Jews and the Left, Arthur Liebman, National Review, August 31, 1979.
From Reform Judaism to Ethical Culture: The Religious Evolution of Felix Adler, by Benny Kraut, The American Israelite, November 15, 1979.
Merchant Princes by Leon Harris, Commentary, 69 (March 1980); reprinted in Jewish Book News (July 1981).
The Jews of Toronto by Stephen A. Speisman, Present Tense, 7 (Spring 1980).
From Generation to Generation, by Arthur Kurzweil, Commentary, 70 (August 1980); reprinted in Jewish Book News (Spring 1981).
Perspectives on Jews and Judaism, edited by Arthur A. Chiel, Conservative Judaism 34:4 (Summer 1980).
The Recovery of Spirit in Higher Education: Christian and Jewish Ministries in Campus Life, ed. by Robert Rankin, AJS Newsletter 31 (March 1982).
Evangelizing the American Jew, by David Max Eichhorn and The Incident at Massena, by Saul S. Freidman, Midstream, 28:2 (February 1982).
The King of Fifth Avenue: The Fortunes of August Belmont, by David Black, Commentary 73 (April 1982).
The Attitude of American Jewry Towards East European Jewish Immigration, 1981-1914, by Myron Berman and American Jewry and United States Immigration Policy, 1881-1953, by Sheldon M. Neuringer, American Jewish History 71 (March 1982).
American Ethnic Groups: The European Heritage, by Francesco Cordasco and David N. Alloway, Journal of American Ethnic History, 2 (Fall 1982).
Architects of Reform: Congregational and Community Leadership, Emanu-El of San Francisco, 1849-1980, by Fred Rosenbaum, Pacific Northwest Quarterly 73:1 (January 1982).
The Book of Mordechai: A Study of the Jews of Libya, ed. and transl. by Harvey E. Goldberg, Explorations in Sights and Sounds (Summer 1982).
The Dreyfus Affair and the American Conscience, 1895-1906, by Egal Feldman, Studies in Contemporary Jewry (forthcoming).
Jews Without Mercy: A Lament, by Earl Shorris, and The Sociology of American Jews: A Critical Anthology by Jack N. Porter, Modern Judaism 3:2 (May 1983).
Jewish Life in Philadelphia, ed. by Murray Friedman, Commentary (October 1984).
The Chosen People in America, by Arnold Eisen, Judaism (Spring 1985).
Encounter With Emancipation by Naomi W. Cohen, Commentary (September 1985).
Jews, Turks and Infidels, by Morton Borden, Journal of American History 71:4 (March 1985).
"Jewish Community Histories: Recent Non-Academic Contributions," Journal of American Ethnic History 6:1 (Fall 1986).
Cyrus Adler: Selected Letters, by Ira Robinson, Commentary (February, 1986).
Sacred Survival, by Jonathan Woocher, Commentary (December 1987).
A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson, Moment (September 1987).
"New Light on the Pittsburgh Platform of 1885" American Jewish History 76:3 (March 1987), 358-68.
Back to the Soil by Robert A. Goldberg, Journal of American History 74 (March 1988).
Lo-Tziyonim BeAmerika by Menahem Kaufman, Studies in Contemporary Jewry 4 (1988).
The Liberty Lobby and the American Right by Frank P. Mintz, Patterns of Prejudice 22:3 (1988).
The Seminary at 100, ed. Nina B. Cardin and David W. Silverman, Conservative Judaism 40 (Summer 1988), pp 81-84.
The Mayer Sulzberger-Alexander Marx Correspondence, ed Herman Dicker, Jewish Quarterly Review 82:1-2 (1992), 262-263.
Mostly Morgenthaus, by Henry Morgenthau III. Commentary 93 (March 1992), pp. 57-59.
Adapting to Abundance by Andrew R. Heinze, AJS Review 17:2 (Fall 1992).
The Politics of Ethnic Pressure by Judith S. Goldstein, Jewish Quarterly Review 83:3-4 (1993), pp. 450-451.
