(file last updated: [8/10/1998 - 15:27:37])
Undergraduate Concentration
The faculty in the psychologydepartment believes that a strong scientific and research foundationin psychology best prepares students to be informed consumersof psychology and to continue with graduate training in psychology,whether one's career choice is clinical, applied, or researchoriented. The psychology department at Brandeis therefore emphasizesa rigorous, scientific approach to the understanding of humanbehavior. The program examines the most up-to-date and comprehensivepsychological research and theory and provides opportunities fordirect involvement in psychological research and application.Faculty conduct research in diverse areas that include cognitivescience, normal and abnormal development, social interaction,spatial orientation, linguistics, perception, memory, life spandevelopment, and effects of brain damage.
Graduate Program in Psychology
The graduate program in psychologyleads to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The goal of the programis to develop competent research psychologists and teachers whowill become contributors to knowledge in psychology. Toward thisend, an emphasis is placed on research activity, starting in thefirst term of graduate study. The program of study reflects abelief that the student should develop an area of research specializationand also be exposed to a range of topics in general psychology.Dissertation supervision is available in the following areas:sensation, perception, memory and cognitive science, learning,comparative, developmental, life span development and cognitiveand social aging, personality, psychopathology, social psychology,linguistics.
Concentrators study variedaspects of basic and applied areas of the field. The focus ofthe department is on basic scientific research, in which thereis a high level of undergraduate involvement. About a dozen studentswrite honors theses each year, while twice that number conductindependent study, research, or reading projects funded by undergraduateresearch program grants. The clinical psychology practicum atBrandeis enables students to spend one day per week working ina mental health facility.
Concentrators develop a solidbackground in scientific method and a strong foundation in thefundamentals of psychology, making them highly competitive candidatesfor postgraduate study; recent psychology concentrators have goneon to graduate work in clinical and scientific research areasof the field. These features of the undergraduate program makeBrandeis psychology graduates especially attractive to employersin the mental health and business professions. PSYC 1a shouldbe taken no later than the sophomore year.
The general requirements foradmission to the Graduate School, as specified in an earlier sectionof this Bulletin, apply to candidates for admission tothis area of study.
An undergraduate major in psychologyis not required. Students with inadequate preparation may makeup their deficiencies during their first year but without residencecredit. Students are admitted on a competitive basis, which includesevaluation of previous academic records, recommendations, andresults of the Graduate Record Examination (Aptitudes and PsychologyAchievement Tests).
Joseph Cunningham, Chair
Emotional and cognitive development.Clinical psychology.
Theodore Cross
Psychological statistics.
Paul DiZio
Human spatial orientation andmotor control.
Maurice Hershenson, UndergraduateAdvising Head
Visual space perception. Visualinformation processing.
Ray Jackendoff
Linguistics. Semantic theory.Music. Consciousness.
Michael Kahana
Human memory and learning.
Raymond Knight
Clinical psychology. Experimentalpsychopathology.
Margie Lachman
Life span development. Adultpersonality.
James Lackner
Spatial orientation. Humanmovement control. Adaptation to unusual force environments.
Joan Maling
Linguistics. Syntactic theory.Historical syntax. Metrics.
Ricardo Morant
Experimental psychology. Perceptualmechanism. Sensation and perception.
Robert Sekuler
Visual perception. Cognitiveprocesses.
Joan Tucker
Aging health psychology. Nonverbalcommunication. Sex differences.
Malcolm Watson
Developmental psychology.
Arthur Wingfield
Human memory.
Jerome Wodinsky
Comparative psychology. Learningtheory. Sensory physiology.
Leslie Zebrowitz, GraduateAdvising Head
Social psychology. Person perception.
Edgar Zurif
Neurolinguistics. Psycholinguistics.
The following requirementsapply to students who declared their concentration in psychologyin September 1990 and thereafter:
A.Of the 10 courses required for the concentration, a minimum ofseven must be psychology courses.
B.PSYC 1a (Introduction to Psychology).
C.Two quantitative courses from the following: MATH 10a or 11a;MATH 10b or 11b; PSYC 51a. This requirement should ordinarilybe fulfilled by the end of the sophomore year.
