Scholarly Articles
Professor Sarna is the author of more than 100 scholarly articles on a wide range of topics, including American Jewish culture, contemporary Jewish life, and Jewish-Christian relations. > more
Latest Publications
“My Life in American Jewish History.” In Conversations with Colleagues: On Becoming an American Jewish Historian, ed. Feffrey S. Gurock. 161-187. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018.
“The Forgetting of Cora Wilburn.” In Studies in American Jewish Literature. 73-87. 37:1, 2018.
“Jewish Women Without Money: The Case of Cora Wilburn (1824-1906). 23-37. Nashim #32, 2018.
"The Forgetting of Cora Wilburn - Historical Amnesia and The Cambridge History of Jewish American Literature." In Studies in American Jewish Literature 37:1 (2018): 73-87.
"Leonard Bernstein and the Music of Boston's Congregation Mishkan Tefila." In Brandeis University's State of the Arts. 22-23. Waltham, Mass.: Brandeis University, Winter-Spring 2018.
"The Bible and Judaism in America." In "The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in America," ed. Paul C. Gutjahr. 505-516. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.