Meet Our Members

How long have you been a member?
About seven years.
What moved you to join BOLLI?
BOLLI was recommended to me. The courses sounded very interesting and I like to take classes outside my comfort area.
Favorite BOLLI class or event?
Most recently I’ve loved Marilyn Brooks’ "Whodunit" mystery classes. Now I’m a mystery fan. There was a wonderful course I took on masks. A lot of it was cultural anthropology.
What would you say to someone thinking about joining BOLLI?
Well first of all, you’re going to encounter a lot of people for whom learning is a pleasure. It expands your horizons and engages your interests and I think helps with mental acuity.

How long have you been a member?
This is my third year.
What moved you to join BOLLI?
It was learning for learning's sake and getting to do it with people who were lively and engaged and had a variety of life experiences. Also, the chance to engage with topics that in the hubbub of the busiest years of your life you don’t always have the time to engage with.
Favorite BOLLI class?
Gil Harel’s lecture series, “The Evolution of Keyboard Music.” I love Gil because he’s so knowledgeable about a broad range of musical genres and musical history. He’s so enthusiastic and he has a very keen and sometimes zany sense of humor. The other one is a class I took with Diane Winkleman called “Looking Together: Art in the Company of Artists, Curators, and Fellow Classmates.” Diane creates a very welcoming environment. The group of people was a fascinating group with a lot of insights and lots of intelligence but also the ability to laugh at things so that we could enjoy things without being too ponderous.
What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining BOLLI?
I would say it's definitely a worthwhile and invigorating experience. I would definitely encourage people to get involved.

How long have you been a member?
I’m just finishing 20 years. I started in January 2004.
What moved you to join BOLLI?
I was beginning to plan my retirement and I started by taking just one course. BOLLI led me to become very involved with the University itself. I’m now a member of the Brandeis National Committee and I’m a University Fellow. Even as a non-graduate, I attend many functions on campus.
Favorite BOLLI class?
I taught 15 courses in history or geopolitics. Generally speaking, that’s also the type of course I like to take but I’ve been trying to branch out with art and music. My best learning opportunities have been the art courses led by Nancy Alimansky.
What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining BOLLI?
Take full advantage of the offerings including the lecture series and seminars in the winter and summer. They are well worth the money.

How long have you been a member?
I joined quite a while ago. Probably 20 years ago.
What moved you to join BOLLI?
Some of my friends were joining. I had retired about 5 years earlier. It seemed like a good place to be and a way to keep my mind active.
Favorite BOLLI class?
Well first of all, it was just being able to choose things that I had never studied in college. I was a science major, so at BOLLI I took classes in dance, history of jazz, etc. I like the science classes too because I have a basic background to rely on. I really liked classes about the environment and water geo-politics.
What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining BOLLI?
It’s a stimulating community, it’s a friendly place, it keeps your brain active, and there are a lot of special interest groups. I especially love the Arts and Culture Excursions special interest group. There’s a lot to learn and do.