See bold new prospects in art at the Dreitzer Gallery
Exhibits showcase work of students in post-baccalaureate program
Prospect I: March 17-April 12
Opening reception:
March 17, 6–8 p.m.
Prospect II: April 14-May 2
Opening reception:
April 14, 6–8 p.m.
They come to Brandeis—more precisely, to a warehouse space off campus, on Prospect Street—to concentrate on their studio practice, to push their work forward, and ultimately to attend a graduate art program or to launch their professional careers. In one short year, these ambitious students have been transformed.
Some have completely changed the materials they use. Some have evolved their subject matter into powerful visual experiences. Through critical dialogue with faculty and visiting artists, all have been challenged to expand their notions of what is possible in their work.
“This year’s class embodies the widest spectrum of artistic approaches, with students working in everything from perceptually-based painting to conceptually-based performance,” says Sean Downey, coordinator of the post-baccalaureate program in studio art. “Yet each student’s individual approach has benefited from the group momentum and energy of a dedicated studio environment.”
The post-baccalaureate year culminates in two exhibitions, called Prospect I and II after their off-campus studio space. The shows are presented in the Spingold Theater Center’s Dreitzer Gallery. The opening reception for “Prospect I” will be held on Wednesday, March 17 at 6 p.m., and the exhibit will run through April 12. The opening reception for “Prospect II” will be held on Wednesday, April 14, with the exhibit running through May 2.
The post-baccalaureate program in studio art is designed for students with a bachelor’s degree who are interested in extending their experience in studio art. The program offers a one or two-year residency focused on the disciplines of painting and sculpture. The curriculum emphasizes independent work achieved through critical interaction with faculty and visiting artists. Students can prepare portfolios for admission to graduate school, or achieve the self-sufficiency necessary for continued studio work outside an academic environment.
Program graduates have gained admission to the most prestigious graduate schools in the country, and launched their professional careers with great success. Since its founding in 1993, the program has inspired and shaped the aesthetic vision and creative technique of countless emerging artists.