Class Notes

Alumni Profiles

When she graduated from Brandeis, Rima Tahini ’16, who is from Sierra Leone and now lives in Nigeria, had a clear career goal: to make a contribution to African culture.

Poet Jackson Holbert ’17 says that, unlike the “famous triple majors,” he entered his first year at Brandeis laser-focused, ready to pursue the only thing he felt he wasn’t “terrible at.”

Last spring, the Brandeis University Alumni Association honored nine graduates from the previous 10 years who are already making positive changes in the world through their work.
In Memoriam
Alumni News

An experienced mentor can dissolve the mist around a professional goal, show students what a particular career is like, and help them navigate their way.

Become involved with Brandeis. You’ll reap many rewards if you do.

In October, more than 3,000 Brandeisians came to campus for a three-day celebration of the university’s 75th anniversary.

Brandeis alumni celebrate weddings and other major milestones.