D.Two laboratory science courses (e.g., BIBC 22a or BIOL 21b; CHEM10a, 11a, or 15a; CHEM 10b, 11b, or 15b; COSI 21a or b; PHYS 10aor 11a, PHYS 10b or 11b; PSYC 152a). At least one of these coursesmust be taken with the accompanying lab (e.g., BIOL 18a or b;CHEM 18a or b; CHEM 19a or b; COSI 22a or b; PHYS 9b (combinedlecture and lab); PHYS 18a or b; PHYS 19a or b). This requirementshould ordinarily be fulfilled by the middle of the junior year.
E.One course from Group I: NPSY 12a (Sensory Processes), PSYC 11b(Physiological Psychology), PSYC 13b (Perception), PSYC 14a (ComparativePsychology), PSYC 15a (Biological Bases of Motivation), NBIO 45a(The Physiological Basis of Psychological Processes).
F.One course from Group II: LING 100a (Introduction to Linguistics),LING 150b (Introduction to Cognitive Science), NPSY 22b (CognitiveProcesses), PSYC 13b (Perception), PSYC 21a (Learning and Behavior).
Note:PSYC 13b may be counted toward fulfillment of either the GroupI or the Group II requirement, but not both.
G.One course from Group III: PSYC 31a (Personality), PSYC 32a (AbnormalPsychology), PSYC 33a (Developmental Psychology), PSYC 34b (SocialPsychology).
H.Two specialized psychology courses or seminars (any courses numberedabove 100 other than PSYC 152a). PSYC 161a and 161b (ClinicalPsychology Practicum I and II), count only as one course.
I.The department recommends that students planning to apply to graduateschool take PSYC 51a, PSYC 152a, and PSYC 195a. PSYC 51a and PSYC152a are also typically required for senior honors research inthe Group III content area. These two courses and/or two semestersof calculus may be required for Senior Honors Research in theGroup I and Group II content areas.
J.All courses that count toward the concentration must have a gradeof C- or better.
The psychology department offersa master's program in general psychology for part-time or full-timestudents. Full-time students are expected to complete the degreein one year. Students desiring to continue their studies towardthe Ph.D. must apply for admission to that program.
Course Requirements
The requirement for the degreewill be eight courses as follows: two semesters of Advanced PsychologicalStatistics, one semester of Research Methodology, four coursesfrom Social and Developmental and from Perception and Cognitionas specified. Master's Project Readings to culminate in a Master'sThesis, which is either an empirical research project or a comprehensiveliterature review.
Applicants should specificallymention their interest in this program when they apply. Studentsin the Ph.D. program may petition for a Master of Arts degreeupon completion of the following requirements: (1) one year minimumresidency, (2) acceptable master's thesis, (an acceptable first-yearresearch report will count as a master's thesis) and (3) completedbreadth requirements.
Interested students must firstbe admitted to the Ph.D. program.
A.PSYC 152a (Experimental Psychology).
B.PSYC 210a and b (Advanced Psychological Statistics I and II).
C.PSYC 300a and 302a (Proseminar in Social and Developmental PsychologyI and II).
D.A course in PSYC 220-240 series with successful completion offirst-year research project in psychology. This project must beon an issue relevant to Women's Studies.
E.One additional course in psychology from 100-level courses.
F.WMNS 205a or another designated foundational course in women'sstudies.
G.Two courses listed as electives with the women's studies program.
H.Eight-part colloquium series.
Program of Study
Although there is a three-yearminimum residency requirement, four years of full-time graduatestudy are usually required for the Ph.D. The student is expectedto carry four courses per term during residency.
Each student will devote one-quarterof his/her time to research the first term of the entering year.For all subsequent terms, students shall devote a minimum of one-halftime to research.
Research Reports
Students will submit reportson their research for the preceding year, in journal form, bythe beginning of the third term for social/developmental studentsand by the end of the third term for perception/cognition students.The second project will be submitted by the beginning of the fifthterm for social/developmental students and by the end of the fifthterm for perception/cognition students. Satisfactory completionof the research projects is required for continuation in the program.Students who have satisfactorily completed the research requirementswill be permitted to continue their work toward the doctoratewith no formal requirement of a master's degree.
