Brandeis 70th Anniversary

Archival music recording of Pomp and Circumstance fades in. Fade into archival footage of Brandeis flag blowing in the wind. Transitions to Brandeis emblem reading: "Truth even unto its innermost parts." Music transitions to upbeat modern music played throughout. 

Archival shot of Brandeis University and students walking to class with the castle in the background. We hear an archival voiceover:  "We turn our eyes to the future." Current shot of Brandeis flags blowing in the wind. Archival footage of Brandeis students in caps and gowns walking towards Commencement. 

Quick shots of recent students in caps and gowns and current campus buildings play to the beat of the music. There is a shot of the current BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY sign at the start of campus followed by a BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY sign taken from archival footage. 

Throughout the video shots will play to the beat of the music. 

A drone hovers above campus followed by drone footage of the new Skyline Residence Hall. Transition to a split screen of archival (left) and modern (right) footage of student dancers performing at Brandeis. Quick shot of modern day students walking towards graduation. Transition to a split screen of archival (left) and modern (right) footage of students typing. Quick shots of campus and students play to the beat of the music. Transition to a split screen of archival (left) and modern (right) footage of The Chapels. 

We see archival footage of Abram Sachar handing out diplomas at Commencement. President Ron Liebowitz speaks at the podium during a recent Commencement: "Abram Sachar led the start-up institution masterfully." Archival footage of board members including Abram Sachar are seen on screen. 

Archival footage showing some of the first students at Brandeis. Transition to a split screen of archival (left) and modern (right) footage of the Brandeis campus. Shot of students dancing and performing on stage, working with metal, and on a sound board. Transition to a split screen of archival (left) and modern (right) footage of student cheerleaders. Shots of archival fans as well as current fans supporting sports. 

Transition to a split screen of archival (left) and modern (right) footage of students studying. President Ron Liebowitz speaks at the podium during a recent Commencement: "...through its founding decades..." Similar shots of students on campus comparing archival footage to recent footage. Archival footage of students and family on campus before Commencement. President Ron Liebowitz speaks at the podium during a recent Commencement: "...successfully holding together the multidimensional identity he laid out for Brandeis..." Group shot of students excited on campus. 

Shot of the Louis Brandeis statue. Shots of students working on computers and studying on the lawn. Transition to a split screen of archival (left) and modern (right) footage of students at Commencement. President Ron Liebowitz continues his speech on screen: "...a non-sectarian Jewish-sponsored institution, passionate in its openness, explicitly focused on undergraduate studies, while also unwavering in its commitment to graduate study and supporting world-class knowledge-creation from its outstanding faculty." Lower thirds reads: President Ron Liebowitz, President. 

 A montage of split screens using archival (left) and modern (right) footage of campus, students, and professors continue. We see Dr. Sachar at the podium and the second Commencement taken from archival footage interspersed with current Commencement footage as well as continued split screens. We hear an archived voiceover: "Dr. Sachar said, the great universities of America, are candles that continue to defy the surrounding darkness." We see students lighting candles at the Light of Reason. Modern shots of the campus and students play to the beat of the music. 

Dr. Abram Sachar speaks on screen via archival footage in his office. "It takes daring to project what is to be in the future, but with the growth that is already a matter of record, there is surely no risk in being extremely optimistic." A montage of split screens using archival (left) and modern (right) footage of campus, students, and professors continue. Current footage shows students having a good time at a concert. Current footage of the science center interplays with archival footage. Modern shots of the campus and students play to the beat of the music. 

A montage of split screens using archival (left) and modern (right) footage of campus, students, and professors continue along with current shots of campus and student life. President Ron Liebowitz speaks at the podium during a recent Commencement: "It is our charge, our opportunity now, to reignite the flame of our mission for a new generation." A montage of split screens using archival (left) and modern (right) footage of campus, students, and professors continue. Current footage shows students and the university evolving. 

The screen dips to white and a number of flying videos come together to create one word on screen allowing viewers to read: "Brandeis." The upbeat modern music fades out as well as the screen to end the video.