Become a SciComm Lab Fellow
Are you excited about science communication? Do you regularly work with friends and labmates to improve their presentations, papers, or fellowship applications? SciComm Lab Fellows are Brandeis graduate students and postdocs who have demonstrated exceptional communication skills in their primary roles as scientific researchers. Fellows receive on-going training and mentoring necessary to coach clients through a multitude of communication needs.
As a SciComm Lab Fellow, you will:
- Work fewer than 5 hours/week for the SciComm Lab
- Be paid $18/hour for any SciComm Lab-related work
- Participate in monthly training sessions
- Receive regular feedback on your coaching and communication methods
- Design and develop resources and workshops on communication topics that interest you
If you are interested in becoming a fellow, please contact the SciComm Lab Director, Dr. Anahita Zare. We require all accepted Communication Fellows to receive permission from their PI before joining the team.
…During the [senior scientist industry job] interview, I was asked about the SciComm Lab in particular from some of the researchers. They thought it was such an amazing idea and wished they had something like that during their time in school. Also, they equated my time in the SciComm Lab to mean I had more experience in mentoring and working with others, which would be a big part of the position. I think it really helped me stand out to get the job.” -Former 2017-19 SciComm Lab Fellow
“I am so happy that I had the opportunity to join the SciComm Lab as a fellow. I chose to work with the SciComm Lab for two primary reasons: First, I wanted to help people develop their skills in science communication by sharing my own experiences and training. Second, I wanted to get more training and experience mentoring a broad cohort of scientists working on diverse projects. While I can only hope I’ve helped others, I know for sure that my many wonderful interactions with the incredibly engaged and intelligent undergrads, grad students, and postdocs here has truly helped me expand my abilities as an educator and communicator. I’ve also learned quite a bit more about science communication along the way, thanks to all the hard work Anique does to ensure that we have all of the skills and resources necessary to do a great job as fellows. She’s a fantastic mentor who has fostered a amazingly creative and collaborative space for us all to develop, and I’m so glad to be part of the team!” - 2017-18 SciComm Lab Fellow