor. You have learned how to take risks and uncertainties into account when making decisions. As you leave Brandeis and move forward to the next phase of your life, apply these skills not only to economic and financial problems, but also to other important life decisions, and wherever life takes you, remember that we live in an interdependent world. We will all be better off if we care about each other and leave no one behind.
Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoy your graduation day.”
Transitions to Professor Brainerd.
Brainerd speaks:
“Thank you, Professor Habibi for those thoughtful and inspiring words. Before going to the honors and prizes we award each year for outstanding work in the field of Economics, I want to recognize the work of the large number of graduating seniors who have made ongoing contributions to the Economics department through their efforts as teaching assistance, research assistance, office workers and also our undergraduates, departmental representatives. On behalf of the department's faculty and students, many thanks for your efforts. You have greatly enhanced our ability to provide a top quality education to our students.
Now to present our awards for outstanding scholarship in the field of Economics, I call on one of our beloved professors at Brandeis, professor George Hall.”
Transitions to blue with Brandeis logo in white on the right hand side, and white text reads: “Brandeis University | Class of 2021 - Department of Economics”
Title: “Departmental Award Recipients”
“Carol Ann Steinfeld Memorial Prize in Economics:
Zixun Huang
Manqi Wang
Morris & Anna Feldberg Prize in Economics:
Dan (Ella) Mao
Yichen Liu
Sydney S. Cohen Award in Economics:
Javin Dana
Neeti Kulkarni”
Professor Hall is present on the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Hall speaks:
“It gives me great pleasure to announce the recipients of the Brandeis Economics Department prizes and awards for 2021. These prizes and awards recognize the outstanding work of our students in the Economics major. We have three prizes to award this year.
Now, it's always difficult to choose the recipients of these prizes because we are fortunate to have so many exceptional students in our major. This year, it was especially difficult because we had so many deserving students. But the students that we selected truly stood out for their extremely impressive academic records. Thus, it is an honor to recognize the hard work, dedication to learning, and intellectual firepower that these students demonstrated throughout their work in the Economics major at Brandeis.
Our first prize is the Carol Ann Steinfeld Memorial Prize in Economics, which is awarded to outstanding seniors in Economics who plan to attend graduate school. This year's recipients are Zixun Huang and Manqi Wang.
Our next prize is the Morris & Anna Feldberg Prize in Economics, which is awarded to outstanding students in Economics, planning on graduate study in the field. This year's recipients are Ella Mao and Yichen Liu.
Our last prize is the Sydney S. Cohen Award in Economics, which is awarded for outstanding work in the field of Economics. This year's recipients are Javin Dana and Neeti Kulkarni.
Congratulations to our six prize winners.”
Transitions back to Professor Brainerd.
Brainerd speaks:
“Thank you, Professor Hall. Now, I'd like to introduce Professor Gary Jefferson, who will recognize our senior honors thesis writers. Professor Jefferson very ably directed our senior honors thesis program this year, and I thank him for his work. Welcome Professor Jefferson.”
Transitions to a video of Professor Jefferson. The text “Gary Jefferson” appears on the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
Jefferson speaks:
“Greetings. As the coordinator for the department senior honors thesis program, I am delighted to have the opportunity to share with you the names and the accomplishments of our 10 graduating seniors who are receiving departmental honors this year.
The award of departmental honors results from two accomplishments; accumulating a GPA of at least 3.5 out of 4.0 within the department, and still more important, successfully writing a senior honors thesis.
Those who've accomplished this, as well as their family, friends, and classmates will understand how time consuming and stressful the senior thesis exercise can be only culminating and having to defend the thesis before three faculty. Thesis honors consists of three levels; honors, high honors and highest honors. This year, those receiving honors and the thesis titles they have chosen follow.
Jiaxin Li, The Impact of Globalization of the Chinese Yen and the US Dollar.
Akwasi Owusu-Brempong, Ethnic Differences in Access to Health Care in Ghana.
Maxi Phung, Why a Negative Term Structure Precedes a Recession?
Jake Rong, Examining the Effects of Uber Surge Pricing Strategy.
Those receiving High Honors.
Noah Benveniste, the Impact of Headstart and Social and Economic Mobility.
Adam Dean, The Productivity Impacts of NBTA Service Downtime.
