98-99 University Bulletin Entry for:

Peace and Conflict Studies Program

(file last updated: [8/10/1998 - 15:27:7])


Since the end of World WarII, peace and conflict studies has emerged as an interdisciplinaryarea of inquiry drawing on social science, the humanities, thecreative arts, and science in efforts to understand reasons forwar and possible ways of resolving conflicts without resortingto violence. In the last few years, for many people the primaryfocus of inquiry is shifting from the Cold War and the nuclearthreat to conflict resolution in small and large contexts. TheBrandeis program reflects this tendency.

This is a time to examine themany meanings of "security," to investigate the natureof power and political participation and to develop ideas andways of addressing conflicts that honor the integrity of all partiesinvolved. This is a time, in other words, to learn alternativesto violence.

How to Become a ProgramMember

Students who wish to take peaceand conflict studies as a program in addition to their fieldsof concentration can construct an individually tailored programin consultation with program advisors on the Peace and ConflictStudies Committee.


Gordon Fellman, Chair


Seyom Brown


Reuven Kimelman

(Near Eastern and Judaic Studies)

Robert Lange


Richard Parmentier


John Schrecker


Silvan Schweber


Maurice Stein


Dessima Williams


Requirements for the Program

A.The student must complete a minimum of six courses, at least onefrom each of the five groupings listed below.

B.One of the courses must be POL 161b (Causes and Prevention ofWar), or SOC 119a (War and Possibilities of Peace).

C.Courses must be chosen from at least two different departments.

D.Students must attend a noncredit monthly colloquium of the Peaceand Conflict Studies Program.

Courses of Instruction

Each PAX student must takeone of the following two courses.

POL 161b Causes and Preventionof War

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Insights from world history,the social sciences, and political philosophy about the causesand prevention of war. Includes an examination of current conflictcontrol issues, including controversies over the role of the UnitedNations. Usually offered every year.

Mr. Brown

SOC 119a War and Possibilitiesof Peace

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Reviews consequences of militarismfor American society and issues of global interdependence, focusingon political-economic, feminist, and social psychological matters;national security, nonviolence, and international relations; andecofeminist and environmental issues. Emphasizes the possibilityof a major "paradigm shift." Usually offered every year.

Mr. Fellman

Elective Courses

The following courses approvedfor the program are not all given in any one year, so the CourseSchedule for each semester should be consulted. PAX programstudents must take at least one course in each of the five groups.

Violence and War


War and the American Imagination

AMST 175a

Violence in American Life

HIST 139b

Fascism East and West

HIST 186a

World War II

HIST 186b

War in Vietnam

POL 128a

The Politics of Revolution:State Violence and Popular Insurgency in the Third World

POL 161b

Causes and Prevention of War

SOC 119a

War and Possibilities of Peace

SECS 182b

The Spanish Civil War

Explaining Conflict: GlobalPolitical and Economic Dimensions

AAAS 80a

Economy and Society in Africa

AAAS 126b

Political Economy of the ThirdWorld

ECON 33a

Business in the Global Economy

ECON 76b

Trade Unions, Collective Bargaining,and Public Policy

ECON 175a

Introduction to the Economicsof Development

HIST 80a

Introduction to East AsianCivilization

NEJS 147b

The Arab-Israeli Conflict

POL 15a

Introduction to InternationalRelations

POL 140a

Politics of Africa

POL 144a

Latin American Politics I

POL 144b

Latin American Politics II

POL 147b

Seminar: The Modern ChineseRevolution

POL 151b

Seminar: Nationalism and Development

POL 163a

Seminar: Human Rights and InternationalRelations

POL 172b

Introduction to InternationalPolitical Economy

POL 178a

Seminar: International Politicsof the Pacific

SOC 157a

Sociology of the Israeli-PalestinianConfrontation

SOC 161a

Society, State, and Power:The Problem of Democracy

Explaining Conflict: ResourceDimensions

AAAS 60a

Economics of Third World Hunger

AMST 20a

Environmental Issues


Human Reproduction, PopulationExplosion, Global Consequences

BIOL 17b



The Planet as an Organism:Gaia Theory and the Human Prospect

ECON 57a

Environmental Economics

ENVS 11b

Water: Planning for the Future


Science and Development

POL 179a

Seminar: Politics and Hunger

SOC 174b

Nature and Technology

Explaining Conflict: Socialand Cultural Dimensions

AAAS 116b

Comparative Race and EthnicRelations

ANTH 139b

Language, Ethnicity, and Nationalism

COML 193a

Topics in New World Studies:The Empire Writes Back

LGLS 120a

Sex Discrimination and theLaw

NEJS 132b

Ethics and the Jewish PoliticalTradition

PHIL 19a

Human Rights

SOC 107a

Global Apartheid and GlobalSocial Movements

SOC 112b

Social Class and Social Change

SOC 114b

Modern Capitalism: Societyand Economy

Conflict Management andPeace-building

LGLS 125b

International Law, Organizations,and Conflict Resolution

LGLS 130a

Conflict Analysis and Intervention

PHIL 20a

Social and Political Philosophy:Democracy and Disobedience

POL 127b

Seminar: Managing Ethnic Conflict

SOC 148a

Social Psychology of ConsciousnessI

SOC 153a

Sociology of Empowerment

SOC 195b

Group Solidarity

Additional courses from variousdepartments may be added by petition to the PAX Steering Committee.Students should watch for special announcements.