(file last updated: [7/6/1999 - 13:18:42])
Hiroko Sekino
Courses of Instruction
JAPN 10a Beginning Japanese
Enrollment limited to 18. Meets five days per week for a total of six class hours per week.
Intended for students with no previous knowledge and minimal background. Offers intensive training in the basics of Japanese language. Usually offered every fall.
Ms. Sekino
JAPN 20b Continuing Japanese
Prerequisite: JAPN 10a. Enrollment limited to 18. Meets five days per week for a total of six class hours per week.
Continuation of JAPN 10a. Usually offered every spring.
Ms. Sekino
JAPN 30a Intermediate Japanese
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Prerequisite: JAPN 20b. Enrollment limited to 18. Meets five days per week for a total of five class hours per week.
A continuation of JAPN 20b. Development of skills in speaking, reading, and writing, including the writing of short essays. Usually offered every fall.
Ms. Sekino
JAPN 40b Advanced Intermediate Japanese
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Prerequisite: JAPN 30a. Enrollment limited to 18. Meets five days per week for a total of five class hours per week.
A continuation of JAPN 30a. Usually offered every spring.
Ms. Sekino
JAPN 98a Readings in Japanese
Prerequisite: JAPN 40b or equivalent. Signature of the instructor required.
Usually offered every year.
Ms. Sekino
JAPN 98b Readings in Japanese
Prerequisite: JAPN 40b or equivalent. Signature of the instructor required.
Usually offered every year.
Ms. Sekino
(100-199) For Both Undergraduate and Graduate Students
JAPN 105a Advanced Conversation and Composition I
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Prerequisite: JAPN 40b or the equivalent. Enrollment is limited to 18.
This course aims to develop students' proficiency in writing, reading, and speaking through reading and discussion of Japanese texts on various topics. Speaking and listening skills will be developed through audiotapes, guided conversation, discussion of texts, and oral presentation. Usually offered every year.
Ms. Sekino
JAPN 105b Advanced Conversation and Composition II
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A continuation of JAPN 105a. Usually offered every year.
Ms. Sekino