Neeti Kulkarni, The Prevalence of Avoidable Visits by Medicaid Beneficiaries to Hospital Emergency Rooms.
Filipo Mavrothalassitis, Deciphering the Fine Print of State Renewable Energy Policies.
Finally, receiving highest honors, Ella Mao, What is The Optimum Number of Consumer Features Required a Firm to Perform First Degree Price Discrimination.
We are indeed delighted to have had the opportunity to have known and learned with each of you. Best wishes for your work and life after Brandeis. Congratulations.”
Transitions back to Professor Brainerd.
Brainerd speaks:
“Thank you, professor Jefferson, and congratulations to our honors thesis writers. What a great group of students. We're very privileged to have helped you along the way. In a moment, we will recognize each one of our graduating seniors by name.
It is my pleasure to introduce the four faculty colleagues who will be reading the names of each of our Economics graduates for the class of 2021. Professor Scott Redenius will read the first group of names, followed by Professor James Ji, Professor Gary Jefferson and Professor Yinchu Zhu.
Let me turn now to Professor Redenius who will kick off our conferring of virtual Economics degrees. Go ahead, professor Redenius.”
Transitions to Professor Redenius in front of a window.
Redenius speaks:
“First of all, I want to say congratulations to everyone.”
Professor Redenius reads the following names and graduation details:
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Brandeis University | Class of 2021 - Department of Economics
Markos Wandossan Alemu
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics
Minors: Computer Science; Politics”
There is a picture of Markos on the right hand side of the screen in graduation attire.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Nan An
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Business.”
There is the Brandeis logo on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Max Baker-Rosenberg
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics
Minor: Business”
There is the Brandeis logo on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Robert Seth Banks
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business
Suderow Family Prize for Excellence in Business.
There is the Brandeis logo on the right hand side of the slide. Robert’s zoom video is on the right side of the screen.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Alexander Evans Bender
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Film/Television/Interactive Media
Minor: Business”
There is a picture of Alexander wearing formal attire on the right hand side of the slide. Alexander’s zoom video is on the right side of the screen wearing a graduation cap.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Noa Sol Benveniste
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics with High Honors
Minors: Mathematics; German Studies”
Noa’s zoom video is on the right side of the screen sitting on a couch.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Grace Victoria Berry
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minor: Mathematics"
There is a picture of Grace in front of a lighthouse on the right hand side of the slide. Grace’s zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen in front of curtains.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Lindsay Madison Biebelberg
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; History
Minor: Near Eastern & Judaic Studies”
Lindsay’s zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen wearing a graduation cap.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Barghav Bindiganavile
Majors: Economics; Biology
Minors: Health: Science, Society & Policy; Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Roland E. Blanding
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics
Minor: Philosophy”
Roland’s zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen sitting outdoors.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Emma Nicole Brown
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Business”
There is a photo of Emma outdoors on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Noah Ban Cantor
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics
Minor: Psychology”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jason Chang
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Business”
There is a photo of Jason wearing a suit on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jingyi Chung
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jeffrey Chen
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Shaoqian Chen
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics
Minor: Business”
There is a photo of Shaoqian in front of a window
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Sicheng Chen
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yang Chen
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Darryl Chia
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Philosophy”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Connor Chin
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minors: Business; Philosophy”
Connor’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Connor is in front of a window.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Austin C. Clamage
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major in Economics
Minors: Business; Computer Science”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“James Clark-Stewart
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; History”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Anupreeth Coramutla
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Business,
Minor: Legal Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Robert Richard Corpening
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business,
Minor: Creative Writing”
Robert’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Robert is wearing a blue dress shirt.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Kevin Matsumura Costa
Bachelor of Arts,
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; English; Creative Writing with High Honors
Minor: Philosophy”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Casimir Nicholas Dahrouch
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Politics
Minor: Hispanic Studies”
Casimir’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Casimir is wearing a graduation cap and waving at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Chenxi Dai
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies
Minor: Environmental Studies”
There is a picture of Chenxi wearing graduation attire on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Javin Cooke Dana
Bachelor of Arts
Summa Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Politics with Highest Honors
Prizes: Sydney S. Cohen Award in Economics; Excellence in Political Science Award Science prize”
Javin’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Javin is waving at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Nikhil Ray Das
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business
Minor: Legal Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Adam D. Dean
Bachelor of Arts
Summa Cum Laude
Major: Economics with High Honors”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Tiankai Ding
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics”
Tiankai’s Zoom Video is on the right hand side of the screen and Tiankai is in front of a door.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Hangyu Du
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Computer Science
Prizes: Jacques Cohen Award in Computer Science”
Hangyu’s Zoom Video is on the right hand side of the screen. Hangyu is in front of a lamp post Zoom background.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Siyu Duan
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jingwen Fang
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Mathematics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Qiming Feng
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business
Minor: East Asian Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Zifan Feng
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Raphael Philip-Jacob Flicker
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Melissa Nicole Frank
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major in Economics
Minors: Legal Studies; Politics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Christian Garside Goeselt
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; International & Global studies”
There is a photo of Christian in graduation attire on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Robert Alden Good
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Philosophy; Politics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Wilson Luther Hall II
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Huiyan Hao
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Art History; International & Global Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Dingyuan He
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics”
Transitions back to Professor Brainerd.
