In 2016 Dan assumed the position of president and CEO of NEIBC (New England-Israel Business Council), a not-for-profit organization with the mission to promote and facilitate strong business relations between New England and Israel.
Dan started his business career as an architect, with prominent projects both in Israel and Boston after earning his undergraduate degree (B. Arch) in architecture and town planning from the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) and his graduate degree (MAUD) in urban design from Harvard University Graduate School of Design. He subsequently moved into the high-tech entrepreneurial world as an executive of high-tech companies such as Scitex America Inc. and L&H N.V., then as CEO/president of iKnowledge Inc., Sapiens America Inc. and Ex Libris Inc. Dan co-founded LTMI, a boutique venture capital fund and served as managing partner, investing primarily in Israeli startups. In recent years, he is also spending time on his passions as a conceptual artist and educator. Dan has had several solo shows and participated in group shows in the U.S., Europe and Israel.