Lifespan Initiative on Healthy Aging

Faculty and Staff

Faculty affiliates of the Brandeis Lifespan Initiative on Healthy Aging (LIHA)

Name/Title Primary Affiliation Interests
Christine Bishop
Atran Professor of Labor Economics
Heller School for Social Policy and Management Health economics; economics of long-term care; economics of aging
Wendy Cadge
Professor of Sociology and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Sociology Religion and spirituality in relation to health and healing
Peter Conrad
Harry Coplan Professor of Social Sciences, Emeritus
Sociology Medicalization of aging and aging-related conditions

Jane Ebert Associate Professor of Marketing

Brandeis International Business School

Consumer judgment and decision-making; affect and emotion; temporal discounting; health promotion and timing
Janet Giele
Professor Emerita
Heller School for Social Policy and Management Women's changing roles; aging and life course; family policy
Margaret Gullette
Resident Scholar
Women's Studies Research Center Midlife; ageism; social construction of the midlife; cultural studies of aging
Angela Gutchess
Associate Professor of Psychology
Psychology/Neuroscience Age and cultural effects on memory and social processes; behavioral and neuroimaging methods
James Haber
Director & Abraham and Etta Goodman Professor of Biology
Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center Cell senescence; telomere maintenance
Margie Lachman
LIHA Director & Minnie and Harold Fierman Professor of Psychology
Psychology Social and behavioral determinants of health inequalities; memory aging; well-being in early and middle adulthood
Sarah Lamb
Professor of Anthropology
Anthropology Anthropology of aging; immigrant and transnational communities; South Asia
Blake LeBaron
Program Director & Abram L. and Thelma Sachar Professor
Brandeis International Business School Long range portfolio/wealth dynamics; retirement planning and decisions; Finance
Walter Leutz
Professor Emeritus
Heller School for Social Policy and Management Supportive services for healthy aging; Interdependence; empowerment
Lisa M. Lynch
Provost & Maurice B. Hexter Professor of Social and Economic Policy
Heller School for Social Policy and Management Labor economics; organizational innovation; applied microeconometrics
Michael Marr
Associate Professor of Biology
Biology Mechanisms of gene expression; longevity and health span
Tatjana Meschede
Senior Scientist and Lecturer
Heller School for Social Policy and Management Economic security and risk; housing
Gregory Petsko
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Chemistry
Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center Neurodegenerative diseases; Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases
Nicolas Rohleder
Associate Research Professor of Psychology
Psychology Stress exposure and cumulative organ damage; stress and accelerated aging
Robert Sekuler
Louis and Frances Salvage Professor of Psychology and Professor of Neuroscience
Psychology/Neuroscience Visual perception and memory; navigation of complex environments; age-related changes in cognitive function
Arthur Wingfield
Nancy Lurie Marks Professor Emeritus of Neuroscience
Psychology/Neuroscience Language, memory, and adult aging
Leslie Zebrowitz
Manuel Yellen Professor of Social Relations
Psychology Age-related stereotypes; social and neural mechanisms of trait impressions