Brainerd speaks:
“Thank you, Professor Redenius. To continue on with the readings of the names, I'm pleased to introduce Prof. James Ji.”
Transitions to Professor Ji who continues reading the following names and graduation information:
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Daniella Hanna Herskowitz
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Health Science, Society, & Policy”
There is a photo of Daniella outdoors in a city on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Annabelle Hu
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minors: Comparative Literature & Culture; French and Francophone Studies”
There is a photo of Annabelle wearing a surgical mask and graduation attire on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Junkang Hu
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yunyi Hu
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Zhiyun Hu
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business
Minor: International & Global Studies”
There is a picture of Zhiyun in front of a view of a city on the right hand side of the slide. Zhiyun’s Zoom Video is on the right hand side of the screen and Zhiyun is in front of a painting.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yaxi Huang
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Zheyi Huang
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Zixun Huang
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics
Minor: International & Global Studies
Prizes: Carol Ann Steinfeld Memorial Prize in Economics”
Zixun’s Zoom Video is on the right hand side of the screen and Zixun is in front of a curtain.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Brian Daniel Inker
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minors: Business; Psychology”
Brian’s Zoom Video is on the right hand side of the screen and Brian is in front of a Zoom background of the Rose Art Museum. Someone cheers in the background.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Sarah Arthi Jacob
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics
Minors: Legal Studies; Philosophy”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jonah S. Jakab
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Computer Science
Minor: History”
There is a photo of Jonah in front of a view of a city on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Rikvan Jhamb
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Health: Science, Society, and Policy
Minor: Business”
Rikvan’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Xing Ji
Bachelor of Science
Summa Cum Laude
Majors: Economics with High Honors; Applied Mathematics
Minor: Philosophy”
There is a photo of Xing wearing a graduation cap on the right hand side of the slide. Xing’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Xing is in front of a painting.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Chenghao Jin
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics; Business.
Prizes: Award for Academic Achievement in Business”
There is a photo of Chenghao in business attire on the right hand side of the slide. Chenghao’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and has a Zoom background of the Golden Gate Bridge.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Huiying Jin
Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics
Minor: East Asian Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Emma Rose Kenney
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Sociology
Minor: History”
There is a photo of Emma in front of trees on the right hand side of the slides. Emma’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Emma is wearing a graduation cap.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Neeti S. Kulkarni
Bachelor of Arts
Summa Cum Laude
Majors: Economics with High Honors; Music with Highest Honors
Minor: French and Francophone Studies
Prizes: Sidney S. Cohen Award in Economics and Rosalie L. Warren Award in Music”
Neeti’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Neeti is sitting next to a plant.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Emily Claire Kutrieb
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Anthropology”
Emily’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Emily is wearing a graduation cap.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Elaine Kwarteng
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minors: African and African American Studies; Politics”
There is a photo of Elaine in front of a blue background on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jessica Lam
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business”
There is a photo of Jessica sitting outside on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Oliver Burton Leeb
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Politics
Minor: Theater Arts”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Eli Lewis
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Chengming Li
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business; East Asian Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Cher Li
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Creative Writing
Minors: Business; Psychology”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Hongyu Li
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics”
Hongyu’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Hongyu is wearing a graduation cap with the Rose Art Museum as the Zoom background.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jiaxin Li
Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics with High Honors; Computer Science
Minor: Business”
Jianxin’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Jianxin has the Brandeis campus as a Zoom background.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jingman Li
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jinye Li
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Psychology
Minor: Mathematics”
There is a photo of Jinye next to two trees on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Tianshu Li
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yixuan Li
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies
Minor: Philosophy”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yuxi Li
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Zheqi Li
Bachelor of Science
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics
Minor: East Asian Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yinghan Lin
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics
Minor: Computer Science”
Yinghan’s Zoom video is in the right hand side of the screen and Yinghan is in front of a curtain.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Hanfei Liu
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Mathematics”
There is a photo of Hanfei in front of a wall.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jingwen Liu
Bachelor of Science
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jingyuan Liu
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies with High Honors,
Minor: History
Prizes: The Ellen Lasher Kaplan '64 & Robert S. Kaplan Award”
There is a photo of Jingyuan wearing formal attire. Jingyuan’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Jingyuan waves at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yichen Liu
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies; Mathematics.
