Finance and Administration Bulletin
In this Email

Open Enrollment
Nov. 1 through Nov. 15

The 2020 Annual Benefits Open Enrollment for faculty, staff and post doctoral scholars will begin on Nov. 1 and run through Nov, 15. This is the once-a-year opportunity for benefits eligible employees to evaluate their benefits and make any necessary changes.

There are a number of exciting new changes and new benefits for both Faculty and Staff and Postdoctoral Associates. Please visit the Open Enrollment website for more information. All Open Enrollment changes will be done through Workday.

Benefits Fair
Thursday, Oct. 31
11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Hassenfeld Conference Center, Sherman Hall

The Office of Human Resources invites you to attend the annual Benefits Fair, scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 31 at the Hassenfeld Conference Center in Sherman Hall from 11:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Representatives from varies vendors will be available to answer questions, provide information, and explain their discounted membership benefits. For more information please visit the Human Resources Benefits Fair web page.

InBrief a Year Later

It is hard to believe that a year has gone by since the inaugural issue of InBrief. InBrief was created as a pilot initiative to increase Finance and Administration's ability to communicate with the campus community without increasing the number of broadcast emails you receive. It has since included information for other areas of campus. Please take a few minutes and complete this three question survey and let us know what you think.

Share Your Feedback on Dining
Now through Nov. 2

The annual Brandeis Dining survey is now open. Your feedback will provide key insight that will help Dining Services tailor a program to your daily needs. The survey is open until Nov. 2. Your participation is appreciated and each response will donate $1 to the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation to help end childhood hunger in the United States.

Hiatt Career Closet

Last spring, the Hiatt Career Center launched the Hiatt Career Closet, an in-house resource for students to "shop" for professional attire free of charge. With your help, Hiatt has outfitted nearly 100 students to date. As we approach a busy interview and career event season, we are seeking more donations in a range of sizes. Learn more about donation standards and the attire accepted.

Currently, Hiatt is in particular need of new or gently-worn blouses, skirts, dresses, button-down shirts, blazers, and pants and suits for students that come in women’s sizes. Donations may be dropped off in the lobby of the Hiatt Career Center at any time.

Thank you for your consideration and generosity in helping Brandeis students present as the professionals they are!  Please contact the Hiatt Career Center directly with any questions.

Changes for Oct. 30

The Government and Public Service Career Fair will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 30. In order to provide a welcoming arrival to employers and to enhance the experience for our students seeking jobs and internships the following one day parking changes will be in effect. Employers attending the fair will be directed to park within a defined number of reserved parking spaces in the Hassenfeld Parking Lot and Spingold Circle. For more information please visit the Public Safety website. Please direct any questions or concerns related to this matter to my attention at either extension 6-4240 or by email to

Staff, Faculty and Postdoc Flu Clinic
Thursday, Oct. 31
10:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m.
Hassenfeld Conference Center

As part of the Healthy You wellness program we are pleased to host a no-cost flu clinic on campus for faculty, staff and post doctoral scholars. Medical staff from the Wellness Company, an immunization and wellness provider that works with many colleges and universities nationwide, will conduct the clinic. For registration and more information please visit the Office of Human resources website.

Improvements to Campus Transportation Services

This semester there have been several major improvements to the transportation services on campus. Here is a list of all of the changes:

  • GPS tracking has been updated in eight Joseph's shuttles and all six Escort Safety Service (ESS) vans. Video monitoring has also been installed in the ESS vans to ensure safety. With the new trackers GPS live tracking has been effectively integrated into the Branda app. With the help of Branda, messages can be posted to notify people of changes in the service.
  • The Market Basket Shuttle pilot program was introduced.
  • BranVan Waltham services The nightly BranVan Waltham Service has been extended from Rabb in consideration of Library and Usdan employees.
  • With the addition of Monday-Friday, 4-11 p.m. Waltham Joseph's shuttle, seating capacity doubled to both regular evening campus and BranVan.
ISSO Thanksgiving Holiday Host Program

Are you interested in sharing your Thanksgiving holiday traditions with a current Brandeis international student? The ISSO would like to invite you to sign up for our Thanksgiving Host Program to be matched with an international student guest to share the Thanksgiving holiday with you.