Jews Against Zionism: The American Council for Judaism, 1942-1948, by Thomas A. Kolsky Studies in Contemporary Jewry 10 (1994), pp. 333-334.
Historyah U-Politiqah by Yehoshua Arieli, Journal of American History 81 (June 1994), p. 228.
The Warburgs, by Ron Chernow, Commentary 97:2 (February 1994), pp. 61-64.
The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, by Benjamin Ginsberg, Contemporary Sociology, September 1994, pp.653-654.
The Power and Passion of M.Carey Thomas, by Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz, The Forward, December 23, 1994, p.1.
A Scapegoat in the New Wilderness: The Origins and Rise of Anti-Semitism in America, by Frederic Cople Jaher and Anti-Semitism in America, by Leonard Dinnerstein, Journal of American History (June 1995), pp. 171-173.
A Corner of the Tapestry: A History of the Jewish Experience in Arkansas 1820s - 1990s, by Carolyn Gray LeMaster, Studies in Contemporary Jewry 12 (1996), pp. 318-319.
Jewish Responses to Modernity, by Eli Lederhendler, Journal of the American Academy of Religion 64 (Summer 1996), pp.137-138.
Jews and the New American Scene, by Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Rabb, Journal of American Ethnic History 17 (Fall 1997), pp. 97-98.
Jewish Power, by J.J.Goldberg, The Jerusalem Report, January 9, 1997, pp.46-47.
Struggles in the Promised Land: Toward A History of Black-Jewish Relations in the United States, eds. Jack Salzman and Cornell West CommonQuest 3 (Winter 1998) , 50-53.
Portrait of American Jews: The Last Half of the 20th Century, by Samuel C. Heilman, Journal of American Ethnic History 17 (Spring 1998), 121-122.
Jewish Immigrant Associations and American Identity in New York, 1880-1939, by Daniel Soyer, Journal of American History 85:1 (June 1998), 255-256.
Jew vs. Jew: The Struggle for the Soul of American Jewry, by Samuel G. Freedman, The Boston Globe, August 27, 2000, p.C1.
The Messiah Comes Tomorrow: Tales From the American Shtetl, by Alan Lupo, The Boston Globe, July 13, 2001.
Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate, by Neil Baldwin, Commentary 112 (December 2001), 74-76.
The Jewish Confederates, by Robert Rosen, American Jewish History 89 (September 2001), 335-337.
Building the Future: Jewish Immigrant Intellectuals and the Making of Tsukunft, ed. & translated by Steven Cassedy, Journal of American Ethnic History 21 (Winter 2002), 110-111.
Catholics and Jews in Twentieth-Century America by Egal Feldman, American Historical Review 108 (April 2003), 546-547.
Jazz Age Jews, by Michael Alexander, The Historian 65 (Fall 2003), 1176-1177.
The Family Letters of Louis D. Brandeis, eds. Melvin I. Urofsky and David W. Levy, Modern Judaism 25 (February 2005), 99-101
The Jews of the United States 1654 to 2000, by Hasia Diner, Journal of American History 58 (September 2005), 578.
An Uneasy Relationship: American Jewish Leadership and Israel 1948-1957, by Zvi Ganin; The Struggle for Soviet Jewry in American Politics, by Fred Lazin; and From Exodus to Freedom: A History of the Soviet Jewry Movement, by Stuart Altshuler, [review-essay in] Israel Studies 11:3 (Fall 2006), 168-172.
Hebrew Printing in America 1735-1926: A History and Annotated Bibliography, by Yosef Goldman. Research and editing by Ari Kinsberg. American Jewish History 92:4 (December 2004), 509-512 [published May 1, 2007]
Speaking of Jews, by Lila C. Berman. Journal of American History 96 (December 2009), 888-889.
American and British Jews in the Age of the Great Migration, by Lloyd P. Gartner. Studies in Contemporary Jewry 25 (2011), 162-163.
- Review of Plaut, Rise & Growth of Reform Judaism (2nd ed) in AJH, Volume 100, Number 3 (July 2016), 453-455.