Orla O'Brien's New Role

Jan. 12, 2017

Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues,

I write to announce the appointment of Orla O’Brien as Secretary of the University. In her new role as Secretary, Orla will be the staff point person for the board of trustees in its work with the senior administration and campus constituencies. She will work with board chair Larry Kanarek and me to plan the board meetings, prepare materials, and provide support to board members and administrative liaisons to trustee committees. Orla will also maintain all permanent records related to board deliberations, including official correspondences and minutes from committee meetings and plenary sessions.

With Orla’s new responsibilities, Rachel Daniels will be the primary contact in the president’s office. Rachel’s email address is radaniels@brandeis.edu.

The board of trustees and I appreciate Orla taking on these new responsibilities. Please join me in congratulating Orla on her promotion and new position.

