Faculty and Staff
Faculty affiliates of the Brandeis Lifespan Initiative on Healthy Aging (LIHA)
Name/Title | Primary Affiliation | Interests |
Christine Bishop Atran Professor of Labor Economics |
Heller School for Social Policy and Management | Health economics; economics of long-term care; economics of aging |
Wendy Cadge Professor of Sociology and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies |
Sociology | Religion and spirituality in relation to health and healing |
Peter Conrad Harry Coplan Professor of Social Sciences, Emeritus |
Sociology | Medicalization of aging and aging-related conditions |
Jane Ebert Associate Professor of Marketing |
Brandeis International Business School |
Consumer judgment and decision-making; affect and emotion; temporal discounting; health promotion and timing |
Janet Giele Professor Emerita |
Heller School for Social Policy and Management | Women's changing roles; aging and life course; family policy |
Margaret Gullette Resident Scholar |
Women's Studies Research Center | Midlife; ageism; social construction of the midlife; cultural studies of aging |
Angela Gutchess Associate Professor of Psychology |
Psychology/Neuroscience | Age and cultural effects on memory and social processes; behavioral and neuroimaging methods |
James Haber Director & Abraham and Etta Goodman Professor of Biology |
Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center | Cell senescence; telomere maintenance |
Margie Lachman LIHA Director & Minnie and Harold Fierman Professor of Psychology |
Psychology | Social and behavioral determinants of health inequalities; memory aging; well-being in early and middle adulthood |
Sarah Lamb Professor of Anthropology |
Anthropology | Anthropology of aging; immigrant and transnational communities; South Asia |
Blake LeBaron Program Director & Abram L. and Thelma Sachar Professor |
Brandeis International Business School | Long range portfolio/wealth dynamics; retirement planning and decisions; Finance |
Walter Leutz Professor Emeritus |
Heller School for Social Policy and Management | Supportive services for healthy aging; Interdependence; empowerment |
Lisa M. Lynch Provost & Maurice B. Hexter Professor of Social and Economic Policy |
Heller School for Social Policy and Management | Labor economics; organizational innovation; applied microeconometrics |
Michael Marr Associate Professor of Biology |
Biology | Mechanisms of gene expression; longevity and health span |
Tatjana Meschede Senior Scientist and Lecturer |
Heller School for Social Policy and Management | Economic security and risk; housing |
Gregory Petsko Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Chemistry |
Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center | Neurodegenerative diseases; Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases |
Nicolas Rohleder Associate Research Professor of Psychology |
Psychology | Stress exposure and cumulative organ damage; stress and accelerated aging |
Robert Sekuler Louis and Frances Salvage Professor of Psychology and Professor of Neuroscience |
Psychology/Neuroscience | Visual perception and memory; navigation of complex environments; age-related changes in cognitive function |
Arthur Wingfield Nancy Lurie Marks Professor Emeritus of Neuroscience |
Psychology/Neuroscience | Language, memory, and adult aging |
Leslie Zebrowitz Manuel Yellen Professor of Social Relations |
Psychology | Age-related stereotypes; social and neural mechanisms of trait impressions |