Semester Bill Due Dates
The first semester bill will be issued during July and payment will be due on or before Aug. 5, 2016.
The second semester bill will be issued during November and payment will be due on or before Jan. 2, 2017.
Tuition, Fees and Expenses
Financial Regulations
Payment of tuition and other fees is due on August 5, 2016, for the fall semester and January 2, 2017, for the spring semester. Any student with outstanding financial obligations will be denied the privileges of attending classes and using university facilities. Every student must satisfy his or her financial obligations in full to the university in order to receive certification of graduation. Official transcripts and certifications will be withheld until financial obligations to the university have been discharged.
Failure to discharge financial obligations includes, but is not limited to, an overdue balance with the university or the delinquency of a borrower in repaying a loan administered by the Office of Student Financial Services and the inability of that office to collect such a loan because the borrower has discharged the indebtedness through bankruptcy proceedings.
A student who defaults in the payment of indebtedness to the university shall be subject to suspension, dismissal and refusal of a transfer of credits or issuance of an official transcript. Brandeis University may refer delinquent accounts to a collection agency. Students are responsible for paying the collection agency fee, which may be based on a percentage at a maximumof 40 percent of any delinquent account, together with all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, necessary for the collection of any delinquent account. Delinquent accounts may be reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus.
Every student is required to complete a Financial Responsibility Agreement at least once each academic year. Any student who fails to complete this agreement prior to the start of classes will be denied the privileges of attending classes and using university facilities.
Application, Matriculation, and New Student Fees
Each application for first-year or transfer admission must be accompanied by a fee of $75. All application fees are nonrefundable and cannot be credited toward other fees.
A university deposit of $500 must be paid by each candidate upon notification of acceptance. This deposit confirms each candidate's intention to begin studies at Brandeis.
The university deposit is not deducted from the first semester's charges. The deposit will be held in reserve for possible future punitive charges posted to a student's account, (i.e. unpaid parking fines, unpaid library fines, residence hall damage, returned check fees, etc.).
The statement of account mailed and/or the student account update emailed by the Office of Student Financial Services will reflect any transactions charged and paid for by the deposit. At the start of each academic year, the deposit will be replenished to the original amount. Any amount used to pay the prior year's punitive charges will appear on the fall semester bill and will be due by the published fall due date.
When the student graduates or withdraws from the university, any unused portion of the deposit will be refunded to the student. If a student decides not to enroll at Brandeis, the deposit will be forfeited.
All new students are charged a mandatory $325 new student fee, which is nonrefundable.
The undergraduate tuition fee for 2016-2017 is $49,586 and the fee for each semester course required for degree credit is $6,198 ($1,550 per credit, per term). Library privileges and use of athletic facilities for the academic year are included in the full tuition fee.
Students who return to the university after withdrawing will pay the prevailing tuition and other fees. In view of the constantly increasing costs of education, students may expect tuition increases during their academic careers.
Financial Implications of Course Load Variation
Starting fall 2013, students enrolled in more than 23 credits will be assessed an additional tuition charge of $1,550 per credit. Charges are not reduced, or refunds applied, for course loads below the normal rate of work.
Room and Board Fee
The total charges for a standard residence hall room (double-occupancy) and a 12-meal per week board contract for the 2016-2017 academic year are $14,224. Other meal contract options are available.
For upperclass students, other living accommodations are available at annual rates ranging up to $3,440 more than the standard residence hall room (double-occupancy) rate of $8,060.
Students residing in residence hall rooms must sign room licenses and board contracts binding for the full academic year. If a student has a room change and is placed in an area which does not require a board plan, and wishes not to have a board plan, the student must be in contact with the campus card office.
Nonresident students may eat in the university dining halls on a cash basis.
Transcript Fee
Current and former students should request official transcripts of their records from the Office of the University Registrar. At this time, students can order official paper transcripts free of charge. Brandeis University has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse to allow current and former students to obtain official electronic transcripts to be sent to themselves or a third party in a secure manner. The fee for an electronic transcript is $2.25 - $4.00. This fee is payable directly to the National Student Clearinghouse. Official transcripts will be issued only to those students whose financial records with the university are in order.
Other Fees
The following are other required annual fees for 2016-2017:
1. Mandatory Undergraduate Fee, $1,659. The Undergraduate Fee is a mandatory charge for all matriculating undergraduate students.
2. Undergraduate Student Health Insurance Plan, $1,686 (estimated single coverage). Health insurance is mandatory in Massachusetts for students enrolled at three-quarter time or greater, unless proof of other sufficient coverage is provided. The full annual premium is charged in the fall semester for those students attending for the full academic year. Single semester premiums are available for students only attending one semester within an academic year if selected at the time of enrollment.
3. Processing Fee (all undergraduate international students who entered the University after spring 2013), $375. The Processing Fee is mandatory a fee charged to all international undergraduate students.
There are other university fees that a student may incur for specific services or failure to meet commitments. These fees include but are not limited to the following for 2016-2017:
1. Laboratory fees, $40-$150.
2. Studio fees, $40-$150.
3. Medical school application processing fee, $100.
4. Monthly payment plan fee, $80 (full year) or $55 (one semester).
5. Parking fees, $60, $120, or $250.
6. Returned check fee, $25.
7. International health and accident insurance, mandatory for students participating in study abroad programs, $36 per month, if required.
8. Late fee. A late fee will be assessed to all student accounts with outstanding balances after the stated due date. The amount of the late fee will be $100, or 2 percent of the outstanding balance, whichever is greater.
9. Senior program fee: $50. The Senior Program Fee is mandatory charged to all seniors expected to graduate within the semester, and supports all graduation related expenses.