This is a compilation of videos that were self-recorded by the Brandeis faculty and staff.
Video fades in.
The on-screen text reads: "Irina Y. Dubinina - Russian Language Program"
This Brandeis professor speaks on camera: "Success is a journey, not a destination."
A time-lapse of the Brandeis campus during springtime appears while an inspirational song plays in the background.
The on-screen text reads: "Harleen Singh - Literature and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies"
This professor speaks on camera: "Congratulations Class of 2020!"
The picture fades to a moving shot of the new Skyline building.
The on-screen text reads: "Antonella Di Lillo - Computer Science"
This professor speaks on camera: "Today you are college graduates."
The on-screen text reads: "James Morris - Biology, Environmental Studies, HSSP"
This professor speaks to the camera: "What a phenomenal accomplishment."
The on-screen text reads: "Seth Winberg - Senior Jewish Chaplain, Hillel"
This professor and three children yell to the camera on a beach: "Mazel tov and congratulations to the class of 2020!"
The on-screen text reads: "Victoria Richardson '20 - Class Speaker"
The student speaker speaks on camera: "Brandeis Class of Two-Thousand and Twenty congratulations because we did it."
The screen fades to a moving picture of a recent campus springtime photo. After a dip to white a new voice is heard.
The on-screen text reads: "Dorothy Hodgson - Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences"
The professor speaks on camera: "We are so very proud of your accomplishments, of your creativity, your intellect, your passion, and your commitment to social justice."
The screen quickly fades to a new speaker: "You are now part of the Brandeis history."
The on-screen text reads: "Lucas Malo - Experiential Learning and Teaching"
The screen fades to white and a moving shot of the admissions building during springtime is seen in the background.
The on-screen text reads: "Paola Servino - Italian Studies"
The professor speaks on camera: I want to wish all the Brandeisians graduating today the wonderful time ahead, despite the difficult moments that we are all going through."
Followed by a quick white transition, a timelapse of the SCC and the Great Lawn on campus appears on screen.
Di Lillo speaks on screen again: "What a journey this last semester has been for you."
The screen fades to a new speaker. The on-screen text reads: "Ron Liebowitz - Brandeis University President"
The president speaks on camera: "I wish we could be doing this in person."
A time-lapse of the Brandeis SCC and Great Lawn continues before a new speaker appears on screen.
The on-screen text reads: "Chad Williams - AAAS and History"
Chad speaks on camera: "Thank you for your commitment, for your brilliance, and above all else, or your courage"
Di Lillo speaks on camera again: "I will always remember the day, March 12th, in Olin-Sang, when I came and I told you that that one was our last day of in-person class. I watched you cry, I watched that disappointment in your face."
Another brief time-lapse transition of the SCC during springtime appears on screen. A new faculty speaker appears on screen and the text reads: "Joel Christensen '01, MA '01 - Classical Studies"
Joel speaks on camera: "What has impressed me, what has inspired me, is how everybody in our community has come together and how the class of 2020 has pushed through to the end, finished their coursework, in an exemplary fashion."
A new professor appears on camera. The on-screen text reads: "Jennifer Cleary - Theater Arts"
She beings to speak on camera: "You have risen above and beyond and really made it to this milestone."
The screen dips to white and fades to a springtime shot of the admissions building on the Brandeis campus.
The picture fades back to Paola Servino speaking to the camera: "Don't let this difficult and unusual period slow you down and not to bring the best you have become over the years into the world."
Irina speaks to the camera again: "Crises, even this one, come and go. What stays - what will always stay - are your friendships, your support for each other, your knowledge, and the education that you worked so hard for; and this education can bring a lot of good to this world that really needs a lot of good right now."
This fades back to Joel Christensen speaking to the camera: "I hope that we can all still continue to support each other and be there as we move through the next years; and I hope you can always return to Brandeis as your home and as a place where you feel comfortable and as a place where you feel you belong."
Jennifer Cleary speaks again to the camera: "I could just not be more proud to have been in your presence and to be with you during your college journey."
The on-screen text reads: "Jamele Adams - Dean of Students"
Jamele speaks to the camera: "We look forward to the greatness that you will unleash into the world."
President Ron Liebowitz speaks to the camera again: "Congratulations on this momentous occasion. We should be proud of all your accomplishments and call upon the Brandeisian spirit to keep your own spirit high - in light of the current challenges. I know you'll succeed with flying colors."
On-screen text reads: "Elizabeth Brainerd - Economnics"
Elizabeth speaks on camera while petting a chocolate lab wearing a 2020 headband: "Brandeis Class of 2020, best wishes for the future."
Victoria appears again and speaks to the camera: "And thank you for giving me a life-changing four years."
On-screen text reads: "Lewis Brooks '80, P'16 - Alumni Association"
Lewis speaks on camera while he raises a vivid yellow-green drink that resembles Mountain Dew in a Brandeis mug and says "Congratulations."
The screen dips to white and confetti traffic transforms to the Brandeis University logo. In the background we hear:
"Congratulations!...yeah! Congratulations...bye."
The video returns to reveal that the speakers were Joel Christensen and his two children.
As the screen fades to black the last statement is heard from the younger child: "I think that was good."
The screen fades to black bringing the video to an end.