Prizes: Morris & Anna Feldberg Prize in Economics”
Yichen’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Yichen waves at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yueer Liu
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; International and Global Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yuejia Liu
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; East Asian Studies; International & Global Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yuning Liu
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Zhecheng Liu
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jordan Burg Loranger
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; East Asian Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Xinye Lu
Bachelor of Science
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics”
Transitions back to Professor Brainerd
Brainerd speaks:
“Thank you, Professor Ji, and I am happy to introduce again, Professor Jefferson, who will continue with the reading of the names. Welcome, Professor Jefferson.”
Transitions to Professor Jefferson who has a Zoom background of outer space and a virtual graduation cap as a Zoom filter.
Jefferson speaks:
“Yes, good day, greetings. Continuing”
Professor Jefferson continues reading the following names and graduation information:
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yiming Luo
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies
Minor: East Asian Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yiyang Luo
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yining Ma
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Noam Maman
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Politics”
Noam’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Noam waves at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Dan Mao
Bachelor of Science
Summa Cum Laude
Majors: Economics with Highest Honors; Applied Mathematics
Prizes: Morris and Anna Feldberg Prize in Economics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jacob Joshua Margolis
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minor: Theater Arts”
Jacob’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Jacob is wearing a graduation cap and waves at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Filippo Luca Mavrothalassitis
Bachelor of Arts
Summa Cum Laude
Majors: Economics with High Honors; Environmental Studies”
There is a photo of Filippo outdoors in front of a house on the right hand side of the slide. Filippo’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Filippo is in front of a wall.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Ian Alexander McCarthy-Kelly
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minors: English; Politics; Film, Television, and Interactive Media”
Ian’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Ian is in front of a curtain and waves at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Rohan Reddy Mullangi
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“El Mamoune Natlho
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jonah Thanh Nguyen
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Sociology
Prizes: Dewey-Boyte Prize for the Scholarship and Practice of Democracy”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Ariel Moshe Ohayon
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business”
There is a photo of Ariel wearing a suit jacket in front of a blue background on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Adrian Rene Orduno
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Psychology
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jonathan Daniel Ossip
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Computer Science
Minor: International & Global Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Weixian Ouyang
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Business”
Weixian’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Weixian is sitting on a couch.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Akwasi Owusu-Brempong
Bachelor of Arts
Summa Cum Laude
Majors: Economics with Honors; Business
Minor: Computer Science”
There is a photo of Akwasi wearing formal attire on the right hand side of the slide. Akwasi’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Akwasi has a Zoom background of the Brandeis campus.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Amphy Sicheng Pan
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Psychology”
There is a photo of Amphy in front of a white background.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Rouchan Pan
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business
Minor: International & Global Studies”
There is a photo of Rouchan in graduation attire on the right hand side of the slide. Rouchan’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Rouchan has a Zoom background of the Brandeis campus.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Alexander Harrison Parrott
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics
Minors: Business; Philosophy”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Amanda Zoe Pasternak
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minor: Health, Science, Society, & Policy”
Amanda’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Amanda is wearing a graduation cap.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Sarah Elizabeth Pechet
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies; Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies
Minor: Arabic language, Literature, & Culture”
There is a photo of Sarah in front of an amphitheater.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jierui Peng
Bachelor of Science
Majors: Economics; Computer Science”
There is a photo of Jierui sitting on a footbridge on the right hand side of the slide. Jierui’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Jierui is waving at the camera in front of the Mandel building Zoom background.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Leah Rae Peretski
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies
Minor: Legal Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Mai Q. Phung
Bachelor of Arts
Summa Cum Laude
Major in Economics with Honors”
There is a photo of Mai in front of a Venetian building. Mai’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Mai is in front of a lamp.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Aria Pradhan
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business with High Honors”
Aria’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Aria waves at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Cindy Miao-Hui Qi
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business
Minor: East Asian Studies”
There is a photo of Cindy in front of a bush with purple flowers on the right hand side of the slide. Cindy’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Cindy waves at the camera while wearing a graduation cap.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Feipeng Qi
