The Obama administration and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Shai Feldman and Khalil Shikaki assess the president-elect's policy options in the Crown Center's latest Middle East Brief

WALTHAM, Mass.—What are the assets available to the incoming Obama administration for resolving or at least reducing the intensity of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? What liabilities and constraints will the next administration face and what opportunities might it attempt to exploit for this purpose?

The Crown Center's latest Middle East Brief, "Policy Options: The Obama Administration and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict," constitutes a first attempt by two experts—one Israeli, the other a Palestinian—to examine these assets and liabilities, these opportunities and constraints, and to evaluate the various options available to the next administration for solving or ameliorating the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Professor Shai Feldman is the Judith and Sidney Swartz Director of the Crown Center for Middle East Studies. Khalil Shikaki is the director of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research and a senior fellow at the Crown Center.

Download Feldman and Shikaki's brief (PDF)

The full Middle East Brief Series can be accessed on the Crown Center's Web site.

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