HISP 158


This video features one image with voice over.

Image: [A woman stand outside in front of a street with brick buildings, walkways, lawn, bushes, and American flag on flagpole behind her. Wind is blowing her hair and the flag.]

Voice-over: "Hi there! I'm Professor María Durán, and I'll be teaching the fall 2020 course, Hispanic Studies 158a Latina Feminisms. (The wind is heard in the background through most of the video.)

I'd like to spend just a couple minutes telling you about the course. First, what we'll do this semester is that we'll examine intersectionality by analyzing Latina and Latinx suppression through various axes, like gender, sexuality, class, race, and ethnicity. Second, something we'll also do a lot this semester is that we'll spend some time reading some of the important theoretical contributions that have been made by Latinas and LatinX, discovering along the way the ways in which these contributions subvert classism, subvert racism, and cultural exclusion of white feminist movements, and finally, and this is a big part of the semester we're gonna explore the diversity within Latina and Latinx feminist literary works, and that means that we're going to be reading writers, scholars of different backgrounds. These backgrounds may include Chicana, Dominican Americans, Cuban Americans, Puerto Ricans and even Salvadoran Americans. We're going to read a variety of literature that allows us to access various cultural, historical, political, and social contexts, and we're going to familiarize ourselves with the Latina sisterhood and legacy that expresses bravery on many different levels.

So this course is really an invitation for you to imagine a world characterized by its feminist architecture, and I really invite you to join me and other students in exploring Latina feminism this fall. I would love to answer any questions you have about the course. If you have them, you can email me at mduran@brandeis.edu, and my information is also available on the website. Take care and be well. ¡Nos vemos!”