Program Snapshot

Learn best practices to acquire and engage customers.

If you've considered pivoting to a digital marketing career, now is the time — and Brandeis is the place.

In as quickly as a year, an online master's degree in Digital Marketing and Design from Brandeis Online can make you a top candidate for a position in a field ranked sixth on LinkedIn's 2021 Jobs on the Rise list.

We are one of the only programs that combines digital marketing with design, so you learn both the technical and creative components of building effective campaigns for search, social, display, email, content marketing and more. You'll also gain hands-on experience building and executing strategies, running campaigns and managing budgets.

Your small, asynchronous classes comprise professionals from fields such as public relations, communications, graphic design, web development, product management and engineering. Your instructors are experienced practitioners who teach you best practices such as:

  • Developing multichannel B2B and B2C marketing strategies
  • Designing, testing and optimizing marketing campaigns, concepts and messages
  • Collaborating with sales, product, engineering and other internal teams
  • Creating a big impact with a tight budget
This program has received official STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) designations.

Courses and Requirements

Full-time OR part-time | Fully online | Financially accessible

Your 30-credit Digital Marketing and Design MS program includes required courses in fundamental areas like SEO, digital strategy, multichannel marketing campaigns and conversion rate optimization (CRO). Electives allow you to delve deeper into areas of personal interest, such as digital media production, the psychology of user-centered design and other special topics.

Complete your degree within one year. Speak with your admissions representative to learn more. 

The Digital Marketing Industry

A prime opportunity to advance

The COVID-19 pandemic underscores the growing importance of engaging people on a digital level. Across industries, organizations increasingly recognize the value of specialized digital marketers and designers capable of helping them stand out in crowded spaces. In fact, hiring in this field grew nearly 33% year-over-year and there are no signs of that slowing down.