Care Team

Dec. 2, 2021

Black Action Plan 2020

The Care Team realizes that all cases we encounter are unique.

  • We approach each case with an established process and a three-pronged overall theme:

    • Address the distress.

    • Assess the matter.

    • Support success by connecting students to resources.

  • As a staff/team, we will continue to educate ourselves on resources available to the BIPOC community for ourselves and our students.


Wellness Checks

The Brandeis University Care Team recently reviewed its Wellness Check process and procedures to ensure that our matrix meets the needs of our community.

  • Goals explored:
    • Monitor the number of times we (Staff, Community) request wellness checks; and as a result request and require that the Community Living staff enters into a student's residence to conduct a wellness check.

    • Help students recognize that a wellness check indicates that concern for their health and well-being is high - and therefore emergent.

  • Overall goal to provide care for our students in times of concern.

Anti-Racism Plan Framework