University Bulletin 2001-02 Romance and Comparative Literature University Bulletin 2001-02
Romance and Comparative Literature


James Mandrell, Chair

French and Comparative Literature

Jane Hale, French and Francophone Program Undergraduate Advising Head

French and comparative literature. Twentieth-century French fiction and drama. Beckett, Queneau. Literature and painting. Francophone literature of Africa and the Caribbean.

Erica Harth, Comparative Literature Chair and Undergraduate Advising Head

Seventeenth- and 18th-century French prose. Cultural studies and comparative literature. Feminism and gender studies.

Edward Kaplan

French romanticism. Michelet. Hugo. Modern French poetry and theory. Baudelaire. Jabès. Bonnefoy. Religion and literature. Translation.

Michael Randall

Late Medieval and Renaissance poetry, prose, and philosophy.

Italian and Comparative Literature

Richard Lansing, Italian Program Undergraduate Advising Head

Dante. Italian and European Renaissance. Courtly tradition. Modern Italian literature.

Spanish and Comparative Literature

Roxanne Dávila

Modern and contemporary Latin American literature and culture. Latin American studies.

Dian Fox, Spanish Program Undergraduate Advising Head

Spanish medieval. Spanish golden age (16th- and 17th-century) drama, prose, poetry. Cervantes.

James Mandrell

Modern and contemporary Spanish literature. Genre and gender. Film.

Angela María Pérez

Colonial Latin American literature. Latin American film and cultural studies. Latin American women writers.

Luis Yglesias

Poetry and narrative: Traditional, modern, contemporary. Native American literature. Myth and folklore.


Eduardo Febles

French and Spanish language.

Hollie Harder

French language.

Florence Klein

French language and classical studies.

Sabine Levet

French language.

Esther Ratner

French and Spanish language.


Paola Servino

Italian language.


Juliana Acosta

Spanish language.

Jorge Arteta

Spanish language.

Olmanda Hernández

Spanish language.

Dora Older

Spanish language.

Linda Palmer

Spanish Language.

Esther Ratner

Spanish language.

Nidia Schuhmacher

Spanish language.


For course offerings and requirements for concentration, see Comparative Literature, European Cultural Studies, French, Italian, and Spanish.