IBS Ranked Among Best for Women

In its specialty rankings of the best business schools in North America, The Princeton Review has ranked Brandeis International Business School (IBS) number 10 in the category of “greatest opportunity for women.”

The publication uses an 80-question survey of 19,000 students to select the top 300 business schools in North America. It then ranks the top 10 schools in 11 different categories; IBS is one of 66 business schools appearing on these lists.

The high ranking recognizes IBS’ leadership in advancing women throughout the institution — as students, faculty members, program administrators and advisory board members. “We really have created a culture of inclusion and respect for diversity,” says Dean Bruce Magid.

Kate Goldfield, associate dean of student services and administration, points out that the school’s open culture “translates into outstanding opportunities for women in all areas of the educational experience, from scholarship to leadership, and through the development of outstanding role models.”

Melissa Branzburg, M.B.A.’11, identifies “strong women faculty members who serve as excellent role models,” along with a welcoming environment, as key reasons the school is seen as providing great opportunities for women. Women make up almost half the student body, and the faculty is nearly one-third female.