Course Requirements
Entering students will takePSYC 210a and two advanced courses in the first term of residence,and one advanced course and PSYC 210b in the second term. Afterthat they will take two advanced courses each term in the secondyear and one each term thereafter until completion of qualifyingexaminations. The advanced courses should be selected in consultationwith the student's advisor. Each term a student must take at leastone graduate level course or seminar (100-level or above) thatis not an independent readings or research course. Only selected100-level courses, determined by the psychology program, willcount as advanced, graduate-level courses. Graduate level courseselection will not be restricted to the psychology program butwill be arranged by the student in consultation with the facultyadvisor.
Qualifying Examinations
During the student's thirdyear, he or she will be examined in the historical, theoretical,and empirical literature related to the student's area of specialization,broadly conceived. The chair of the program, in consultation withthe student and advisor, will appoint a three-member committeeto administer the qualifying examination. The examination maybe in either oral or written form. A student may petition theprogram to take the examination a second time if necessary.
Breadth Requirement
All graduate students mustdemonstrate breadth in the field of psychology. This breadth requirementis fulfilled by demonstrating competence in at least six of thenine areas listed below. The requirements may be satisfied inany of three ways:
A.By having completed an undergraduate or graduate course in thatarea.
B.By completing an undergraduate or graduate course offered in thatarea at Brandeis.
C.By successfully passing the equivalent of any undergraduate finalexamination for that course.
Of the six courses, a minimumof two should be taken from areas in Group A and a minimum oftwo from Group B.
Group A
1. Physiological/Sensory Processes
2. Perception
3. Learning/Comparative
4. Cognition/Memory
5. Cognitive Science/Linguistics
Group B
1. Developmental
2. Social
3. Personality
4. Abnormal
Teaching Assistant Requirements
Each student must work as ateaching assistant for a minimum of four courses and until thestudent has passed the qualifying examination. Courses in whichthe teaching assistant requirement may be fulfilled include Introductionto Psychology, Statistics, Experimental Psychology, PhysiologicalPsychology, Sensory Processes, Perception, Comparative Psychology,Learning and Behavior, Cognitive Processes, Personality, AbnormalPsychology, Developmental Psychology, and Social Psychology. Teachingassistant assignments will be based on course enrollments, withpriority given to Introduction to Psychology, Statistics, andExperimental Psychology.
Language Requirement
There is no foreign languagerequirement.
Dissertation and Defense
Following the completion ofall examinations, the student will prepare a prospectus of theproposed dissertation study in consultation with a faculty dissertationsponsor. The prospectus may be based on the student's preliminaryresearch. Upon approval by the faculty of the program, a dissertationcommittee of three or more members will be appointed by the programchair, including the dissertation sponsor as chair of the committee.The dissertation sponsor will be responsible for advising thestudent throughout the performance of his or her work, in consultationwith the remaining members of the committee at appropriate timesin the course of the work. From time to time, the committee willreport the student's progress to the program faculty.
The dissertation should provideevidence of originality, scholarship, and research ability. Itshould be a contribution to knowledge, ordinarily an experimentalinvestigation, but not necessarily so. Upon submission to thechair of the program of a copy of the dissertation, signed byall members of the dissertation committee and one member fromoutside of the University, and a successful defense of the dissertationbefore all members of the program, the award of the Ph.D. willbe recommended to the Faculty Council of the Graduate School.
PSYC 1a Introduction toPsychology
[ ss ]
Enrollment limited to 125.
A survey of psychology. Topicsinclude brain and behavior, perception, learning, cognitive processes,motivation, intelligence, child and adult development, personality,social behavior, and the relationship between normal and abnormalbehavior. Usually offered every semester.
Messrs. Morant and Sekuler
PSYC 11b Physiological Psychology
[ ss ]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a.
