Classes of 2000-09
JoAnne Maynard, Heller PhD’02, of Lexington, Mass., a professor of public health at Worcester State University, died on May 31, 2014. She leaves her husband, Harvey; her daughter, Anya; her brothers, Mark, Kevin, Marty and Michael; and her sisters, Jill, Denise and Amy. Janice Mercurio Hasty, MA’06, of Cambridge, Mass., who left a senior position at Bank of Boston to pursue a career as an art historian, died on May 30, 2014, after suffering a stroke while in China. She leaves her husband, Christopher; her parents, Anne and William; and her brother, William. Lois Schneiderman Levy, Rabb MS’09, of Delray Beach, Fla., and Stoughton, Mass., died on Dec. 29, 2013. She leaves her husband, Barry; her sons, Frederick and David; and her brothers, Paul and Stuart.