Joseph Lumbard traces the evolution of 'A Common Word'

Joseph Lumbard

In "The Uncommonality of 'A Common Word,'" the latest Crown Paper published by the Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Joseph Lumbard, chair of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies Program, focuses on the Common Word initiative. Since its inception in 2006, the Common Word has quickly become one of the most significant interfaith movements of the modern era. Tracing the evolution of this historic movement, this Crown Paper assesses the forces that gave rise to the Common Word, the reactions from all quarters, and the movement it has spurred. With significant figures, such as King Abdullah II of Jordan, the Pope, Archbishops and Grand Muftis, the Common Word has become a geo-theological initiative with geo-political implications. It also examines the progress to date and areas in which the movement may continue to bear fruit.

Click here to download a PDF of 'The Uncommonailty of 'A Common Word.'"

You can access the full Crown Paper series here.

Joseph Lumbard is a former advisor for interfaith affairs to King Abdallah II of Jordan, assistant professor of classical Islam at Brandeis, and chair of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies Program.

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