Center for Teaching and Learning

Nov. 10, 2020

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) advocates, enacts, and seeks to model antiracist, equitable teaching practices that are evidence-based. Since early 2019, CTL’s homepage, communications and materials demonstrate this mission:


The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) supports the teaching success of all members of the Brandeis community who educate Brandeis students. We promote teaching practices that advance Brandeis' mission as an institution founded on principles of access and social justice, and that are grounded in research on:

  • how students learn in college
  • equitable teaching/learning practices that reduce systemic inequities in education
  • faculty achievement in higher education contexts.

We invite all members of the Brandeis teaching community to take advantage of CTL services and programs as a piece of their own ongoing faculty development and an affirmation of our commitment to increasingly equitable and inclusive teaching/learning and research experiences that benefit students and society.

Plans for Additional Antiracist Work at the CTL

  • Provost’s Teaching Innovation Grants – The November 2020 call for proposals for 2020-2021 Provost’s Teaching Innovation Grants will focus primarily on antiracist pedagogies and on teaching strategies that support the success of black students and other underserved students (including ethnically underrepresented, first-generation, low-income, LGBTQIA, and students with accommodations).
  • Antiracist Pedagogies Group will welcome all Brandeis teaching community members who wish to review and explore antiracist pedagogies, gather and share effective Brandeis examples, and conduct scholarship of teaching and learning (perhaps through observing class meetings or videotaped classes to determine how frequently the Nine Practices that Reduce Inequity in a Partially Online Context are used in Brandeis class meetings in the 2020-2021 academic year. The CTL will engage the following CTL Partners in supporting this group: Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Brandeis Counseling Services, Student Accessibility Services, International Students and Scholars Office, Intercultural Center and the Library.)
  • Assessment of online learning and equity project in collaboration with Institutional Research and the Senior Associate Provost for Academic Affairs will use surveys of students and faculty to pursue the following goals:
    1. Identify our successes in fall 2020 relative to “pre” measures on inclusion, anti-racism, wellness (ACHA), and learning
      1. Share this within our community, including teaching/learning exemplars featured on CTL website
      2. Share beyond our community via SoTL publications, presentations
    2. Identify most critical areas of need/improvement to address.