African/Asian/Middle Eastern Jewish Women

Behar, Ruth. “Mi Puente: My Bridge.” Bridges 4 (Winter/Spring 1994) 63-70.

Brettschneider, Marla, ed. The Narrow Bridge: Jewish Views on Multiculturalism. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Unversity Press, 1996.

Ginsburg, Faye. “When the Subject is Women: Encounters with Syrian Jewish Women.” Journal of American Folklore 100 (1987) 540-547.

Khazzom, Loolwa. “A Bridge Between Different Worlds.” Bridges 4 (Winter 1994/95) 49-56.

Sanua, Marianne. “From the Pages of the Victory Bulletin: The Syrian Jews of Brooklyn during World War II.” Yivo Annual 19 (1990) 283-330.

Steiglitz, Maria. “New Mexico’s Secret Jews: Anna Rael Delay and Family.” Lilith 16 (Summer 1991) 8-10, 12.

Zerubavel, Yael and Esses, Dianne. “Reconstructionist of the Past: Syrian Jewish Women and the Maintenance of Tradition.” Journal of American Folklore100 (1987) 528-539.