(file last updated: [8/10/1998 - 15:22:39])
East Asian Studies is an interdisciplinaryprogram that seeks to give the student broad yet intimate knowledgeof the history, politics, economics, art, and language of themajor areas of East Asia (China, Japan, Southeast Asia). It allowsthe student to concentrate in a single program while at the sametime enlarging his or her knowledge of East Asian civilizationby taking related courses in other disciplines. At the crux ofthe program is the language requirement (Chinese or Japanese)that provides the basis for postgraduate study or careers dealingwith East Asia.
The student enrolled in theEast Asian Studies Program must take HIST 80a (Introduction toEast Asian Civilization) and the equivalent of Chinese or Japanese40b (advanced intermediate level). In addition, whenever possible,three electives must be chosen from at least three of the participatingdepartments in order to give the student a broad overview of thefield and region. As a culmination to the program, the studentmust complete one semester of independent study under the directionof one or more members of the program faculty. This requires thepreparation of a seminar-length research paper or a senior thesisin the student's department of concentration with an emphasison some aspect of East Asian Studies or participation in a seniorinterdisciplinary seminar when offered.
John Schrecker, Chair
Qun Ao
Robert Evans
Donald Hindley
Gary Jefferson
Robert Maeda
(Fine Arts)
Hiroko Sekino
Ralph Thaxton
David Wong
Course requirements: Five coursesin addition to the Chinese or Japanese language requirement.
A.Students must complete the equivalent of Chinese or Japanese 40b.
B.Core course: HIST 80a (Introduction to East Asian Civilization).
C.Electives: Students must complete three courses from the listbelow. Students must take courses, whenever possible, in at leastthree participating departments so that a broad overview of thefield and region is obtained.
D.Completion of one semester of independent study, EAS 98a or 98b,under the direction of one or more members of the program faculty,requiring the preparation of a seminar-length research paper.
A senior thesis in the student'sdepartment or concentration, with an emphasis on some aspect ofEast Asian Studies.
Participation in a senior interdisciplinaryseminar, when offered.
EAS 98a Independent Study
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Usually offered every year.
EAS 98b Independent Study
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Usually offered every year.
Core Courses
Beginning Chinese
Continuing Chinese
Intermediate Chinese
Advanced Intermediate Chinese
Beginning Japanese
Continuing Japanese
Intermediate Japanese
Advanced Intermediate Japanese
Introduction to East AsianCivilization
Elective Courses
The following courses are approvedfor the program. Not all are given in any one year, so the CourseSchedule for each semester should be consulted.
Readings in Modern Chinese
Readings in Modern Chinese
Advanced Conversation and CompositionI
Advanced Conversation and CompositionII
Chinese Women Writers in theTwentieth Century
The Economy of Japan
History of Asian Art
Buddhist Art
When Tokyo was called Edo:Japanese Art from Edo to Meiji
Chinese Landscape Painting
The Art of Japan
The Art of China
Studies in Asian Art
Japanese Pictorial Traditions
The Persistence of Tradition:an Introduction to Japanese Poetry, Drama, Fiction, and Film
East Asia in the Nineteenthand Twentieth Centuries
The Emergence of Modern Japan
Seminar on Traditional ChineseThought
JAPN 98a and b
Readings in Japanese
Advanced Conversation and CompositionI
Advanced Conversation and CompositionII
Chinese Philosophy
The Government and Politicsof China
Seminar: The Modern ChineseRevolution
Seminar: Contemporary ChinesePolitics
Politics of Southeast Asia