- So what's drawn me to my research project is very personal. I, my upbringing in the Bay area was filled with a lot of housing instability, and thanks to the amazing relationship I have with professors such as Elizabeth Ferry, they convinced me to apply for grants and pursue my, my research and my interests. So I applied for the Jane's Travel Grant and I am now doing my research on housing instability. I had the honor and the privilege to interview 13 strong Latina women. And, and this is like, basically me honoring their labor and their work to get me where I am today, graduating from a private university. So, yeah, that's what drove me to do this specific type of research. - Yeah. Actually my reason is also like, a bit personal because I grew up in this small city in China. And, but this Chinese city is full of like, Russian-style architecture and sometimes we eat Russian food very often. And I began to question, like ask for a question, to the elders, to my mom about like, why our Chinese city could have so many Russian-styled stuff here. And then I learned, I learned by myself, I read some books about how Russians, how the Soviet people used to kind of semi-colonize my hometown. And then I'd begin to like, I, I'm very interested in this. And then I think it might be more special to interview the people who, who use to live in my hometown about like, all those whole story. It could, it could picture, it could reappear, like the life of those hard-being people who are under the influence of the Russians. So I think this kind of intercultural thing really interested me and then that's what makeup of my research. - Hi. And so the project that I'm currently working on, which is the COVID-19 analysis study is also personal to me because I have family members who have unfortunately passed from COVID, and a lot of family members that are currently working in the hospitals fighting, fighting COVID-19. So I'm doing research on it and kind of looking at state regulations. We're all from all over, so being able to look at that and see what works and what doesn't work is very interesting to me. But I also wanted to say that I wasn't given the opportunity to like, start my own study and do something really personal to me starting off in a research lab. So I chose the Gutchess Lab which studied Aging, Culture and Cognition because those are things that I was really interested in. And so initially I started working on other people's studies that could be personal to them and something that they wanted to research, but there were aspects like the aging aspect of it was one of the first studies that I worked on, was something that really piqued my interest. So that's why I even chose the lab in general. I'm assisting Emma on analyzing COVID data because especially with the pandemic that has happened, I really wanted to get involved with the science aspect because I am a science person. And also I have a lot of science friends and we often talk about this. It's definitely a topic of conversation and I've taken science courses which then analyze cells, viruses, et cetera. And so definitely working on the data really, really brought it to society and how like, science has been affecting everything and has affected everyone. And so I definitely wanted to assist with highlighting the patterns that has been going on, the state patterns, there's the infection rates, death rates. So that I can just give contribution to the field.