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics
Minor: Computer Science”
Feipeng’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Feipeng has the Brandeis campus as a Zoom background.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Wenjing Qin
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Philosophy
Minors: Legal Studies, Peace, Conflict, & Coexistence Studies”
Wenjing’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Wenjing smiles at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yiqi Qiu
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics; Comparative Literature & Culture”
There is a photo of Yiqi in front of a white background on the right hand side of the slide. Yiqi’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and someone is taking a picture.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Zhiyun Qiu
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Mathematics”
Zhiyun’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Zhiyun is wearing formal attire.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Michael R. Richard
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Mathematics”
Michael’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Michael gives a thumbs up to the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jake Jia Rong
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Major: Economics with Honors”
There is a photo of Jake in front of a blue background.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Noah Hunter Ross
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; History”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Melissa Rose Rothenberg
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business; Environmental Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Noah I. Rovner-Frydman
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics in Business”
There is a photo of Noah wearing a tie on the right hand side of the slide. Noah’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Noah waves at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Nathan Ronald Scantlerbury
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies”
Nathan’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Nathan waves at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Rebecca Shaar
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economic; Business
Prizes: Academic Achievement in Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Ryan David Shaffer
Bachelor of Arts
Summa Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; History with Highest Honors; Philosophy
Doris Brewer Cohen Endowment Award.”
There is a photo of Ryan wearing a collared shirt on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Haoyang Shen
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics”
Haoyang’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Haoyang waves at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Ziyu Shen
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; International & Global Studies
Minor: East Asian Studies”
There is a photo of Ziyu wearing graduation attire on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Shuhang Sheng
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; East Asian Studies; Psychology”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Junsup Shin
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business”
Transitions back to Professor Brainerd.
Brainerd speaks:
“Thank you very much, Professor Jefferson, and I am pleased to introduce our Professor Yinchu Zhu who will be reading the last group of names. Professor Zhu, the floor is yours.”
Transitions to Professor Zhu.
Zhu speaks:
“Thanks. We continue.”
Professor Zhu reads the following names and graduation information:
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Olesandra Skarboviychuk
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Philosophy
Minors: Business; International & Global Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Justin Samuel Sohn
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minors: Architectural Studies; Business”
Justin’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Justin waves to the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Nakul Srinivas
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; English”
There is a photo of Nakul in graduation attire on the right hand side of the slide. Nakul’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Nakul is wearing formal attire.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jiayao Sun
Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Mathematics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yage Sun
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Environmental Studies
Minor: East Asian Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Tristan Tseng
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Computer Science
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Madeline Uri
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minor: Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Rajan Vohra
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jinni Wang
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Biology”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Manqi Wang
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; East Asian Studies; Mathematics
Carol Ann Steinfeld Memorial Prize in Economics”
There is a photo of Manqi in front of a beige background on the right hand side of the slide. Manqi’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Manqi is wearing a graduation cap while waving to the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Ruoshan Wang
Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics”
There is a photo of Ruoshan holding flowers while wearing graduation attire on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Sihan Wang
Bachelor of Science,
Majors: Economics; Biochemistry”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Wenjie Wang
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business
Minor: Psychology”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Xintong Wang
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Xujin Wang
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Environmental Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Zhaoyi Wang
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Xiao Wei
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Art History; Studio Art
Minor: Mathematics
Paul Caine Memorial Award & Herbert Sandra Fisher '56 Award for Exceptional Achievements in the Creative Arts”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Connor Michael Weintraub
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Psychology”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Chongkai Wu
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Computer Science
