Students in Intro to Italian (10A) discuss Italian words they know in small groups. Words heard include ravioli, risotto, bolognese.
Text on screen: Meet the undergrads
Maria Allegria:
Zach Phil Schwartz:
Alex Nedell:
Maria Allegria:
Ciao. Mi chiamo Maria. Io studio antropologia e l'Italiano.
I am a BUGS tutor here at Brandeis. I've been studying Italian for two years. We hope you consider joining our Italian program. I've come to learn so much from Professors Monteleone and Servino here and they're both very great, innovative instructors.
Alex Nedell:
Ciao. Mi chiamo Alex. Sono un junior. Studio l'Italiano ed economia.
I am an undergraduate departmental representative for the program and I've been studying Italian for three years now. I came to Brandeis as a midyear and after studying in Florence, Italy. In my time here in the department, I've come from barely being able to read street signs in Italy to reading classical literature from Dante. Of all the classes I've taken here, only the Italian classes consistently deliver a fun classroom experience. And this is why so many students stay in the program passing requirement.
Zach Phil Schwartz:
Ciao studenti. Mi chiamo Zach. Studio studi internazionali, antropologia, e studi Italiani.
I am an undergraduate departmental representative for the Italian program. I've been studying Italian for nine years. In my four years here at Brandeis, Professors Monteleone and Servino have taught me more than simply the Italian language. It's their energy and enthusiasm that they bring to the classroom, that they bring culture, they bring history, politics, and other aspects of a really storied world. They don't just bring Italian language to Brandeis, they bring Italy to Brandeis.
Text on screen: The faculty
Silvia Monteleone, lecturer Italian studies:
Buongiorno ragazzi, ciao a tutti. Sono la professoressa Monteleone. Vi aspettiamo numerosi e venite a trovarci al dipartimento d'Italiano a Brandeis. Ciao!
Paola Servino, Co-Chair Italian studies Program and Undergraduate Advising Head (UAH):
Salve. Sono La Professoressa Servino, Paola Servino, a l'universita di Brandeis, e vi do il benvenuto a Italian Studies.
I really hope that you will visit us and consider to take our wonderful super energetic classes. They will be running for several years with a successful and tremendous amount of students who love the very small but lively program for a liberal arts education. And not only studying languages and beyond, which includes officially culture and global studies on a bigger level. It's essential for today being a true Brandeisian. So please consider to take Italian. We have different great classes. You can email me with any questions and I hope you really continue to continue Italian '20 and beyond.
Ciao. Ti aspettiamo. In Italiano.
Maria Allegria:
A presto.
Alex Nedell:
A presto.
Zach Phil Schwartz:
A presto.
Screen turns black and credits run:
Special Thanks to:
Maria Allegria, BUGS Tutor
Alex Nedell, UDR
Zach Phil Schwartz, UDR
Silvia Monteleone, Professor
Paola Servino, Professor
ITAL 10A, Class
Matthew Kowalyk, Equipment
Getz Media Lab, Equipment