Management Council
Carmen Aguilar
Vice President, Rabb School of Continuing Studies
Meredith Ainbinder
Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to the President
LeManuel "Lee" Bitsóí
Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Carol A. Fierke
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Charles Golden
Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Anthropology; Social Sciences Division Head
Kathryn Graddy
Dean, Brandeis International Business School
Vincent Lim
Vice President, Financial & Strategic Initiatives
Maria Madison
Interim Dean of the Heller School for Social Policy and Management
Matthew Rushton
Assistant Vice President of Public Safety and Chief
Tarek Saghir
Chief Investment Officer
125 High Street, Second Floor, Oliver Tower, Boston, MA 02110
Harleen Singh
Senior Associate Provost for Faculty and Global Affairs
Samuel Solomon
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Niles Sorensen
Interim Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Lois Stanley
Vice President for Campus Planning and Operations
Robin Switzer
Vice President of Human Resources
Stewart Uretsky
Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
Jennifer Walker
Vice President of Enrollment Management