Analyzes the biological basesof behavior. Introduces the neural, sensory, motor, and secretorysystems, from molecular to highly integrated levels. Emphasizesestablished research on neural control (and disorders) of "simple"behaviors like twitching a muscle or feeling pain and complexones like locomotion, reproduction, aggression, learning, thinking,and sleeping. Usually offered in even years.
Mr. DiZio
NPSY 12a Sensory Processes
[ cl35 ss]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a, orMath 10a, or permission of the instructor.
Examines the human senses,emphasizing sight and hearing, studied from standpoints of anatomy,physiology, and psychophysics. Insights from the study of specialobservers including developmentally immature humans, members ofnonhuman species, and people with abnormal sensory systems, includingabnormalities resulting from injuries to the brain. Usually offeredevery year.
Mr. Sekuler
PSYC 13b Perception
[ cl35 ss]
Prerequisite: PSYC. Enrollmentlimited to 45.
A survey of the field includingtopics such as visual directions, stereoscopic vision, monocularsize-distance and shape-slant perception, perception of motionand movement, form perception and psychophysics. Usually offeredevery semester.
Mr. Hershenson and Mr. Morant
PSYC 14a Comparative Psychology
[ ss ]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a.
The analysis of the behaviorof organisms from a comparative and evolutionary perspective consideringgenetic, humoral, sensory, and experiential factors in the controlof behavior. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Wodinsky
PSYC 15a Biological Basesof Motivation
[ ss ]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a. Enrollment limited to 20.
Topics include hunger, thirst,migration, and sexual behavior. Evidence from biology, neurophysiology,and endocrinology is evaluated. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Wodinsky
PSYC 21a Learning and Behavior
[ ss ]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a.
Current theories of learningwill be explored in the light of experimental evidence derivedfrom animal roles. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Wodinsky
NPSY 22b Cognitive Processes
[ cl19 ss]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a orMATH 10a, and sophomore standing in psychology or neuroscience.This course may not be repeated for credit by students who havetaken LING 150b in previous years.
Cognitive factors in perception,attention, memory, and language. Experimental investigations willbe emphasized. Usually offered every fall.
Messrs. Kahana and Wingfield
PSYC 31a Personality
[ cl4 ss]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a. Enrollmentlimited to 30.
Covers major personality theoriesand related research. Emphasis will be on application of theory,issues in personality assessment, and personality developmentacross the life span. Usually offered every year.
Ms. Lachman
PSYC 32a Abnormal Psychology
[ ss ]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a.
A general introduction to psychopathology.Various theoretical models will be discussed. The techniques andfindings of research, clinical and experimental, will be emphasized.Usually offered every year.
Mr. Knight
PSYC 33a Developmental Psychology
[ cl28 ss]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a. Enrollmentlimited to 85.
An examination of normal developmentfrom conception through adolescence. Emphasis will be given totheoretical issues and processes of development in the cognitiveand social domains with an emphasis on how biological and environmentalinfluences interact. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Watson
PSYC 34b Social Psychology
[ ss ]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a.
An introduction to researchand theory on social behavior. Topics include social perception,socialization, social interaction and relationships, attitudechange and social influence, and behavior in groups and organizations.Usually offered every year.
Ms. Tucker
PSYC 51a Statistics
[ qr ss ]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a. Studentsmust consult with department one semester before anticipated enrollment.This course normally should be completed by the end of the sophomoreyear. Signature of the instructor required.
Covers the fundamentals ofdescriptive and inferential statistics. Techniques useful in thebehavioral sciences will be emphasized. Usually offered everysemester.
Messrs. DiZio and Knight
PSYC 98a Readings in PsychologicalLiterature
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Usually offered every year.
PSYC 98b Readings in PsychologicalLiterature
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Usually offered every year.
PSYC 99d Senior Research
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Usually offered every year.
PSYC 101b The Psychologyof Adult Development and Aging
[ cl1 ss]
Enrollment limited to 30.
This course describes the sensory,cognitive, personality, and social changes that occur in normalaging. The emphasis will be on pathways to successful aging inthe context of a shifting balance of gains and losses in psychologicalfunctioning. Usually offered in even years.
