(Note: The transcripts in this webcase are excerpted from longer classroom discussions. They are not intended for use independent of the videos which they accompany.)
Teacher: OK, everybody take out the sheet number four. I’m going to write up the question. What can this stones text teach us about how to live in community?
Kaniel: Is that the fourth question?
Teacher: Similar. I put it in different words.
Kaniel: Can I answer the fourth question for what we said?
Teacher: Active listening. Someone is going to share, let’s listen to his idea.
Kaniel: There are two people and they have babies, and it adds more people to Judaism. Then our next idea was, we can build off of it.
Teacher: So what is that teaching us?
Kaniel: Don’t exclude people. Just add people.
Jacob: Well, if anyone wants to play, you can add them.
Teacher: One at a time.
Jacob: Well, if anyone wants to play, you can add them. But if anyone doesn't want to play, you don’t have to add them.
Kaniel: You don't have to force them to play.
Jacob: Yeah.
Kaniel: If they say, "I don't want to play," be like, "No, you have to play." So you're forcing them.
Teacher: But what is the text saying would happen if you add them?
Jacob: Well, if you add them ...
Teacher: According to the text, what would happen?
Jacob: What would happen is it would stop tottering if you add another one. Probably because it's more weight so it's harder for it to fall.
Hannah: If you include others, it's like tovim hashnaim min ha’echad [two are better than one] because then you keep on including. Then there's two. Then you include another. Three is better than one, four is better than one, five is better than one, and then eventually it's pretty secure. It’s really secure.
Teacher: Tovim hashnaim min ha’echad, and on and on and on, as we keep on adding. Go ahead …
Sophia: Don't always be leaving or taking away. Be supportive and stay with the community.
Teacher: And stay with the what?
Sophia: Community.
Teacher: Wait, I can’t hear because there are other noises. Can you repeat that, and can I have active listening from everyone?
Sophia: The whole idea?
Teacher: Well, I heard some background noise that was disruptive to what you were saying.
Sophia: Don’t always be leaving and taking away. Be supportive and stay with the community.
Teacher: Be supportive and stay with ... say that last part?
Sophia: Stay with the community. Like, don’t be ...
Halle: ... don’t just walk away from people.
Sophia: Yeah, don’t walk away.