Center for Teaching and Learning
Anti-Racism Plan Framework
Promote equitable and anti-racist teaching/learning practices that reduce systemic inequities in education.
Resources to address needs
CTL staff, scholars, partners and student workers (grad and undergrad).
Provost's Teaching Innovation Grants.
Professional development of staff.
Additional postdoc or staff assistant director position (with expertise in scholarship of teaching and learning support and STEM expertise).
Compile external research on anti-racist, equitable teaching and learning.
Conduct internal and external research, including research with evidence-based equitable practices in large-enrollment introductory undergraduate courses.
Share strategies (from research) with faculty.
Recognize, value and share equitable teaching and learning practices through awards.
Incentivize equitable teaching research by Brandeis faculty, staff and students with grants, release time, awards.
Reduce racism/bias in evaluation of teaching by following evidence-based leading practices, including:
Reduced impact of evaluation "scores" on promotion and merit raise decisions.
Shifting function to formative vs. summative.
Additional means of evaluation.
Shifting focus of survey questions to student learning vs. teacher characteristics.
- Contribute new research and information about the most effective Brandeis practices for anti-racist, equitable teaching and learning.
Committee on Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Graduate student assistants.
Deans and chairs of departments, centers and programs.
Vice provost of research.
Institutional Research.
Office of Development.
By December 2022, accountability data (if available) used to analyze %DFW, mean grades, persistence rates of BIPOC students vs. all students, across disciplines, especially STEM where BIPOC students are most at risk.
By May 2022, CTL collaborates with one-fifth of all departments, centers and programs to plan anti-racist teaching support (Example: CTL and Physics Department DRAFT plan) for:
All entering new faculty/instructors via new-faculty orientation and follow-up workshops that offer evidence-based anti-racist teaching practices.
Existing faculty/instructors via an annual department/staff meeting discussion about traditions and innovations of teaching in the discipline.
Over five years, the collaboration increases one-fifth per year to include all departments, centers and programs.
Provost's Teaching Innovation Grant posters indicate how the work supported equity and anti-racism, specifically with quantitative and qualitative data about students' learning experiences, along with teaching material examples.
CTL to commit staff time to data analysis for Brandeis staff and faculty publications about teaching/learning equity and the academic success of BIPOC students:
In 2021-22 academic year, this includes existing staff at 5-10 hours/week.
In 2022-23 academic year, a new postdoc position supports this work at 10-17 hours per week.
In 2023-24 academic year, a permanent staff position supports this work at 17 or more hours per week.
By May 2022, CTL will establish, with campus partners, an Inclusive and Equitable Teaching Award with a monetary value of at least $2,000 to demonstrate the relative importance of the award as compared with leading Brandeis teaching awards.
By May 2022, the center will begin working with Brandeis development partners to identify a donor to name and support this award in future years.
Contribute to equitable support for the teaching success of every person who educates Brandeis students from underserved faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students and staff.
Resources to address needs
Continued collaboration with Student Affairs, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Data from the Office of the Registrar, Institutional Research, and the Office of Human Resources.
Undergraduate and graduate students serving on teaching award selection committees will be paid for their work.
Contribute teaching support programs and services to orientations, mentoring and learning communities for cohorts of faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, with attention to underserved members of those cohorts.
Increase programming/support for graduate student teachers including online training, live 2x annual orientations, discipline-specific teaching preparation, use of leading teaching practices, possible badging program, nonacademic career preparation.
Reduce racism/bias in evaluation of teaching by following evidence-based leading practices including:
Reduced impact of evaluation "scores" on promotion decisions.
Shifting function to formative vs. summative.
Develop additional means of evaluation, shifting focus of survey questions to student learning vs. teacher characteristics.
Teaching grants.
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Office of the President.
Division of Student Affairs.
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Office of the University Registrar.
Office of Institutional Research.
Office of Human Resources.
Vice Provost of Research.
By May 2022, establish initial targeted teaching/mentoring support programs for faculty, staff, graduate students and undergraduate students with teaching roles not previously receiving CTL teaching support.
Assess and improve this support based on:
Qualitative feedback from participants.
Quantitative measures from Workday to identify more people with Brandeis teaching roles to be contacted.
CTL will recommend updated, evidence-based practices to reduce racism and bias in the evaluation of teaching every semester to those who control the formal and informal evaluation of teaching at Brandeis: provost, faculty senate, deans, directors, chairs, mentors of staff and students who teach.
CTL will contribute to pilot and experimental efforts to reduce racism and bias in the evaluation of teaching by integrating those practices into coaching/mentoring practices used by CTL scholars in their confidential informal mentoring of Brandeis teachers.
Beginning July 2021, undergraduate and graduate students who serve on selection committees for teaching awards will be paid for their work.
Support campus-wide anti-racism plans by addressing emerging teaching/learning needs that campus colleagues identify.
Resources to address needs
Student representatives on the Committee on Teaching, Learning and Assessment.
Trained CTL student observers.
Data from internal and external surveys of faculty and students (COACHE, NSSE, FSSE) that addresses teaching development.
Advisory Board (CTL Scholars) includes 40-plus% BIPOC faculty.
Student workers trained as observers of teaching include BIPOC students.
Expert panels.
Compile research on evidence-based teaching/learning strategies that incorporate Universal Design practices that equitably benefit underserved, at-risk and BIPOC teachers and students.
Brandeis Counseling Center.
Prevention, Advocacy and Resource Center.
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Division of Student Affairs.
Faculty Affairs.
Student Accessibility Support
Media Technology Services.
Committee on Teaching, Learning and Assessment.
CTL's assessment practices will invite semesterly and real-time multimodal feedback from all participants (polls, surveys, conversations, written reflections). Examples include:
Written and oral feedback from the Brandeis teaching community.
Interview feedback from CTL visits to departments, programs and schools.
CTL collaborates with campus partners to co-host resources and events that address emerging needs around anti-racism education and anti-racist, equitable teaching/learning practices.
In addition to existing workshops, CTL with co-sponsor an annual Inclusive Teaching Institute with campus co-hosts, beginning spring 2021.
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