Ms. Lachman
PSYC 103a Seminar in theNeuropsychology of Language
(Formerly PSYC 203a)
[ ss ]
Prerequisite: LING 173aor permission of the instructor. This course may not be repeatedfor credit by students who have taken PSYC 203a in previous years.
Considers empirical and experimentalanalysis of the neurological organization of the language faculty.Usually offered in odd years.
Mr. Zurif
NPSY 120b Man in Space
[ sn ss ]
Topics include how orbitalflight is achieved, spacecraft life support systems, circulatorydynamics, sensory-motor control and vestibular function in freefall, and the physiological and psychological adaptations necessaryin space flight, and how astronauts must readapt on return toEarth. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Lackner
NPSY 125a Advanced Topicsin Perception and Adaptation
[ sn ss ]
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Covers current issues and theoriesin vision, vestibular function, proprioception, and adaptationto unusual force environments from psychological and biologicalperspectives. Usually offered in odd years.
Mr. Lackner
NPSY 127a Motor Control
[ ss ]
Enrollment limited to 20.
Surveys control of posture,movement, gesture, and speech from various perspectives; includingmuscle properties, reflex organization, central neural mechanisms,spatial representations, learning, and development. Emphasizesresearch in physiology, psychology, biomechanics, and artificialintelligence. Usually offered in odd years.
Mr. DiZio
PSYC 130b Life Span Development:Adulthood and Old Age
[ cl1 ss]
Prerequisites: PSYC 1a,31a or 33a, 51a, 152a, or permission of the instructor. Signatureof the instructor required.
Seminar on advanced topicsin life span developmental theory and methodology. Substantiveemphasis will be on cognitive and personality changes that occurin the second half of life. Usually offered in odd years.
Ms. Lachman
PSYC 131b Seminar in HealthPsychology
[ cl1 cl22cl47 ss ]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a, 51a,and 152a or permission of the instructor. Signature of the instructorrequired.
An examination of the importanceof psychological factors and social relationships to physicalhealth and effective medical care. Social psychological perspectiveswill be applied to such topics as stress-related diseases, doctor-patientinteractions, social support, dying, and the health care system.Usually offered every year.
Ms. Tucker
PSYC 132a Children's Playand the Developing Imagination
[ ss ]
Examines the origins, forms,effects, and determinants of children's play including parent/infantplay, peer play, play common to different age groups, and theuse of play in educational and therapeutic settings. Readingsof classic and current papers on play; student observation studies,analyses of children's jokes, toys, games, playgrounds, and problemplaying.
Mr. Scarlett
PSYC 133a Seminar in NonverbalCommunication
[ ss ]
Prerequisites: PSYC 1a,51a, and 152a or permission of the instructor. Signature of theinstructor required.
Seminar in advanced topicsin nonverbal communication covering theoretical and methodologicalissues. Topics will include emotion communication, deception,impression formation, and sex differences. Usually offered everyyear.
Ms. Tucker
PSYC 135b Seminar in SocialCognition
[ ss ]
Prerequisites: PSYC 1a,34b, 51a, 152a, or permission of the instructor. Signature ofthe instructor required.
Considers the perception oftraits and emotions from face, voice, and gestural cues, withattention to stereotyping, accuracy, and cultural and developmentaldifferences. Usually offered in even years.
Ms. Zebrowitz
PSYC 136b Advanced Topicsin Developmental Psychology
[ wi ss ]
Prerequisites: PSYC 33a,PSYC 51a, and PSYC 152a. Signature of the instructor required.Although topics vary from year to year, the course may NOT berepeated for credit.
Provides students with detailedinformation about theories and special topics of research in developmentalpsychology. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Watson
NPSY 137b Cognitive Modeling
[ cl19 snss ]
Signature of the instructorrequired.
A general introduction to theconstruction and simulation of mathematical models of human cognitiveprocesses. The major emphasis will be on models of human learningand memory. Students will be expected to have some backgroundin computer programming. Usually offered in even years.
Mr. Kahana
PSYC 139a Advanced Topicsin Social Psychology
[ ss ]
Prerequisites: PSYC 1a,34b, 51a, 152a, or permission of the instructor. Signature ofthe instructor required. Although topics vary from year to year,the course may NOT be repeated for credit.
