Double-counting Restrictions
In the undergraduate curriculum, it is intended that courses will serve multiple purposes in a student's program. Specifically, students are encouraged to satisfy some general university requirements (for example, writing, oral communication, quantitative reasoning, non-Western and comparative studies and school distribution) in the context of completing a major or a minor.
Some majors, however, limit the degree of "double-counting" between and among majors and minors. Students pursuing double majors, or other combinations of majors and minors, are advised to consult with all appropriate undergraduate advisers to come to a mutually acceptable degree of overlap. Between and among general university requirements, the limitations on double-counting are as follows: The three-course foreign language sequence may not be applied toward the school distribution in the humanities. No single course in a student's program may satisfy both the quantitative reasoning requirement and the science component of the school distribution requirement. No course numbered in the 90s may apply toward general university requirements. Finally, a single course may be used toward school distribution in only one school.