(file last updated: [8/10/1998 - 15:23:52])
Jack Shonkoff, Dean
See the School's catalog.
The Heller School offers educationalprograms designed explicitly to bridge the gap between theoryand practice. Our Doctoral Program educates students for careersin research, teaching, social planning, administration, and policyanalysis. Our Master's Program prepares managers for leadershippositions in a range of health and human services organizations.All Heller students are committed to bettering human welfare,particularly for those who are vulnerable and who lack the capacityor resources to secure their own well-being.
Our Sustainable InternationalDevelopment Program offers a two-year Master of Arts degree withone year of coursework at Brandeis and one year working on a secondyear project or internship in the United States or abroad. Theprogram is interdisciplinary in nature with an innovative curriculum.Faculty consist of professionals from a variety of disciplinesand professionals in the field of sustainable development.
Over the years, The HellerSchool has formed relationships with departments in the GraduateSchool of Arts and Sciences, offering a dual degree with the HornsteinProgram in Jewish Communal Service and joint degrees with politics,sociology, and the Women's Studies Program. Consult the descriptionsprovided in the appropriate departmental listing of this Bulletinfor the degree requirements. Special ventures with other Boston-areainstitutions include a joint M.D./M.B.A. in health care managementwith Tufts and Northeastern Universities. Consult The Heller GraduateSchool catalog for details.
The following Heller Schoolcourses are available, with the instructor's approval, to qualifiedundergraduates.
HS 104b American HealthCare: A System in Crisis
[ cl22 ss]
Enrollment limited to 220.
This course will examine andcritically analyze the United States health care system, emphasizingthe major trends and issues that have led to the current senseof "crisis." In addition to providing a historical perspective,this course will establish a context for analyzing the current,varied approaches to health care reform. Usually offered everyyear.
Messrs. Altman and Thier
HS 110a American Jobs andWages: The Paradox of Wealth and Poverty
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Enrollment limited to 140.
Examines employment and incomein the United States, emphasizing trends and issues that haveled to wide disparities. Establishes a context for analyzing variousresponses, public and private. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Reich
HS 253b Leadership and OrganizationalBehavior
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Integrates the behavioral sciencesof psychology, sociology, anthropology, and political science.Develops an ability to diagnose organizational problems by identifyingimportant behavioral and contextual variables. We sharpen interpersonalskills for enhancing team and group situations, and leadershipskills for taking action after information has been acquired andprocessed. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Chilingerian
HS 300a Social Context ofPolicy Issues
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Serves as a foundation forthe "Work, Inequality, and Social Change" specializationof the Ph.D. program, but is open to all students. Develops theoreticalperspectives on social policy, social values, and social change,and a framework for analyzing and developing social policies.Identifies major institutional systems that function in any societyand that are the variables of social policy and social changepractice. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Gil
HS 316a Violence in EverydayLife: Sources, Dynamics, and Prevention
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Explores the meaning, sources,and dynamics of social-structural and interpersonal violence,and relations among these destructive phenomena. We trace thesocial, psychological, economic, political, and cultural dimensionsof violence and counter-violence in everyday life, with specialemphasis on links between the organization and quality of workin society and levels of violence. It also explores approachestoward reducing and eventually eliminating violence in human relationsfrom local to global levels. Usually offered in even years.
Mr. Gil
HS 319a Work, Individualand Social Development, and Social Welfare
[ cl15 ]
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Explores changes in the definition,organization, and design of work and the exchange of work productsthroughout the evolution of human societies. We examine work asa universal, existential process, whose structure and dynamicswere shaped and reshaped by individuals and societies throughouthistory as they interacted with one another and with natural environments.We explore essential attributes of modes of work conducive tooptimal human development and liberation. Usually offered everyyear.