Provides students with detailedinformation about theories and special topics of research in socialpsychology. Usually offered every year.
PSYC 145b Aging in a ChangingWorld
[ cl1 ss]
Prerequisites: PSYC 1a,51a, 152a, or permission of the instructor. Signature of the instructorrequired.
Psychological issues relatedto the aging process are examined in a multidisciplinary perspective.Topics include intellectual functioning, memory loss, personalitychanges, and physiological changes in later life. Usually offeredin odd years.
Ms. Lachman
PSYC 150b OrganizationalPsychology
[ ss ]
Prerequisites: PSYC 1a,51a, 152a or permission of the instructor. Signature of the instructorrequired. Open to nonconcentrators who have taken PSYC 1a. Materialsfee: $12.
Covers the fundamentals ofindustrial/organizational psychology, including the topics ofleadership, work motivation, organizational innovation, corporateculture, personnel selection, job evaluation, and group dynamics.Major assignments include detailed organizational analysis andthe testing of student-generated hypotheses using a data basefrom real organizations. Usually offered in even years.
PSYC 152a Experimental Psychology
(Formerly PSYC 52a)
[ qr ss ]
Prerequisites: PSYC 1a and51a. In order to pre-enroll in this course, students must consultwith the department one semester before anticipated enrollment.This course normally should be completed by the end of the sophomoreyear. Signature of the instructor required. A library intensivecourse. Refer to the University Writing section of this Bulletinfor information regarding applicability to the writing intensiverequirement.
This laboratory lecture willoffer supervised practice in experimental design, data analysisand interpretation, and formal presentation of experimental results.Taught in multiple sections. Usually offered every semester.
Sec. 1: Ms. Lachman and Ms.Zebrowitz
Sec. 2: Messrs. DiZio and Wodinsky
NPSY 154a Human Memory
[ cl1 cl19sn ss ]
Prerequisite: NPSY 22b orNBIO 140b. Signature of the instructor required.
Presents a systematic analysisof current memory research and theory with an emphasis on listlearning experiments and neural network models. Usually offeredin even years.
Mr. Kahana
PSYC 155a Seminar in VisualSpace Perception
[ ss ]
Prerequisite: PSYC 13b.Signature of the instructor required.
Seminar will discuss currentissues in visual space perception. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Hershenson
NPSY 159a Advanced Topicsin Episodic Memory
[ cl1 ss]
Prerequisite: NBIO 140bor NPSY 154a, and permission of the instructor. Signature of theinstructor required.
Deals with current topics inthe study of episodic memory. Discussions and readings on topicssuch as memory for temporal order, category learning, associativesymmetry, item versus associative recognition, theories of searchin free recall, and the memory systems controversy. Usually offeredin odd years.
Mr. Kahana
PSYC 160b Seminar on SexDifferences
[ cl28 ss]
Prerequisite: PSYC 1a, 51a,152a or permission of the instructor. Signature of the instructorrequired.
Examines societal sex rolesand beliefs about sex differences in light of evidence bearingupon: (1) actual sex differences in ability and/or personality;(2) biological vs. social explanations for sex differences; and(3) motivational and cognitive biases in the perception of groupdifferences. Usually offered in odd years.
Ms. Zebrowitz
PSYC 161a Clinical PsychologyPracticum I
[ ss ]
Prerequisites: PSYC 1a and31a or 32a. Students must enroll in this course in order to enrollin PSYC 161b and should only enroll in this course if they arealso able to enroll in 161b in the next semester. Signature ofthe instructor required.
In conjunction with PSYC 161b,provides intensive supervised experience in mental health intervention.Students do clinical work eight hours a week and relate theirexperience to empirical and literary readings in weekly groupsupervision. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Cunningham
PSYC 161b Clinical PsychologyPracticum II
[ ss ]
Signature of the instructorrequired.
In conjunction with PSYC 161a,provides intensive supervised experience in mental health intervention.Students do clinical work eight hours a week and relate theirexperience to empirical and literary readings in weekly groupsupervision. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Cunningham
PSYC 163b Women and Madness
[ ss ]
Signature of the instructorrequired.