Participating as a Thanksgiving Holiday Host is a great opportunity to learn about the cultural traditions of Brandeis' wonderful international students, develop rewarding friendships with them, and share your own Thanksgiving traditions.

If you are interested in sharing your family's Thanksgiving traditions with an international student or two this year, please take a few moments to fill out the online host sign-up form. The sign-up deadline to be a Thanksgiving Holiday Host is Friday, November 15.

For more information and FAQs, please visit the ISSO website or email us at

Celtics Tickets Still Available

Faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars still have an opportunity to purchase Celtics tickets. For a complete list of available games and pricing please visit the The Office of the EVP, Finance and Administration website.

Sleep Week 2019
Nov. 4 through 8

Brandeis' first annual Sleep Week will be held on November 4-8, 2019. This week aims to raise awareness about the importance of sleep for learning, physical health, and mental well-being, to educate the community about strategies for getting better sleep, and to bring community members together to create a more sleep-friendly campus. Faculty and staff can support Sleep Week by attending events, discussing sleep and making curricular connections in the classroom, and supporting a campus-wide Pajama Day on Friday, November 8. 

Sleep Week is organized by the Wellness Programmers, with support from the Office of Health and Wellness Promotion. To learn more or get involved, please contact

Preventing Burnout: A Balanced Life Check-up
Friday, Nov. 8
10–11 a.m.
Hassenfeld Luria Conference Room

The first step to preventing burnout in your personal and professional life is to identify its signs and symptoms. In this interactive session, you will learn how to detect burnout triggers and discover ways to regain enthusiasm and life balance – including pacing yourself at work and at home and becoming more conscious of your needs and motivators. Getting in touch with your physical and emotional needs will enhance your ability to maintain high performance without costing you your health.

For more information and to register please visit the Human Resources Training website.

Conflict Resolution
Tuesday, Nov. 19
10–11 a.m.
Hassenfeld Luria Conference Room

The stress created by workplace conflict interferes with performance, job satisfaction and productivity. Yet most of us are unaware that conflict, in addition to being inevitable, can lead to innovation, collaboration, behavior change and win-win solutions. This workshop is designed to reduce the stress associated with initiating and engaging in conflict. Not only will you learn principles of effective conflict resolution, you will also gain a deeper understanding of your own conflict style and how to use that knowledge to achieve more meaningful, mutually beneficial resolutions.

For more information and to register please visit the Human Resources Training website.

Dining Services Request for Proposals

The dining services request for proposals (RFP) process is underway. Please visit the Dining Services RFP web page for information on process and timeline, and to provide input. Community forums will be held as an opportunity for community engagement regarding the RFP process. All are welcome to attend and refreshments will be served.

BJ's Wholesale Club Discounted Membership
through Oct. 25

BJ's Wholesale Club is offering a membership discount to new and renewing members for all Brandeis employees.

The new members only offer is:
$25/12 months for the basic membership(normally $55/12 months)
$50/12 months for the rewards membership(normally $110/12 months)

The renewing members offer is:
$40/13 months for the basic membership(normally $55/12 months)
$80/13 months for the rewards membership(normally $110/12 months)

This offer is available until Oct. 25. Please contact BJ's representative Kim Sbrogna at or Renee Relerford in the Office of Human Resources for more information and applications.

JustArts Brandeis Faculty and Staff Exhibition
Oct. 24-Nov. 17
Spingold Theater Center-Dreitzer Gallery

All Brandeis faculty and staff are invited to exhibit their artwork in JustArts, the sixth biannual faculty/staff exhibition. Faculty emeriti and post-docs are also welcome to participate.

For more information and to register please visit the JustArts web page.

Please contact Ingrid Schorr at or 781-736-5008 with questions.

Office of Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
MS 111 | 415 South St. | Waltham, MA 02453
Visit Our Website for more information.
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