Louis D. Brandeis: An Inspiring Life
Marriage & family items

Letter from Louis D. Brandeis to Elizabeth Brandeis

December 29, 1900

An excerpt of a handwritten letter An excerpt of a handwritten letter


Dear Elizabeth:

Do you like New York? And how does your doll like to be with Grandma and all the Aunts and Uncles. I hope she has not cried much. The Christmas tree and Santa Claus are very anxious to see you and Susan again, and want to know whether they shall wait until you come back from New York. Santa Claus would like to come down from the tree and rest in Susan’s bed. Do you think I should let him?


CREATOR Louis D. Brandeis
DATE 12/29/1900
FORMAT Text (Letter)
COLLECTION Louis Dembitz Brandeis Collection
BOX, SERIES 24, I.I.d.1.7
RIGHTS Copyright restrictions may apply. For permission to copy or use this image, contact the Robert D. Farber University Archives & Special Collections Department, Brandeis University Library