Traces the development of feministideas and practices with special attention to psychology, psychiatry,and grassroots feminist crisis counseling during the last 25 years.Also examines their rapid, systematic "disappearance"or distortion. Reviews and discusses their application intellectuallyand politically, clinically and morally, personally and poetically.
Ms. Chesler
PSYC 165a Seminar in ExperimentalPsychopathology
[ ss ]
Prerequisites: PSYC 32a,51a, 152a, or permission of the instructor. Signature of the instructorrequired.
Focuses on how researchersstudy deviant behavior and what they have learned about the causesand life course of psychopathology. Focuses on two broad classesof psychopathology--sexual aggression and schizophrenia--and examinesthe interplay of biological and environmental variables that causeand sustain disordered behavior. Usually offered in odd years.
Mr. Knight
PSYC 167b Schools of Psychotherapy
[ ss ]
Prerequisites: PSYC 1a and32a. (Latter may be taken concurrently.)
The theories and techniquesof several schools of psychotherapy and behavior modificationare considered. The theories of personality, methods of intervention,goals of therapy, and relevant research will be emphasized. Usuallyoffered every year.
Mr. Knight
PSYC 169b Disorders of Childhood
[ ss ]
Prerequisites: PSYC 1a,33a, or permission of the instructor. Seniors and juniors havepriority for admission. Signature of the instructor required.
Issues of theory, research,and practice in the areas of child and family psychopathologyand treatment are reviewed in the context of normal developmentalprocesses. Usually offered every fall.
Mr. Cunningham
PSYC 174b Visual Cognition
[ ss ]
Prerequisite: NPSY 12a.
Complex, higher-order processesin vision. Visual impact of cognitive and other top-down influences,including attention, expectation, and prior knowledge. Focus onhigher-order processes in vision including contour formation,segmentation, temporal binding, face and object perception. Usuallyoffered in even years.
Mr. Sekuler
NPSY 175b The Neuroscienceof Vision
[ sn ss ]
Prerequisite: PSYC 12a orpermission of the instructor.
Examines the neural basis ofhuman vision from several complementary perspectives. Relatesvisual capacities of human observers to the structure and functionof the visual system. Considers computational approaches to vision,the results of brain-imaging studies, and the consequences ofdamage to the human visual system. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Sekuler
PSYC 193b Tests and Measurements
[ ss ]
Prerequisites: PSYC 1a and51a.
Covers test theory, types ofmeasurement, the theory and measurement of reliability and validity,and test construction. The measurement of intelligence, achievement,and personality are considered. Usually offered in even years.
Mr. Knight
PSYC 195a Introduction toPsychological Theory
[ ss ]
Enrollment limited to 12.
Associationism, structuralism,functionalism, Gestalt, behaviorism, learning theories, psychoanalysis,cognitive theories, and their modern derivatives. Emphasis onthe nature of explanation in psychology. Usually offered in oddyears.
Mr. Hershenson
NPSY 196b Advanced Topicsin Cognition
[ sn ss ]
Prerequisite: NPSY 159aor permission of the instructor. Signature of the instructor required.
This seminar covers currentissues and research in memory, speech perception, and processingresource limitations. Emphasis will be placed on the current literaturein the field. Usually offered every year.
Mr. Wingfield
NPSY 199a Neuropsychology
[ cl1 cl19sn ss ]
Prerequisite: NPSY 22b orBIBC 22a, or permission of the instructor.
Designed as an introductionto human neuropsychology. Topics include cerebral dominance, neuroanatomicalmapping, and localization of function, with special referenceto language, memory, and related cognitive function. Usually offeredevery spring.
Mr. Wingfield
NPSY 207b Seminar in Perception
(Formerly PSYC 207b)
Examines the various aspectsof visual information by which objects and events in three-dimensionalspace are perceived by human observers. Current research in psychologyand artificial intelligence is considered. Usually offered ineven years.
