I chose Brandeis because of its world-class education and global exposure.
I have a passion for the intersection of business, innovation and social inclusion.
Upon my graduation, I’d like to work as a product manager in wearable or fashion tech industries, preferably offering solutions to problems that hinder human growth on a global scale.
In addition, I plan to continue working on my side project, Tambu Footwear (tambufootwear.com), which started as an independent study at the International Business School.
I'm proud of doing what I love: solving problems, playing around with innovative ideas and building inclusive products. As part of an independent study at Brandeis, I'm working with my team on solving the pain of high heels, the number-one cause of U.S. women foot pain, through Tambu Footwear. We were able to showcase our work at the MIT Arab Conference Innovation Exhibition.
Home City
Cairo, Egypt
Independent Study
“Thanks to this fellowship, I was able to continue my MBA and pursue my love for the intersection of business, innovation and social inclusion through working on my project Tambu Footwear as an independent study at Brandeis. This fellowship gave me the confidence to turn the uncertainty caused by the pandemic and my challenging financial situation into innovation, unleashing my entrepreneurial skills and learning by doing.”