Administrative resource review gets underway

Committee looking at operations, functions

Jeffrey C. Apfel

A new committee formed by President Jehuda Reinharz will analyze administrative operations and functions at the university to see how they have worked in support of institutional goals and objectives, the panel’s chairman said.

“We’re in the early stages right now, where we’re looking at data and beginning to survey administrative trends at Brandeis over time,” said Jeffrey C. Apfel, the university’s executive vice president and chief operating officer. “Ultimately, we hope to be able to see what has been working where and, at the same time, where improvements could be made and the best practices adopted.”

Apfel, who is leading the eight-member Administrative Resources Review Committee, said the group’s charge is to report to the President on various aspects of staffing and administration, including analyses of possible economies and efficiencies, and a review of organizational structures and staffing levels.

“We expect that this will be a comprehensive review,” said Apfel, “but the goal overall is pretty simple and clear. In the end it’s about making sure the university has the best administrative structure to systematically accomplish important institutional objectives.”

Other members of the committee are Scot Bemis, vice president for Human Resources; Frances Drolette, vice president, Budget and Planning; Sarah Mead, associate professor of the practice of music and director of the Early Music Ensemble; Dennis Nealon, executive director, media and public affairs, Office of Communications; Frank Urso, assistant vice president, Students and Enrollment; Myles Weisenberg, vice president, Office of Development; and Michaele Whelan, vice provost, Academic Affairs.

An ARRC Web site includes the full text of the President’s charge to the committee, periodic updates on the panel’s review, and a feedback form that any member of the Brandeis community can use to ask questions of the committee or make comments.

Apfel said more information will be posted to the Web site as the committee’s work progresses.

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