Minor: East Asian Studies”
There is a photo of Chongkai in front of a white background on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yiang Wu
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Mathematics; Philosophy”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yu Xia
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; East Asian Studies; International & Global Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Manshan Xiao
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minors: East Asian Studies; Psychology”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Zilong Xiao
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics”
Zilong’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Zilong is in front of a door.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Hang Xu
Bachelor of Science
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Qingru Xu
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; East Asian Studies
Minor: Business”
Qingru’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Qingru is in front of a white background.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Ziqin Xu
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Major: Economics
Minors: Business; East Asian Studies”
Ziqin’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Ziqin waves at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Lanxuan Yang
Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Ruihua Yang
Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Anthropology with High Honors
Minor: Business”
Ruihua’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Ruihua has a graduation hat as a Zoom filter.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yuanjie Yang
Bachelor of Arts
Summa Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Chemistry with Honors
American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry Outstanding Senior Student”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Danning Ye
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics; Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Chuanzhou Zhang
Bachelor of Science
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics; Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Huiyan Zhang
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics; Computer Science”
There is a photo of Huiyan in front of a white background on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Kexin Zhang
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics; Computer Science”
There is a photo of Kexin in front of a boat on the right hand side of the slide. Kexin’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen and Kexin waves at the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Qirui Zhang
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Environmental Studies
Minor: International & Global Studies”
Qirui’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Someone is waving in the background and Qirui is smiling.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yao Zhang
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business
Minor: East Asian Studies”
Yao’s Zoom video is on the right hand side of the screen. Yao waves to the camera.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Ying Zhang
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Economics; Mathematics”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Zihan Zhang
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Ruizhang Zhi
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Health Science, Society & Policy; Philosophy
Minor: Legal Studies”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Hange Zhu
Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Applied Mathematics
Arnold Shapiro Prize in Mathematics”
There is a photo of Hange outdoors wearing a graduation cap on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Jiachen Zhu
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Sociology
Minor: Psychology”
There is a photo of Jiachen in front of a building on the right hand side of the slide.
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Ningyuan Zhu
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics
Minor: Business”
A dark blue slide with white text. The text on the slide reads:
“Yikun Zhu
Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Majors: Economics; Business
Minor: East Asian Studies”
Transitions back to Professor Brainerd
Brainerd speaks:
“Thank you, Professor Zhu. That completes our reading of the names of our Economics graduates. Finally, I am pleased to share with you the greetings to our seniors from our individual faculty members.”
A dark blue slide with white text and the Brandeis logo. The text reads:
“And now a word from our economics department faculty…”
Transitions to a video of Professor Redenius. The text “Scott Redenius” appears on the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
Redenius speaks:
“I've really enjoyed getting to know the Class of 2021 over the past four years, first in-person, and then virtually. Obviously, much has changed since we first met. I've learned how to make videos, set up Zoom meetings, and there have been some more obvious changes. For your part, you started your exploration of economics with this simple but useful model over here.”
Professor Redenius holds up a whiteboard with a supply and demand graph with the text “Buy low, sell high!!”
Redenius speaks:
“From there, you've gone on to master much more advanced models and statistical methods. I know these will serve you well in the future. But in addition to knowledge, you've also had the chance to get some practical advice in your economic classes.
My heartfelt congratulations to all of you, both on your graduation and on all that you've accomplished. I hope to see many of you after the ceremony, but regardless, I hope you'll keep in touch and keep me posted on your many future achievements. Congratulations.”
Transitions to a video of Professor Menon in front of a bookshelf.
Menon speaks:
“Hello everyone, my name is Nidhiya Menon. I'm here to say many congratulations and all the best for a bright and hopeful future. Please keep in touch and please come back and see us when you can.”
This is followed by a video of Professor Ballatine in front of a window. The text “John Ballantine Jr.” appears on the bottom left corner of the screen.
Ballantine speaks:
“Congratulations. 2020 and 2021 is a year that none of us will ever forget. Who would have thought that economics would reach out to the whole world that we've learned about science and pandemics and viruses and vaccines, and that how our economies are interconnected and our worlds are interconnected and all these, which you have seen is the ability with ingenuity, hard work, and cooperation.
We can do better. I congratulate you as you go out to the world, make it better. Thank you for everything that you've given to us and to Brandeis and to what's ahead. Congratulations.”
