Research travel grants available through Latin American and Latino Studies

Applications for summer grants due Wednesday, March 14

Each year the Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) program awards “Jane's Travel Grants” to Brandeis students to conduct research in Latin America, the Caribbean and the Latin American diaspora in the United States. Grants vary in size, depending on airfare, length of trip and project budget. The maximum grant is $3,500.
The grants cover research expenses such as travel, room and board and photocopying. It does not fund study at a foreign institution or cover tuition, internship fees or the purchase of durable equipment such as tape recorders, cameras or laptop computers.

Brandeis graduate students and undergraduates in all departments are eligible to apply, although students in the LALS major/minor receive highest priority.

Undergraduates may use the awards to conduct research during inter-semester break, spring break, or the summer. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors in all majors are eligible to apply for the inter-semester break, spring break, or summer research grants; seniors may apply only for the inter-semester grant. Graduate students may schedule research within six months of receiving the grant.

For more information visit Jane's Travel Grants.


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