Helpful Advice From a Student

  • The Arts Engagement team is here to help and SO delighted that you are sharing your ideas with us. 

  • Budget your time! Asked after the festival whether they wished they had had more time or more money, 82% of grant recipients last year said "more time."

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help from friends and mentors.

  • Make a schedule for yourself and just chip away at it every day. You got this!

  • As you write your application, choose your words carefully. Quickly done work can be misunderstood by the people who read your proposal.

  • Think big but be realistic.

  • This is YOUR work. How do YOU want to be remembered? What do YOU want people to know about YOU and YOUR work? Your gut won’t ever fail you, so go with it!

  • Even if it is a new experience for you, you should go for it. It was something that I hesitated on doing and was scared to do, but it was very rewarding at the end.