Mr. Lackner
PSYC 210a Advanced PsychologicalStatistics I
In conjunction with PSYC 210b,this course teaches students how to do independent data analysisin psychology at a Ph.D. level. Topics include methods for describingdata, exploratory data analysis, elementary probability theory,null hypothesis significance testing, the binomial distribution,contingency table analysis, tests and alternatives, one-way andfactorial analysis of variance, and repeated measures analysis.Students receive extensive instruction in the use of the StatisticalProgram for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Usually offered everyyear.
Mr. Cross
PSYC 210b Advanced PsychologicalStatistics II
Prerequisite: PSYC 210a.
This course is a continuationof PSYC 210a. Topics include statistical power analysis, simplecorrelation and regression, multiple regression, nonparametricstatistics, and a brief introduction to multivariate procedures.Students learn to use multiple regression as a general data analyticsystem. More advanced instruction in SPSS is also provided. Usuallyoffered every year.
Mr. Cross
PSYC 220-240a and b Coursesin Research
Usually offered every year.
220a and b Research in SpatialOrientation
Mr. Lackner
221a and b Research in Semanticsand Conceptual Structure
Mr. Jackendoff
222a and b Research in HumanSpatial Orientation
Mr. Morant
224a and b Research in SpeechPerception and Cognitive Processes
Mr. Wingfield
225a and b Research in VisualSpace Perception
Mr. Hershenson
226a and b Research in CognitiveProcesses and Psychopathology
Mr. Knight
227a and b Research in Neurolinguisticsand Psycholinguistics
Mr. Zurif
228a and b Research in Syntaxand Comparative Germanic
229a and b Research in PersonPerception
230a and b Research in AnimalBehavior
Mr. Wodinsky
231a and b Research in SocialPsychology
232a and b Research in DevelopmentalPsychopathology
Mr. Cunningham
234a and b Research in LifeSpan Development; Adult Personality
236a and b Research in DevelopmentalPsychology
Mr. Watson
240a and b Research in SensoryPhysiology: Visual and Auditory Psychophysics
242a and b Research: Forensics
Mr. Knight
PSYC 250a Advanced ResearchProject
Usually offered every year.Specific sections for individual faculty members as requested.
PSYC 250b Master's ProjectReadings
Usually offered every year.
PSYC 280a and b AdvancedReadings
Offered every year. Specificsections for individual faculty members as requested.
PSYC 300a Proseminar inSocial and Developmental Psychology I
Offers an in-depth review ofprimary sources in several major topic areas of social and developmentalpsychology. Usually offered in odd years.
PSYC 301a and b Proseminarin Vision and Research Methodology for Vision and Perception
Usually offered every year.
PSYC 302a Proseminar inSocial and Developmental Psychology II
Offers an in-depth review ofprimary sources in several major topic areas of social and developmentalpsychology. Usually offered in even years.
PSYC 315d Faculty ResearchSeminar
Required of all first-yeargraduate students. Taught by all faculty members of the program,the course exposes students to faculty members' current research.Usually offered every year.
PSYC 316a Social/DevelopmentalPsychology Research Seminar
Required of all social/developmentalgraduate students who have not been admitted to candidacy. Usuallyoffered every year.
Mr. Cunningham
PSYC 400d Dissertation Research
Specific sections for individualfaculty members as requested.
CONT 300b Ethical Practicein Health-Related Sciences
Required of all first-yeargraduate students in health-related science programs. Not forcredit.
Scientists are becoming increasinglyaware of the importance of addressing ethical issues and valuesassociated with scientific research. This course, taught by Universityfaculty from several graduate disciplines, will cover major ethicalissues germane to the broader scientific enterprise, includingareas or applications from a number of fields of study. Lecturesand relevant case studies will be complemented by two public lecturesduring the course. Usually offered every year.
Ms. Ringe
Culture and Cognition
The Brain: From Molecules toControl of Movement
Seminar in Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Linguistics
Introduction to Cognitive Science
Language and Human Nature
Social Cognition from a CognitiveScience Perspective
Language Acquisition and Development
Philosophy of Mind
Topics in the Philosophy ofPsychology
Freud, Women, and Society