Finance and Administration Bulletin
In this Email

2021-22 Boston Celtics Ticket Sales

The Office of Finance and Administration will be selling tickets to the 2021-2022 Boston Celtics home games, available for purchase by faculty, staff and post-docs. For information, please visit the Office of the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration website.

Rich/Collins Community Leadership & Impact Fellowship Recommendations

The Department of Community Service is recruiting undergraduate students to apply for the Rich/Collins Community Leadership & Impact Fellowship Program. This is a one-of-a-kind, prestigious leadership opportunity where undergraduate students can apply for grant funding (between $500-$4,000) to implement a community impact project during the Spring semester, while receiving a $600 personal stipend and engaging in a close-knit cohort leadership development series. You can see great examples from previous projects on our website. As you'll notice, the list of possibilities are endless. That being said, this year we are intentionally encouraging projects that support the Waltham community and racial justice work.

If you know of any amazing students that you believe would be great Fellows, please recommend them to us or encourage them to attend one of our upcoming information sessions. For questions regarding this Fellowship, please email or Community Service Specialist, Samantha de Melim, who is overseeing this initiative. Applications close Sunday, October 24 at 11:59 p.m.

Mobile Ordering with Bite

Dining has introduced simple mobile ordering to power your on-campus dining experience with the Bite for Universities App by Sodexo. Ordering with Bite is 100% contact-free - easy, fast, and convenient. Mobile ordering lets you place your order ahead of time on the app for pickup at Dunkin', Louis Deli, Swirl Smoothies, SubConnection, Tres Habaneros, Einstein's Bagels, Farber Starbucks, AFC Sushi, and The Stein. For information on downloading and using the app, please visit thensodexomyway page. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact Jeff Hershberger at or 781-736-4230.

Fall 2021 Workshops

The well-being of the Brandeis community and campus remain a top priority during these times. To support our managers, staff and faculty during COVID-19 and our Fall 2021 planning, and as part of professional development, we are offering the following trainings and workshops via Zoom from 10–11 a.m. on the following dates:

For a complete description of the workshops visit the Human Resources website. If you have any questions or need additional guidance, please contact Human Resources at or 781-736-4474.

Part-time master’s programs at the IBS

Brandeis International Business School offers part-time options for its master’s programs. Students may pursue the MBA, Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance, Master of Science in Business Analytics or Master of Science in Finance by completing one or two classes at a time. A virtual Employee Information Session will be held October 12 at 12:00 p.m. for Brandeis employees who want to learn more. RSVP for the login information, and contact the Admissions Office at with any questions.

Workday@Brandeis Resources

Whether you’re new to Workday or interested in a refresher - check out the Workday HR/Finance Training Activity Guide which outlines resources available for completing common tasks or functions in Workday. Several examples include “I am…” a staff or faculty member who manages staff; a staff or faculty member who manages budgets and runs financial reports; a staff or faculty member who manages staff with links to step-by-step job aids or self-paced, online training.

You can also stop by the virtual Workday Office Hours to get one-on-one assistance with using Workday. September schedule: Tuesdays from 2- 3 p.m. and Wednesdays from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Visit the Workday@Brandeis website to view the complete library of resources for HR/Finance and employee self-service or Student including job aids, instructional videos, and FAQs. Please submit suggestions for Workday training topics using the Workday Training Suggestion Form. For questions, please contact

Participate in Create@Brandeis Market

Brandeis community members who make and sell things are cordially invited to participate in the second Create@Brandeis Market, which will take place October 15-16 during Family Weekend. Jewelry, art, body care products, paper crafts, textiles: all forms of craft are welcome.

The registration form is due October 3 to reserve your spot. Please spread the word to any Brandeis friends, colleagues or classmates who might be interested.

Sponsored by Brandeis Arts Engagement. Any questions please contact Ingrid Schorr at 781-736-5008 or

Faculty Club Now Open

The Faculty Club is open once again and eager to serve faculty, staff and graduate students. The popular lunch destination features a full salad bar and hot lunch buffet as well as the option for takeout in a reusable green to-go container priced by weight. Prepay for in-person dining is available through the Bite app, and reservation requests may be submitted to or by calling 781-736-4280.

Webinars offered by New Directions

Go to and log in selecting “Employee Assistance Program” and using the company code: brandeis university. Scroll down to the bottom of the home page to register for live webinars.
For all webinars there are sessions at noon – 1 p.m. & 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.

  • Wednesday 11/10 – Thriving in Uncertainty
    The unknown is a scary thing. It can be difficult to plan or figure out what to do next. Discover how to embrace uncertainty and navigate it with poise and resiliency.
  • Wednesday 11/17 – Managing with Flexibility
    When facing change or uncertainty, one of the greatest traits a leader can have is flexibility. In this session, learn how to modify your style and approach to leadership to overcome challenges and achieve goals.
  • Monday 12/13 – The Art of Listening
    Listening is the foundation of conversation and a skill that requires practice. In this session, learn how to listen actively and respond thoughtfully for better communication and understanding.
  • Monday 12/20 – Actively Managing Conflict
    For a manager, being equipped to treat conflict as an asset instead of a liability is a true measure of leadership. In this session, supervisors acquire the essential tools, skills and processes to help them achieve healthy and responsive conflict resolution.

If you have any questions or need additional guidance, please contact Human Resources at or 781-736-4474.

Library's upcoming workshops

All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to register for library workshops. Check out some of our upcoming session.

All members of the Brandeis teaching community are welcome at our workshops focused on teaching with technology:

Sponsored Accounts - Change to Contingent Worker Accounts
Oct. 13

Effective Oct. 13, the Brandeis Sponsored Accounts system will be retired and replaced with Contingent Worker accounts in Workday. As of Oct. 13, the ability to create new Sponsored Accounts will be disabled. If you previously created sponsored accounts for individuals who do not qualify for another account type, please request a Contingent Worker Account. Sponsored Accounts created prior to Oct. 13 will continue to function as expected. Starting Oct. 13, all existing Sponsored Accounts will be converted to a Contingent Worker account and will maintain the same expiration date. ITS will be contacting individuals who currently serve as a sponsor with additional information and instructions on how to review the sponsored account.

Please visit the ITS website to learn more about this project including the difference between Sponsored Accounts and Contingent Worker accounts. For questions, please contact Jonathan Estwing.

Managing the Pandemic-shaped Workplace Workshops
Sept. 28 and 30
The Managing the Pandemic-shaped Workplace is a two-module program. Please register for both modules. Workshop modules will be presented as 90-minute interactive sessions via Zoom from 9 – 10:30 a.m. on the following dates:
  • Tuesday 9/28 – Module A: Charting the New Reality - register
  • Thursday 9/30 – Module B: Best Practices and Techniques for Managing a Remote or Hybrid Workforce - register

For a complete description of the workshops visit the Human Resources website. If you have any questions or need additional guidance, please contact Human Resources at or 781-736-4474.

Managers Skills Development Trainings

Managers Skills Development Trainings (presented by Breakthrough Collaboration) were previously available by invitation only, these workshops are now open to all managers who would like to take advantage of this opportunity and can be taken as a series or as individual sessions based on interest.

Workshops will cover special challenges due to the pandemic and will be presented as 90-minute interactive sessions via Zoom from 9 – 10:30 a.m. on the following dates:

For a complete description of the workshops visit the Human Resources website. If you have any questions or need additional guidance, please contact Human Resources at or 781-736-4474.

Office of Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
MS 111 | 415 South St. | Waltham, MA 02453
Visit Our Website for more information.
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