Transitions to a video of Professor Shiller in front of a Zoom background of the statue of Louis Brandeis on campus. The text “Benjamin Shiller” appears on the bottom of the screen.
Shiller speaks:
“This past year has been undeniably tough for many of us and yet all of you sitting here today have persevered. Now, just as you are graduating, the future looks bright, especially for you. Congratulations.”
This is followed by a video of Professor Eden sitting on a patio with a child. The text “Maya Eden” appears on the bottom of the screen.
Eden speaks:
“Hello Class of 2021. This is Professor Eden, I taught some of you macroeconomic theory. I wanted to say congratulations and best of luck on what follows. Bye. Off we go.”
Professor Eden and the child slowly ride away on a scooter.
This is followed by a video of Professor Hall sitting in front of a bookshelf. The text “George Hall” appears on the bottom of the screen.
Hall speaks:
“Congratulations Class of 2021. These past 18 months have been difficult and challenging along so many dimensions and it's been easy to get pessimistic. But watching you persevere, watching you take care of each other, and watching you take care of our Brandeis community has made me so very proud.
I know that our future is in great hands. Stay strong, celebrate the moment, and stay in touch. Congratulations.”
This is followed by a video of Professor L’Huillier in front of a bookshelf. The text “Jean-Paul L’Huillier” appears on the bottom of the screen.
L’Huillier speaks:
“Dear students, a message of well-wishes to all the graduating Class of 2021. Congratulations. I've had the opportunity to interact with many of you in the context of my classes in the Economics Department and I feel really honored to have had that opportunity. I wish you all the best for your future endeavors. Good luck.”
This is followed by a video of Professor Ji in front of a Zoom background of a city skyline with fireworks. The text “James Ji” appears on the bottom of the screen.
Ji speaks:
“To our 2021 graduates. Congratulations on your achievements. We're all very proud of you. I am fortunate and blessed to share part of that fruitful experience with you. The road ahead is long but always remember, you're part of the Brandeis family now and you will always be in our minds. No matter where the future journey takes you, I wish you all the best.”
This is followed by a video of Professor Hawkins dressed in graduation attire in front of a beige wall. The text “Amelia Hawkins” appears on the bottom of the screen.
Hawkins speaks:
“Congratulations Class of 2021.”
This is followed by a video of Professor Sloczynski in front of a whiteboard. The text “Tymon Sloczynski” appears on the bottom of the screen.
Sloczynski speaks:
“Dear Class of 2021. I'm Tymon Sloczynski from the Economics Department and I wanted to congratulate you on your achievements and in particular on graduating from Brandeis this spring with a degree in Economics. It was great to meet so many of you in my statistics classes and I'm really sorry that we cannot meet again in person this May. I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing many of you in the future, and in any case, thank you. Please just stay in touch.”
This is followed by a video of Professor Habibi sitting outside while holding two dogs on leash. The text “Nader Habibi” appears on the bottom of the screen.
Habibi speaks:
“Everyone, I'm here with Phoebe and Pandora and all of us would like to say congratulations. I hope that you will enjoy your summer after this very difficult year. Please come back and visit us in Brandeis. Bye bye. Congratulations. Say congratulations. Can you say congratulations? Thank you.”
This is followed by a video of Professor Clarke in front of a whiteboard with the words “Congratulations Class of 2021!!!” on it. The text “Geoff Clarke” appears on the bottom of the screen.
Clarke speaks:
“Congratulations Class of 2021, you did it. You figured out a different way to study and learn and succeed in these last three crazy semesters, and now you're going to figure out a different way to celebrate your achievement. We're not going to be there in person, but we're all here on camera and we're all cheering with you.”
This is followed by a video of Professor Zhu in front of a window. The text “Yinchu Zhu” appears on the bottom of the screen.
Zhu speaks:
“Congratulations Class of 2021, we are all very proud of you and I just want to wish you the best of luck.”
Professor Zhu waves at the camera.
This is followed by a video of Professor Jefferson in front of window curtains. The text “Gary Jefferson” appears on the bottom of the screen.
Jefferson speaks:
“As a result of the adapting the learnings that you have endured during the last year and some months, your class is probably on the cutting edge of the inevitable change that we're going to have to work through moving forward here in this country and around the world and I hope that you're able to duly prosper and benefit from that advantage. To the Class of 2021 graduating, congratulations. To our Chinese students: Ao li gei.”
