New Brandeis Cafe Science connects community with research

A partnership between the Office of the Provost and the Division of Science, Brandeis Cafe Science will feature a series of informal talks by some of the university’s premier science professors. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy a beverage and engage in conversation about science-related topics of interest.
To kick off the series, Prof. Greg Petsko will give a talk and lead a discussion on "Drugs for Neurologic Disorders" on Monday, April 2, from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Elephant Walk restaurant in Waltham.
Admission is $10 which includes the price of a beverage; in addition, The Elephant Walk is offering a 10 percent discount on the price of dinner to anyone who stays to dine after the Cafe.*
On Monday, May 7, Physics Prof. Jim Bensinger will discuss “What’s New at the Large Hadron Collider?” On Monday, June 4, Biology Prof. Jim Haber will give a talk on “Studying Cancer by Studying Yeast Cells.” Both those events also will be held at The Elephant Walk, starting at 6 – 7 p.m.
Science Cafes are an increasingly popular grassroots phenomenon. Today there are more than 250 across the United States, most associated with colleges and universities.
In a 2008 talk posted on, Petsko, the Gyula and Katica Tauber Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacodynamics at Brandeis, argued that in the next 50 years we will have a worldwide epidemic of neurologic disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, as the world population ages. He suggested that we, as a global community, increase the depth and breadth of research being done on the brain — which is exactly what he has been doing.
For more information, visit the Brandeis Cafe Science Facebook page
The Elephant Walk is located at 663 Main Street, Waltham. Parking is available nearby at the Central Square Parking Deck on Common Street.
* This discount is not valid in conjunction with any other promotions or discounts.
Categories: Science and Technology