(file last updated: [8/10/1998 - 15:28:44])
The quantitative reasoningrequirement has been established to develop students' abilitiesto collect, summarize, and analyze numerical data, to make abstractconcepts operational, and to think critically about the accuracyand soundness of conclusions based on data or on mathematicalmodels. Quantitative reasoning courses usually embed methodologicaltraining in their subject matter. These courses vary widely inthe skills that are emphasized, but they usually include one ormore of the following:
A.Learning to read, construct, interpret, and evaluate tables, graphs,and charts.
B.Developing quantitative measures of physical, behavioral, or socialphenomena.
C.Using mathematical models to express causal relationships andto explore the implications of changed assumptions or proposedsolutions to problems in the physical or social world.
D.Collecting and organizing numerical data from archives, surveys,lab experiments, or other sources.
E.Testing hypotheses, using experimental or statistical controls.
F.Assessing the limitations of research, such as the reliabilityand validity of measures, adequacy of experimental design, samplesize and quality, and alternative hypotheses and interpretations.
Each Brandeis undergraduateis required to take one course from the approved list of quantitativereasoning courses. This list may change, so students should consultthe most recent list of approved courses in the Course Scheduleto assure that they will receive requirement credit. (Naturally,students will not be denied credit retroactively if a course takento fulfill the requirement is later dropped from the list.)
Courses with an asterisk (*)satisfy the quantitative reasoning requirement only when theyare taken with the corresponding lab.
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Introductory Biochemistry
Nutrition: Principles, Issues,and Applications
Genetics and Molecular Biology
The Planet as an Organism:Gaia Theory and the Human Prospect
The Magnitude of Things andHow on Earth They Matter
Chemistry and Art
Basic Chemistry
Basic Chemistry
General Chemistry: Principlesof Material Evolution
General Chemistry: Principlesof Material Evolution
Honors General Chemistry, Lectures
Honors General Chemistry, Lectures
Data Structures and the Fundamentalsof Computing
Structure and Interpretationof Computer Programs
Introduction to Economics
Statistics for Economic Analysis
Industrial Organization
Regional Economic Integrationin Theory and Practice
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Probabilityand Statistics
Mathematical Statistics
Analyzing the American JewishCommunity
Introductory Astronomy
Science and Development
Technology and the Managementof Public Risk
Physics for the Life SciencesI
Physics for the Life SciencesII
Basic Physics I
Basic Physics II
Honors Basic Physics I
Honors Basic Physics II
Experimental Psychology
Issues in Law and Society
Class Structure and Consciousness
Quantitative Methods of SocialInquiry
On the Caring of the MedicalCare System