Transitions to a breaking news intro animation with the text “BREAKING NEWS” and a spinning globe animation with news music playing in the background.
This is followed by a video of someone in front of a TV news studio background. The text “Anonymous Newscaster” appears on the bottom of the screen. The music changes to a somber piano music.
Newscaster speaks:
“Because of the pandemic, schools all over the country are telling their senior students that they cannot graduate this year. They have to stay in school for one more year.”
A piece of paper is handed to the newscaster. The music stops.
Newscaster speaks:
“Wait, breaking news. We're now turning to Professor Nelson Sa from Brandeis University.”
This is followed by a video of Professor Sa sitting next to a large St. Bernard dog on a sidewalk. The text “Nelson Sa” appears on the bottom of the screen. Professor Sa is holding a microphone.
Sa speaks:
“Breaking news Brandeis students are indeed graduating and they are receiving their diplomas. I have with me a random passerby and I'm going to ask him a few questions. What is your name?”
Professor Sa holds the microphone to the dog. A speech bubble appears next to the dog with the text “Me Nuri”. There is a dog whining noise.
Sa speaks:
“What do you think about our Brandeis graduating seniors?”
Professor Sa holds the microphone to the dog. A speech bubble appears next to the dog with the text “Me think they are great!!!!” There is a dog whining noise.
Sa speaks:
“There you go. Thank you. Unbiased words from a random passerby, yes, we are all extremely, extremely proud of our seniors. They did great under the most adverse conditions and I have no doubts that they are going to continue doing even greater throughout their lives. To all of you, congratulations.”
There is a dog howling noise and a speech bubble appears next to the dog with the text “Me can have treats now?”. Professor Sa gives the dog a treat. The text “Congratulations” appears on the screen along with confetti.
Sa speaks:
“There you go.”
Transitions to a blue slide with Brandeis logo in white on the right hand side, and white text in the title reads:
“Brandeis University | Class of 2021 Department of Economics”
Text: “Congratulations from all of us here at the economics department!”
Transitions back to Professor Brainerd.
Brainerd speaks:
“Thank you to our faculty for those greetings. Just one more reminder of how fantastic the faculty are in our departments. Another reminder that you can never really go wrong with bringing your dog in an online class. Before closing, I want to take a moment to recognize our department administrators, Eliza Dumais and Leslie Yancich who did truly outstanding work to create and coordinate the online celebration you have just seen. Day in and day out, Leslie and Eliza help to manage the departments and our undergraduate program.
They went above and beyond the call of duty to keep things running smoothly during this crazy pandemic year. Thank you to Leslie and Eliza for the fantastic work that you do.
I also have to thank Dan Jennings and the great staff at media technology services who again provided expert support in putting this video celebration together.
I also want to recognize and extend my gratitude to our faculty for their dedication to our students and for their extraordinary efforts to teach in online, hybrid, and in-person modes over the past year. I don't think many of us are going to miss online teaching, although I think a few students might miss getting up at 9:59 for a 10:00 AM class.
But in spite of the challenges, I believe that your faculty succeeded in making this year a rich and meaningful learning experience for our students. You did this with creativity and compassion, while at the same time dealing with disruptions in your own lives. Thank you for your dedication, for your dedication to our students.
Finally to our students, it's never easy to complete a college education, but you have managed to do it in the face of challenges most students never even dreamed of. You've done this with grace, humor, patience, and determination. You've shown that you are not only talented, intelligent, and hard-working, and we already knew all about that, but you are also resilient. I feel good about having our world in the hands of students who have succeeded in the face of these historic challenges.
Class of 2021, each of you has earned the right to join the distinguished group of alumni bearing a Brandeis degree. We congratulate you on your past achievements and wish you all the best in your future studies and careers whenever and wherever these may be.
Thank you and best wishes to the Class of 2021. Just a reminder, please join the faculty in our individual chat rooms after the ceremony. Thanks again and congratulations.”
The music “Carpe Diem” starts playing. Transitions to a blue slide with Brandeis logo in white on top, and white text reads: “Brandeis University Celebrating the Class of 2021. Congratulations Economics Department Graduates!”