Crown Center explores the politics of education in the Middle East

Vincent Romani considers the prospects and problems in latest Middle East Brief

Vincent Romani

In the most recent Middle East Brief from the Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Vincent Romani explores the political problems posed by higher education for the Arab Middle East. After reviewing the main trends in higher education in the region, along with the principal locations and actors figuring in the current academic boom, the brief explains why higher education is a central issue in the Arab world and lays out the political background to these new academic dynamics. Finally, Romani assesses the main challenges facing higher education specifically in the Arab Gulf.

Vincent Romani is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Crown Center and holds a PhD from Paul Cézanne University, IREMAM (CNRS), Marseille, France.

Click here to download a PDF of the brief.

The full Middle East Brief Series can be accessed on the Crown Center's Web site.

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