Oral Communication

Last updated: May 25, 2016 at 2:11 p.m.


The oral communication requirement aims to enhance students' ability to communicate and listen effectively in a range of contexts, to critically evaluate orally presented information and arguments and to consider specific techniques for using language as a communication tool. Oral communication courses, which may be offered in any department or program, include at least two opportunities per course to develop and practice oral communication skills through a wide range of possible assignments.

Courses involve instruction on topics such as appropriate style and effective delivery, theories of effective communication and clarity of expression, ideas and voice; and assessment of students’ communication skills through feedback by instructor and classmates.

Each Brandeis undergraduate entering in the fall of 2007 and thereafter must satisfactorily complete one writing-intensive and either a second writing-intensive or an oral communication course. Courses that satisfy the requirement in a particular semester are designated “oc” in the Schedule of Classes for that semester.

Courses of Instruction

AMST 102aj
Environment, Social Justice, and Empowerment

AMST 140b
The Asian American Experience

AMST 191b
Greening the Ivory Tower: Improving Environmental Sustainability of Brandeis and Community

ANTH 62a
Archaeology in Politics, Film and Public Culture

ANTH 182b
Applied Anthropology

BCHM 155b
Biochemistry Laboratory

BIOL 134b
Topics in Ecology

BISC 10aj

CBIO 101a
Chemical Biology

ED 102a
Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

ENG 60aj
Storytelling Performance

ENVS 89a
Environmental Internship

GER 103a
German Culture Through Film

HSSP 118b
Viewing Medicine and Health Policy Through the Lens of Literature

ITAL 128a
Mapping Modern Italian Culture: Inherited Conflicts

LGLS 10a
Introduction to Law

LGLS 89a
Law and Society Internship and Seminar

LGLS 130a
Conflict Analysis and Intervention

LGLS 132b
Environmental Law and Policy

LGLS 161b
Advocacy for Policy Change

LING 140a
Architecture of Conversation: Discourse and Pragmatics

LING 197a
Language Acquisition and Development

NPSY 174b
Visual Cognition

POL 89a
Political Science Internship

POL 136b
Social and Political Movements in Israel

POL 173a
U.S. Foreign Economic Policy

RUS 106b
Advanced Russian Language through Film

RUS 150b
Advanced Russian Language through 20th Century Literature

RUS 160b
Russian/Soviet Jews: Dual Identities in Text, Image and Music

SOC 117b
Sociology of Science, Technology, and Medicine

SOC 137a
Gender and the Life Course

SOC 169b
Issues in Sexuality

THA 15b
Public Speaking: The Art of Oral Communication

THA 15bj
Public Speaking

WMGS 105b
Feminisms: History, Theory, and Practice