Courses of Study

  • Chinese
  • East Asian Studies (major/minor)
  • European Cultural Studies (major)
  • German Studies (major/minor)
  • Japanese
  • Russian Studies (major/minor)
  • South Asian Studies (minor)


German, Russian, and Asian Languages and Literature

Last updated: August 23, 2011 at 4:32 p.m.


Robin Feuer Miller, Chair
Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. Nineteenth-century Russian literature and comparative literature. The novel. Reader-response criticism.

Stephen Dowden, Chair, European Cultural Studies; Undergraduate Advising Head (German)
German modernism. Romanticism. The Novel: Kafka, Bernhard, Thomas Mann, Broch, Musil, Goethe. Austrian literature.

Irina Dubinina, Undergraduate Advising Head (Russian) fall 2011; Russian Language Program Director
Bilingualism. Russian heritage speakers. Teaching language through culture/film/theater. Second-language acquisition in Russian. First-language attrition.

Yu Feng, Chinese Language Program Director
Chinese language.

Matthew Fraleigh (on leave spring 2012)
Classical and modern Japanese literature and language. Cultural and literary exchange between China and Japan. Literature and travel.

Xiwen Lu
Lecturer in Chinese.

Yukimi Nakano
Lecturer in Japanese.

David Powelstock, Chair, Russian and East European Studies (on leave fall 2011)
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century Russian literature. Romanticism. Modernism. Czech literature. Poetry. Translation. Literary theory.

Hiroko Sekino, Japanese Language Program Director

Harleen Singh (on leave spring 2012)
South Asian studies. Comparative literature. Postcolonial theory and studies.

Sabine von Mering
Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century German literature. German women writers. Feminist theory. Language pedagogy. Drama.

Affiliated Faculty (contributing to the curriculum, advising and administration of the department or program)
Gregory Freeze (History)

Courses of Instruction