Why I Vote Norah Khadraoui

Descriptive Transcript

Why I Vote - Norah Khadraoui
Time: 00:01:13

As opening graphic appears on screen:

On the left-hand side of the graphic a portrait of Norah Khadraoui is seen with a close-up image of red, white and blue "VOTE" button is in the background. One the right-hand side of the image in large white with a blue stoke lettering reads "WHY I VOTE" laid over a slate colored background.

The graphic then cuts to video of Norah Khadraoui seated. A lower third graphic with their name and title transition on briefly -

"Norah Khadraoui '24, MLK Scholar at Brandeis University"

They address the camera:

"Hi! My name is Norah Khadraoui and I'm an undergrad at Brandeis University.

I am potentially majoring in sociology and politics with a potential minor in legal studies.

So the reason why I vote is because I believe that every vote counts and that my voice should be heard within our government.

So I am a first generation Korean Moroccan American and so I've watched my parents slowly go through the process of getting their citizenship, and once they gained their citizenship I never saw them miss an election.

And they've always emphasized to me and my siblings the importance of being able to vote and what was it like not being able to vote before they gained their citizenship.

And so with this emphasis in mind I always saw the importance of voting and how it can influence the world around us and how we're treated and so my goal is to follow in their footsteps and to never miss an election."

The video then transitions out to show a white background where blue text reading "Brandeis University" fades into the screen. A few frames later the text "go.brandeis.edu/votedeis" also fades into the screen after a few seconds the screen fades to black.