Mr. Gil
HS 326a Race, Gender, andPublic Policy
[ cl12 ]
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Examines race, ethnicity, class,and gender in the United States. Selected historical and theoreticalperspectives are compared, and attention is given to how theyshape attitudes and policies. The economic impact of race andgender, pluralism, the experience of European and non-Europeangroups, and the changing composition of the U.S. population arecovered. Usually offered every year.
Ms. Williams
HS 333b Women, Law, andSocial Policy
[ cl12 ]
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Provides a systematic introductionto the way claims of gender and discrimination are and have beentreated by the American legal system, and acquaints students withthe structure of constitutional and statutory legal doctrine thatgoverns this area. In addition, it introduces students to theways law treats important social policy issues of concern to women;and it explores contemporary feminist thinking about the possibilitiesand limits of using law as an instrument of political reform.
Usually offered every year.
Ms. Stone.
HS 400a Introduction toStatistics
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Signature of the instructorrequired.
Introduces students to basicstatistical techniques, including two-way analysis of variance,regression, and correlation, with a basic introduction to multipleregression. This course includes a computer lab and problem setsusing SPSS. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Kurtz
HS 401b Research Methods
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Covers basic issues in researchdesign beginning with an overview of conceptions of knowledge,the development and use of theory, the creation of empirical researchmodels and basic strategies for empirical research. Class lecturesreview issues of sampling and measurement, basic research strategiesincluding survey research, experimental designs, and field observationmethods. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Kurtz
HS 540b Families, Work,and the Changing Economy
[ cl15 ]
Prerequisite: ECON 2a foreconomic concentrators. Signature of the instructor required.
Studies families in relationto social policies and private sector initiatives through an economiclens. Its aim is to increase understanding of the interactionbetween the changing economic context--productivity, labor marketcharacteristics, earnings and income distribution, and increasingdiversity in families--composition, roles, economic status. Readingsare by economists, social policy analysts, and feminists. Usuallyoffered every year.
Ms. Kahne
HS 544a Children and YouthAt Risk
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Provides managers and publicpolicy analysts with an introduction to major themes in childand adolescent policy. We focus on policies and programs thatpromote the self-sufficiency of disadvantaged young Americansthrough job training, education, income support, and other anti-povertystrategies. We cover historical themes as well as the currentstatus of children and youth in the economy and society. We examinepolicy responses and implementation lessons. Usually offered everyyear.
Mr. Hahn
HS 549a Family Policy
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Signature of the instructorrequired. A library intensive course.
Develops a theory of familypolicy that outlines major causes of public concern about thefamily and key strategies for solving social problems in the familyand children's field. We compare several alternative theoriesand examine the key policies that have been adopted to addressthe problems of parents, families, and children. Usually offeredevery year.
Ms. Giele
HS 270a Case Studies inSustainable Development
A library intensive course.
A critical examination of specificcases illustrating the policies and practices that affect sustainability.In specific areas, students analyze data (e.g., food production,natural resources, energy, demography, and health) and grapplewith the decisions that confront planners. Usually offered everyyear.
Mr. Simon
HS 271a Master's Seminarin Sustainable Development I
Considers topics useful tostudents for informed decision making; may include modules onwatershed management, public health, geographic information systems,gender, and participatory appraisal. There will be field visits.Usually offered every year.
Mr. Simon and Staff
HS 272b Master's Seminarin Sustainable Development II
A continuation of HS 271a.Considers energy options, communications, and conflict resolution,selected field visits. Students prepare proposals for second-yearfield projects. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Simon and Staff
HS 273b Applied Ecologyin Sustainable Development
Introduces basic principlesgovering terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem functions: populationdynamics, community structure, and biodiversity. Achieving sustainablemanagement of ecological processes by preserving and restoringbiotic integrity is presented in case histories. Usually offeredevery year.
Mr. Klein
HS 274a and HS 274b DirectedReadings in Sustainable Development
Usually offered every year.
HS 275a and HS 275b DirectedResearch
Usually offered every year.
Advanced Topics in Social Theoryand Methods